I just received an e-mail from a gentleman desperate to find something to do online so he could quit his job that he hates so much.
He asked me how long it took me to make a full time living online and I got the impression he would do anything to get rich on the Net.
First of all, I really hate the “How long did it take you to make money online?” question because people often use that as a benchmark for their own success.
And because there are so many factors that determine how successful you will be and how long it will take, that is a very difficult question to answer.
I receive a lot of desperation e-mails from people who would do anything to make money online but unfortunately the desperate people generally usually have the hardest time finding success.
Because money is their only motivation and they focus so hard on the “how-do-I-get-rich” part that they forget this is a job and you have to enjoy yourself in the process.
I remember when I was only making $30 per month, I still worked on my sites 20-30 hours per week reading and learning because I enjoyed the concept of Internet Marketing.
Even though I wasn’t making a lot of money, I saw the potential and I still loved to write and help others with my websites.
Making money online is not about copying someone else’s idea or getting rich quick. It’s about understanding that you have to treat this like a business. You need a plan.
1) Who are you going to target?
2) What are you going to do with your site to attract that audience?
3) What kind of products are you going to offer?
4) If you plan to join affiliate programs, which ones are the best for your site and how are you going to promote them?
5) How much do you have to invest because starting a business does require money, even if it’s just for hosting your websites. Please don’t expect to make money hosting your site at a free host. It’s a joke.
6) Are you good at writing to communicate and/or sell? If not, do you plan to get someone to help you?
People who are making money out here, didn’t do it by luck. It’s all marketing just like any offline business. It’s time people start taking Internet businesses more seriously and understanding that it’s more than just putting up a website. You really do need to…
1) Establish a plan
2) Understand that this is a business
And last but not least…
3) Enjoy yourself.
I know that money is not every thing, God first, then your business, but i need money to take care of my family, my parents, my brothers and sisters, they poor and they needy, they less privilage and my negbours. Please help me to make it. Thank you.