is offering free e-Book software (Windows users only) to anyone who purchases from their website.
All you do is create your book on your computer using your favorite program, (Microsoft Word, Notepad, or even an HTML editor) and tell the software where your files are located.
Within seconds, your book is compiled into an .exe file that you can upload to your server and it’s ready for your visitors to download. You can even set it up so a password is required to open it.
I’ve actually used the software and it’s not as cheesy as I thought it would be. (You know how some of those freebies are!) Sure, it doesn’t have a lot of the bells and whistles that a non-free program like eBook Edit Pro would have, but you can still create a very presentable e-Book with this software.
Special Tip: The link to the free download is located on the order confirmation page, so don’t miss it!
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