Mel Ann and Tim of the Australian AdSense team put together a nice video (below) to help you optimize your AdSense earnings.
While some of the information in the video is common knowledge to most publishers, there are also some very useful tips.
Create Channels
Pay close attention to the part about creating channels so you can track and compare different ad units.
Most people don’t do this. They just create different sized ad units and slap them all over their pages, then focus on their overall earnings without tracking the results of each unit.
However, when you learn which ad units perform the best, you can maximize your earnings from the program.
Blend, Blend, Blend
I was also glad they pointed out that blending the ad background with your site’s background has proven to generate higher click-thru rates.
Many people still think it’s best to make the ads stand out by using outlandish or contrasting backgrounds. Mel Ann and Tim explain that it’s best to make the ads look as if they are part of your content.
So without further ado, watch the video below to learn how to maximize your earnings from AdSense…
i have a classifieds website, i’d include some google ads, but the money i’m earning by clicks, is not much.
the money return is very slow in this bussiness.
i0m agree if you have a lot of traffic into your website, money for clicks in ads will be better…
Bye !
i think it’s is possible to get money just for clicking ads, but i’m not sure if views contribute to get money in the same campaign.
whatever, if you have a lot of traffic in your website, ads clics will get automatically.
Best regards
i would like to know if you can get more money by clicking or by views of the ads?
what happen if i have more views than clicks ?
i’m new in this bussiness
Best regards Lisa,
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for providing this video. Channels certainly give webmasters a better understanding of how our Google AdSense ads are performing, how to make optimisation decisions, and subsequently, how to increase revenue.
Channels really works especially if you want to track the performance of your ads. However, this may take more time but still very rewarding in the end. Nice post you have here.
.-= Last Days Call´s last blog … The Wise Men From the East =-.
I get about 1500 visits a day on my blog is this a low,average or high number? How can I maximize my ad potential what would be the best way?
Thank you in advance
G West.
.-= Giovanni´s last blog … RECAP FOR WED. AUG. 26TH , 2009 =-.
I have created a website, could anyone help me that whether i have placed my ads on a right places ?
please suggest any one
hi lisa,i see on my adsense account you can pick channels but i have no
idea how they work and what i must do to make them work .
if you could help it would be great.
I have had great success by keeping a real close watch on which of my web pages are getting traffic. Then I try some different ad arrangements and styles. Usually within a couple of days I will see if the changes are producing adsense revenue.
I really enjoyed reading all about your web experience, Site Build It and how adsense truly can work for you. Thanks for sharing!
great information and a super blog. I need to read some more of your video posts and hey, congrats on the 5 figure mark. I came to know from your comment on
Please take a look at my money making tools blog when you get a chance. Infact. i’m goin to blogroll you 🙂
yup blending the ads to make look like the part of your content can increase the CTR, thanks for the video 🙂
Thanks Lisa, they made a couple of points I hadn’t considered before. I can use some help with my CTR.
great thank you very good information video for webmasters
Govindji Patel
Thank you Lisa! Glad I subscribed to your blog by RSS 😀
R.J., a very good plan indeed. 🙂
I’m not gonna bother much with tracking until I get more traffic.;)