It’s wonderful to receive all the e-mails from the people my site has helped over the last 5 1/2 years. But of course, with praise always comes criticism from my er… “fans?” 🙂
I met a new “fan” today.
Apparantely this gentleman had a problem with my site because it’s very limited in its teachings. Since I don’t go into details on ColdFusion, XHTML, XML and many more of the advanced languages that are used for website building, that seemed to be a big problem for him.
I guess he failed to recognize not everyone who wants a website wants to become a programmer or learn a bunch of languages. Some people just want to get their site up quickly and be able to manage it without having to take a course in XML 101.
Don’t get me wrong. You can do a ton of powerful things on a website if you want to take the time to go beyond HTML and CSS. And if that’s what you want to do, I encourage you to do that!
Fortunately for me, though, you don’t need to learn all those languages to make a living online. I prefer to spend my time learning how to market, write and build relationships with my visitors. These are the techniques that have helped me succeed over the years, and what I choose to focus on.
So how did I respond to Mr. Anonymous?
Well, I didn’t bother to go into how much traffic my sites receive and how I make a living online. After all that wouldn’t have impressed him anyway since my site is too simplistic, right? Surely a site as horrible as mine can’t bring in any financial success. So what would have been the point?
As the Web continues to mature there will continue to be more and more developments in Web languages that will help people make their sites even more powerful. I think that’s great for those who want to learn.
But thank goodness there will always be those people like me who prefer to keep it simple and focus on other aspects like generating revenue from affiliate programs, etc.
One of the keys to being successful online is to write about the topics that interest you. Programming in general has never interested me, but copywriting and online marketing has. That’s why has always focused more on these topics and less on the former.
And guess what, Mr. Anonymous…
I have no plans to change that anytime soon.
Hi Lisa,
Im a webmaster, a hard-code web developer, from design, to develpment, to database.. etc.. I can build powerful dynamic database oriented websites.. But I tell you.. Im still learning a lot from you.
Because you don’t literally teach how to create a website technically.
Instead, You teach how to create a ‘better life’ thru websites.
Some people are just turning stupid because of envy.
More Power Lis!
The beauty of the Internet and having your own website or blog is that you are free to be free, to express yourself as you see fit.
If someone doesn’t like it they can choose not to visit your site or get their own.
Imagine what the Internet would be like if only those who thought they were the best of the best controlled it, or groups who only had a single point of view….Stiff, Stale and little-used…
“The proof is in the pudding…or in your case the traffic”