Need help deciding the best color scheme for your site? Use my new hex color picker to generate a 4-color scheme for your design. Simply enter your main color and let the tool do the rest.
Filed Under: Design 4 Comments
Need help deciding the best color scheme for your site? Use my new hex color picker to generate a 4-color scheme for your design. Simply enter your main color and let the tool do the rest.
still better lisa, i landed up on this post while going through you post of email strategy…
i am yet to go so far… keep posting for us…
No worries, Lisa, I understand about the bots.
Interestingly, as I was thinking about why I wanted to comment on your opinion of the “meat” in this post, I realized that my brain was processing two concepts and sorta crossed them up.
On the one hand, short-to-the-point is GREAT for email. On the other, newbies love all tips.
I think I misapplied the email goodness to the post. The reason for that is the format of your email! You see, we get short, to-the-point snippets of what is waiting behind the link. That saves valuable time, if we choose to judge your posts by title alone 🙂
Hi again, Lisa. (I finally get what Ileane was saying about the calculator… 🙂 You’re making us work, aren’t you?)
Contrary to your chagrin in the Email Strategy post, you should not have worried about the shortness or apparent triviality of this Color Scheme Generator.
Because this is a Website creation blog and, because doing color is such a big part of that process, I believe that this post would have been received with delight. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve Googled “web safe colors” or “RGB converters”. I can tell you that I have a couple of bookmarks that I can’t live without: (Unlinked to avoid spam filter):
h t t p://
h t t p ://
Either one will let you play with colors. ColorPicker has a more technical user interface and lets you pick schemes, as yours does. Colrd only seems to show similar colors, though it does have a cute eyeball icon…try it!
Anyway, your audience is most likely new to many aspects of web design. ANY tips like this short and to-the-point post should be happily received.
Thanks Mitch! Ugh, sorry for the calculator. Spambots were literally taking my site down (on a DEDICATED server!) so I had to install the CAPTCHA. I didn’t want to but it was a must.
Good point on the hex color post, but I guess I have a higher bar set for my posts now and even if I were to do a short post like that today, I’d probably add more meat to it. But that’s just me I guess. Maybe I’m being too hard on myself.
Thanks so much for commenting, despite the mathematics required! lol