As I wrote in another post, you cannot assume your blog readers know how to use RSS.
Even though you’re comfortable with it, the majority of web surfers simply don’t understand it.
So if you use Feedburner, make sure you also offer the “Subscribe by Email” feature in addition to your RSS feed.
This will allow people to subscribe to your blog with a more conventional, recognizable method.
Now, I personally think RSS is the best thing since sliced bread, but it’s not for everyone.
I have to admit. I just recently added the email feature myself. A lady was kind enough to suggest this on one of my posts.
To be honest, I’m not sure why I didn’t offer it at first.
I guess I just assumed my explanation of RSS would be enough. Apparently it wasn’t. Here’s a perfect example…
Read this comment posted by Bill last month.
I gotta say, Bill’s comment made me chuckle a bit, but he represents a lot of Web surfers today.
When I did add Feedburner’s email subscribe feature I immediately gained 200 subscribers in a couple of weeks.
More proof my audience is still not very comfortable with RSS. It took me much longer to gain 200 subscribers through my regular feed.
Unless you’re sure your audience understands how to use RSS, make sure you offer the Email Subscribe feature.
Of course you need FeedBurner’s service to do this. It’s completely free and easy to setup. You can export the email addresses to a local file if you wish. Plus, FeedBurner reports your subscriber stats.
And if you aren’t using FeedBurner and/or don’t plan on it, at least put a text link near your RSS feed explaining what RSS is and how to use it.
Remember, know your audience.
please just starting please need to be guided on creating and gaining in blog
Yep, I prefer to use Google Reader for my RSS feeds – so much easier than visiting 25-50 blogs a day to see if they’ve updated anything!
I use Blogger for my sites and they provide easy integration for people to subscribe by both RSS & email using Feedburner.
Hello Lisa!
I’m here again as I had said on my previous comment that I do like your sites cos it really gives me plenty of benefits as I’m a newbie in this kind of marketing. Your point of view is relevant to every reader just like I do. I admire the way you attract people to read your post. Keep up the good work Lis.
As a new blogger I found this very interesting and am still learning lots everyday.
Had not heard about feedburner but will be looking at adding it, also the RSS feed.
Many thanks
Great article, however i must say, after reading Bill’s comment i am 99% positive that he was Trolling.
Very nice post and helpful as always.. you always have great quality content Lisa. There’s always plenty of useful information from your blog especially for Blogging for Newbies
how can i add feebburner logo to my site ? feebburner reader button ?
.-= Tanha Karim´s last blog … Public Sector Invites Applications from pakistani National =-.
If you use WordPRess and you don’t want to use Feedburner to offer mail subscriptions, there is a plugin for that:
.-= Daniduc´s last blog … Foto do dia: 14/07/09 – Keukenhof e flores para uma flor =-.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks, I don’t know what happened, but I am now seeing it to! Thanks!
Hi Kirk
When I went to your feed I was able to subscribe to it with my browser just like mine and I saw your recent posts in my reader.
I may be a little dumb for asking, but I can’t seem to figure out feedburner. I bought FeedForAll after you did a post on it. I published the feed to my site, and have also, signed up for FeedBurner, but when I go to my feed burner address, it only shows up in the original xml format. Like, it shows up with feedburner, but when I go to mine it just shows the original xml format. Am I doing something wrong?
Also, Thanks for all the very useful tips you give!! any insight would be great!!!! Thanks Lisa!
Lisa- Great advice as always…I’m off to try Feedburner myself… Thanks a million for EVERYTHING!
I have been telling myself to add the e-mail subscriber form on my blog.
I think I’ll do that, because I was thinking along the same lines as you: does the average visitor know what to do with the RSS feed, and how to incorporate that into a reader?
great post as usual. honestly speaking i learned about rss from ur site.
if u put custom icon from popular web aggregators like my yahoo,google,bloglines etc…that way u can also get more subscriber. what u think??????