Build a better blog by avoiding these common mistakes…
1. No Focus
More is not always better — especially when it comes to topics on a blog.
I know it may be tempting to target everyone with multiple subjects, but when you do this, you end up alienating everyone because your focus is unclear.
Find one topic you enjoy talking about and stick to it. Avoid creating a blog flea market.
Note:ย Personal blogs can get away with this, but if you are trying to make money from a blog, it’s best to choose a niche.
2. Expecting Too Much Too Soon
If you check Technorati (a site that ranks blogs), you’ll find that the top ranked blogs are at least 3 years old (on average).
Most bloggers don’t see much traffic or revenue in their first 6 months to a year, so don’t panic if things are slow-going right now. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a successful blog.
Even though blogs are easier to launch (compared to a website), it still takes time to build traffic so keep your expectations in check.
3. Social Bookmarking Icon Overload
Unless you know your audience is familiar with multiple social bookmarking sites, there is no need to waste space on your blog with 4,346 social networking icons splattered across your template.
Even today, the average person doesn’t know what most of those icons mean, and those that do, don’t use them anyway.
Ask 10 people in your friend or family circle if they know what Reddit is, and patiently await the blank stares. ๐
It’s OK to display the more popular icons (Digg, StumbleUpon, etc.) but taking up valuable space with a string of icons, is more of a distraction than a useful add-on to your blog.
If you feel the need to display them, use ShareThis. At least they consolidate the icons behind a compact button and don’t create a confusing sea of icons that most people will ignore anyway.
4. Too Many Ads
One surefire way to spot a desperate blogger is to look at the ratio of ads to content. My favorite is the blog that makes you scroll through half a page of ads before you get to the main content. ๐
The steps to making money online have always been the same and will never change…
1) Build useful content
2) Attract targeted traffic
3) Monetize the traffic with ads, affiliate programs, etc.
Notice the order of the list. That’s the ONLY way it will ever work. Unfortunately too many people follow those steps in reverse order. They start with #3, then work on #2 and finally put the least amount of effort into #1.
If making money becomes more of a priority than building quality content, then your blog will become evident of that, and will hurt your credibility tremendously.
Limit your ads — especially in the early stages.
5. No Domain Name
Domain names are too cheap for you not to have one. If you want your visitors and other bloggers to take you seriously, secure your own piece of real estate on the Web. Period.
6. No Design Customization
You don’t have to be a technical genius to customize your blog. Yes, it takes a bit of work and there is a learning curve, but you should give your blog a fresh look to help establish its own brand and identity.
If developing a custom design feels overwhelming, just start with customizing your header and then go from there.
If you’re a Blogger user, Blogger Buster has some helpful advice and templates. For WordPress users, check the WordPress Codex. They have an entire section on customizing various parts of your blog.
If you need assistance developing a design for your blog, you may want to hire someone from a site like RentaCoder. Or you can post a request in popular Webmaster forums like Digital Point or ABestWeb.
Someone told me the other day that they immediately devalue any blog that is using a standard, non-customized Blogger or WordPress template.
We all know there are some good blogs out there that use the standard templates, but I would be naive if I believed he is the only person who does that. First impressions are huge.
Note: WordPress users may be able to get away with using non-customized standard templates because there are many more to choose from (compared to Blogger). However, you should still take the time to customize some elements no matter which platform you choose.
7. Blogging For the Sake of Blogging
When I first started blogging in 2006, I was guilty of this. I didn’t really take blogging seriously at the time, and would post something just because it had been a while since my last entry.
The post was usually a re-write of something already on my website or some topic that had been covered numerous times by other blogs or websites. I would just re-write it in my own words.
Yes, it’s important to maintain a consistent blogging schedule, but that doesn’t mean to publish low-quality content just because it’s been too long since your last post.
It’s much better to wait until you have something useful to say, rather than wasting your reader’s time with a thoughtless post.
Before publishing a new post, ask yourself the following questions…
1) What’s the purpose of this post? (Sell a Product? Build credibility? Educate? Entertain? Offer a unique perspective on something?)
2) Based on what I know about my audience, how will this post benefit them specifically?
3) Has this topic been overdone by too many other bloggers, and if so, what can I add to make it more unique and fresh?
8. Ignoring Post Stats & Feedback
Not only do I watch traffic levels for individual posts, but I also keep a close eye on the kinds of posts that generate the most feedback. This helps me learn what kind of topics my visitors enjoy reading about.
As your blog grows, pay attention to the quantity and contents of the comments you receive. It will help you develop more relevant, useful content for your audience over time.
For example, even though this blog is derived from a site that is mainly about website development, the posts on building traffic, blogging and making money tend to yield the most visitors and responses.
Comments and feedback have taught me what subjects my audience likes reading about, so I tend to focus a larger percentage of my posts on these topics.
9. No Conversational Tone
Many blogs talk AT their readers rather than to them. I want my audience to feel as if they’re sitting in the room with me when they’re reading my content. This is something I’ve really had to work on.
For the most part, web writing tends to be more relaxed. Help improve the flow of your copy by using transitional words, shorter sentences and don’t be afraid to lighten up. Also, make a habit of using the words “I” and “you” on a regular basis.
Take time to allow your personality to shine from time to time. It will help your readers connect with you and give your blog some personality and warmth.
10. Bad Headlines
It amazes me how many bloggers put little or no thought into their headlines. Remember, many people use RSS functionality to read blogs so your headline is the first thing they see.
This is your one chance to get the click so make it count!
I could have titled this post, “10 Blogging Mistakes” but how overdone and boring is the phrase “blogging mistakes”? So I used “awful” instead.
That word is a bit more dramatic, but that’s why I chose it. It catches the eye since it’s not used as much as the word “mistake.”
Now, if you look at the title bar of the browser notice I used the phrase “Blogging Mistakes”. Even though it’s not as eye-catching, it’s a better title from an SEO standpoint because it’s searched more than than “awful blogging practices.”
If you use WordPress, take advantage of the All in One SEO plug-in. You can craft two different titles: one for your blog’s title (the one published in your RSS feed) and a more practical one for the <title> tag — which of course is the one the search engines display.
Taking a few extra minutes to compose a catchy title can make all the different in the world when it comes to generating traffic to your blog.
LISA!!! WOW!!!
I came to this site this morning to see why you were advising people to think twice about creating a free web-site!!
Lisa, I came to your site, because I had a few solid reasons as to why I did not want to utilize any of the ‘create a website for free’ offers. I, also had good reason as to why I did not want to blog at any of these….’blog-spots!’ Oops, let me back-step a moment, please!! I have been wanting to get my opinion ‘out-there,’ and having my reservations, oh and also not having a clue on how to create my own website, on my very own, I turned to my cousin! This morning I had replied to his request for me to ‘bulitt’ my idea, which basically was I have no idea on how to ‘bulitt’ my idea, I just know that this is what I want…….!! So, after I sent him that msg, I decided to just look around one more time at the ‘free’ offers, and as you already know that is when I discovered you!! and lady, what a discovery!! Pretty much every idea, I had had, you, I don’t want to say ‘tore’ apart, that is way too harsh. I guess, the best way to say it is, my ideas, plans, pretty much every thought I had on trying to make my ‘idea’ a success, YOU, stated each of them, and explained why they were not successful ideas!!! BUT YOU DIDN’T LEAVE ME HANGING! YOU GAVE ME A MORE POSITIVE DIRECTION!! I SHOULD SAY DIRECTIONS!! Lisa, I am more ‘positive’ and up-beat about my ‘ideas’ I truly feel as if I have a solid foundation to work from, and I can not thank you enough!! Before, my direction was unknowingly set on the ‘to fail’ path!! Now, I, oh if you were here I’d have to Give You a Big ol’hug and Kiss!!…Well you know, if the path you have chosen to take, is un-marked, foggy…well, the journey will be one filled w/apprehension, fear and DOUBT!!!
I JUST THINK this is just WAY TOO COOL, instead of being all down and discouraged, I AM HOLDING MY HEAD UP HIGHER AND EVEN HAVE A LITTLE BOUNCE IN MY STEP!!!….You might think about, if you don’t have one already, but starting a website, where you share w/others the Positive’s of Positive Thinking and Speaking!! oh and writing!!…lol!
Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July!! You will hear from me again I promise!!
Hey Lisa
Great info here and lots of good communication, I love that because I recently invested in learning that skillset and it really helps in the Industry that I am in. Found you on Youtube and viewed a couple of your videos and I respect your straight talk approach, although I am in Network Marketing (MLM) and love this business model and have enjoyed the learning that goes with the correct way to build a team of successful business developers and product users. With a correct approach you have affiliate programs that ensures others there success also,(Tools). And by the way you don’t have to sell that is the old school way, you just learn (Attraction Marketing) and offer vaule and use a (Marketing Funnel) and other methods, you already have these qualities Girl.
Anyway, I thank you for your leadership skills and would welcome your comments on my recently started blog.
To Your Success
God Bless You Sister !!
People have suggested that I should write a blog. Hitting google for the first time led me to your site. Thanks. I don’t know if I will actually start – it seems formidable. I am truly at the very beginning – don’t subscribe or even know of blogs that I like. More googling is in order.
Hi Lisa, great article.
Some of these things seem so obvious, yet most of us are guilty of at least one of them! Another point, which ties into number 7 is failure to diversify content. Many bloggers post monotonously on re-occurring topics without much variation in their writing, it’s best to diversify your content through fresh subjects and median such as photo and video to keep your readers intereted.
I have been blogging for a long 4 weeks… Discovered WordPress 6 weeks ago and have been hooked instantly. I like a lot of your content, this is a particular favourite post. I’ve always been a far better writer than speaker and so blogging fits my own style. You’re comments about content and writing style are very pertinent, developing a style is really taking some work – but enjoyable never-the-less. Nice to see genuinely interesting content, make me a regular!
.-= Dazยดs last blog … Warming Up is for Wimps =-.
Hi Lisa, You have great advise for all the bloggers out there. There is one thing I do disgree with. If your not experience with blogging than you should start with the free host like blogger or wordpress, It gaves him or her a change to learn the ropes while doing the research. blogger was much easily to used than word press but I have both.
I will move on but right now I need more research and experience and a coach. Blogger and wordpress oftens both, The coaching you have to pay for and its well worth it if you find the right one. Lisa being one of them. So for those who are just starting keep it simply and don’t get overwhelm. Learn the ropes first and than moved on.
Thanks a bunch lisa. You really give honest information. The information i get from your site is so helpful, especially since i am based in Africa (Nigeria) where online business is still new. Once again i say thanks a lot.
Hi Lisa,
I am a newbie. I’ve been trying to earn income online for more than a year now but there’s no good output yet even a single cent. I purchased a lot of ebooks products on how to earn money online but it seems it is just full of crap. I can say that I am very fortunate to stumble your website for you really have great and honest informations here. I will do my best to apply it. I really don’t know where to start. I am really desperate, I can say.
Have a nice day!
Thanks for the Tips. Very helpful I like your style. No heirs and graces Easy to understand. Excellent I agree with everything you say Not quite got my act together with this blogging but I’m getting there
Thanks again Best wishes to you
Hi Lisa,
I agree with you on most items, except no. 1.
On my personal finances blog, because of its nature, I talk about, along with of course finances, subjects like Career, Credit, Debt, Mortgage, and other topics that directly affect everyone’s finances.
.-= Shafiยดs last blog … Selecting the right mortgage is central to refinancing-Part 2 =-.
Thanks Lisa , I must admit that number 2 is my weak spot.
I want things yesterday, specially when money is involved, its hard to work so hard and not see any results, but I know if I keep working that it will pay off.
Great post!
.-= Bubblewraped Bloggerยดs last blog … Home business opportunity and inexpensive website! =-.
thanks for the tips. what i have learned today will really help. am new to internet and i must say am learning fast from info from people like you. thanks once again
thanks for the tips. Guilty of not getting good headlines realy crap at it. blogging takes time and effort and you need to get people to follow you and that isn’t easy. How do you get peopel to interact with you on your blog ? they leave a comment and you answer it but thats the last you will hear from them. can you over do the freebies ?
Darren Rowse has some good advice on this over at (Couldn’t really find what I was looking for thru his search feature) One thing you can do is ask a question at the end of your post or invite people to share their stories (where relevant).
Of course, it starts with having enough traffic. Obviously if no one is visiting, then asking questions won’t help much but once you start to get a flow of traffic then you can do things like ask questions or write open-ended posts that lend themselves to discussion. Also posts with strong opinions may create a bit of discussion as well. It’s really about learning to mix it up. But I have found that when I end a post with a question that often sparks more comments.
weird now my websites just oh well! i just really love ur tips tons of help and people is u wanna listen download music go to please i need it! =D and um i also have jokes so yeah plz people i need u go to my website
Hey Lisa! i am aw btw about ur tips u r like a role model and ur so smart! i really want to be like u im trying to get more mj on my site i love him!
i like ur tips tons of help! thank u ๐ i really appreciate and websites goin good
Great content about using blogs directly to generate income with advertising etc. but my interest was in simply creating a personal presence. As a consultant, more and more clients are only hiring people they KNOW. I just came back from a panel discussion on how organizations select and hire contract trainers or consultants. All the members of the panel said they ask others who they know or who they follow FIRST, before web searches etc. They all also stated that they want to hire people, not companies. So, how can I use blogging to let the audience get to know me as a person and increase my individual visability and credibility? Is blogging the right approach?
Hi Tierah,
I think it depends on how you plan to develop your content and what your strategy is for this blog. Blogs are usually best for sites where people plan to write frequently on a focused topic or theme. The content is often organized by category and date.
Now, if you plan to write frequently then a blog could be a nice idea. However, if you just want a page or two that outlines basic information about yourself then a static website may be all you need. It really depends on how you plan to deliver your information and how often.
Hey, Lisa, just a comment to say thank you! Thanks for all the information and tips you are sharing. I am learning a *lot*, and just subscribed to your feed. I saw your video on Thesis website, liked (and helped me to decide spending $87 bucks on that), checked out your web site and loved. So, that’s it. Thanks ๐
.-= Daniducยดs last blog … Amsterdam para crianรงas =-.
Wow thanks for the ideas. this was really helpful information. Thanks so much for all the help.
Thanks Lisa, This is a great post.
Hi Ken,
Yes it’s just your website URL.
Lisa, I am JUST starting out and I found this article to be most helpful…I literally was wondering about the difference between Blogger and WordPress…thank you! I’ve been considering a way to stay in touch with my subscribers. I’d considered an autoresponder campaign, but really wanted to touch base in REAL TIME…and offer vulnerable “streams of thought” throughout the day and week. Thank you again for making this information available. BTW, does URI mean my website URL?
Be Well, Ken
you means alot, and kudos for that y will like you to help a lot o want to build a blog and i need you assistance a lot you are very wonderful thanks till i hear from you.
i agree with u she dose rock and we have the same name lol ๐
Wow Lisa! We only met yesterday & already today, you are my mentor & role model. I want to grow up & do blogs & websites just like yours. =)
I have taken every tip to heart & the floor around my chair is now littered with printouts of all your advice. Seriously, I wish I’d been fortunate to find your site a couple of years ago but hey! Better late than never.
Thanks so much for all your work in bringing this to pinheads like me.
The greatest sin of all, not posting frequently
very good stuff as per usual coming from you!
Hi Lisa,
I enjoy reading your post here and it really helps me much especially at the beginning of my blog life.. I’ll take your points in my mind and have bookmarked your site. Will back to you again. =)
+100. Respect. ๐
Thank you for the great advice. As a new blogger, I learnt a lot from your tips. I especially like the tip about customizing the design of your blog, because I think the look of any website is so important. I had started my blog with a template which was nice, but every other person seemed to using the same template. I ended up using a simplier template and just customized the header to personalize the website a bit. So I agree with you when you say to start with the header first.
Thank you so much for this post. I have found it extremely interesting. As a relatively new blogger I see myself having made a few of these mistakes. Number 10 really hit home and it has taken me a while to start coming up with better titles that give a hint to what I write about so the RSS readers will check it out.
Please feel free to check out my website. Any feedback you could gove me would really be appreciated.
Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
I am so guilty of #1 somewhat, and #6 all of the way. In a strange way, many of the things I write about are somewhat related, but sometimes you have to dig real deep to find the tie.
I reverted to the standard WP theme after taking a long hard look at the free one I was using; I’m sure that ugly theme turned readers off more than the standard out-of-the-box one I’m using now. Finding a new theme is one of the things on my list, but right now it’s not near the top.
I have been up for over 12 hours researching how to set up a website and looking at hosting options, web design templates and the list goes on. In that 12 hours I have bookmarked only 4 places that I deem helpful for someone who has absolutely no clue how to set up a web site. Your site is one….I have some ideas that I’d like to implement in my yet to be made website and a blog is one of them. This post is just chock full of good advice. I especially will take to heart “Blogging for the Sake of Blogging”, which I have noticed on a number of sites. This is definitely a site I will be back to visit as I get my site up and running. THANK you for making a site so easy to navigate and to understand. It has been most helpful.
All good tips. Number 4 is a tough one to avoid. I get so excited that anyone would want to advertise on one of my blogs that it’s hard to refuse. And #10- forget about it. I think it’s just my “thing”.
Ah, I completely agree. Well said, especially number 5. There’s no telling how many fantastic blogs there are buried in Blogger or domains, even though they could easily be making great money with the increased trust and flexibility of owning their own.
Thanks for your response, Lisa. Perhaps I did misinterpret your meaning of “focus.” ๐
The blog started in March – the website has been around for quite some time while I worked on other web properties and had ideas for the domain that I’m blogging with now.
I’m going to return to your site often as I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen so far! ๐
Nice points lisa! I have just started a blog about web hosting and will definitely keep these points in mind from now on!
Hi Wealthy Blogger,
Thanks for returning the visit and definitely refreshing to see another opinion. I think that’s great that model has worked for you, but I still wouldn’t recommend the hodgepodge approach for someone starting a blog.
I did scan your blog and, yes, you do go off-topic sometimes but the majority of your posts still seem to be about making money, running an online business, wealth, etc (referring to your Hot Topics link). I still see an obvious theme on your blog and wouldn’t put it in the category of “Not Focused”. (I wouldn’t have advertised my EC on your blog if I felt it was not focused.) ๐
In my post I was really referring to the blogs that are all over the place and have no obvious theme whatsoever. For the most part your blog still seems to be pretty focused with a few strays here and there. At least it does to me.
Looks as if you started your blog in March? (Or at least that’s where your archives start) and I noticed most of your posts back then are mostly related to business/making money/wealth, etc. So could it be you established a readership with your theme and as your credibility grew and your audience began to feel comfortable with your style, they don’t mind an “off topic” post from time to time.
John Chow does that all the time and this can work if you establish a readership on a series of related topics first. Maybe that’s not what you did but that’s what it looks like from reading your earlier posts.
But my point is, it still seems as if your blog has a recurring theme, especially your earlier posts. No, all of your posts are not about wealth, but they are in the ballpark and at least somewhat related.
Oh and finally, I completely agree with having a post here and there about the writers life. It gives the blog personality. But a post here and there about your personal life doesn’t make the blog off topic and not focused. When people learn to respect a blogger’s content they welcome a personal post here and there.
I think you are interpreting my definition of “no focus” differently than I meant it. Maybe I should have elaborated and explained that point better.
Hi Lisa,
First, thank you very much for the Entercard ad on my site. Much appreciated! ๐
This is an interesting post, but I have to say that I don’t totally agree with your point #1, unless the blog is absolutely dedicated to a niche – and even then, there can be times when it actually creates interest to have some posts that are general interest or where readers get a bit more of a glimpse into the writer’s life.
I have a number of blogs and web properties, and sometimes the “off topic” posts generate a lot of interest and comments!
I have to admit that my blog that I’m working on the most, The Wealthy Blogger, doesn’t really have a major focus other than it’s tag line – Earning Money, Living Well – which means.. are there any topics not suitable for posting about?
Is it a “lifestyle” blog? A blog about making money? A blog about wealth generation? A blog about motivation?
It’s my blog, wherein I don’t feel the need to be tied down to any one particular topic, because my interests are so varied! And I earn money from a variety of them, and those interests are part of my life of “living well!” ๐
Your thoughts?
Nice post! I’m guilty of 1 and 9 – but I’m trying to fix those problems!
Thank you for the tips. I’m going to start using them.
Great points. I am guily of coming up with unimaginative titles, which I am trying to fix.
I agree with the domain name – it definitely does look more professional.
I totally agree with customizing a template. I have been to many blogs that have the exact same template. At times I confuse one blog with another because of a template.
It pays to learn a little CSS and HTML just to make your blog stand out amongst the other blogs.
Great tips. Especially number 4. I don’t mind ads but some blogs have way to many ads that have nothing to do with what there blog is about.
Really loved this post. So much so I will print this out and refer to it in the future. You shared so much info that will get me going. Thank you so much.
I have to agree with the too many ads practice. It makes a site appear junky/amateurish – a real turn off. I usually promptly leave those sites. The blogger/splogger is not interested in sharing quality information, just gaining clicks.
Eric, I just browsed your blog (and dropped my EntreCard ๐ ). You are off to a great start. Just keep focusing on publishing good content, continue marketing and remain patient. You’ll get there! Have fun out here.
Very helpful tips you have here.
For blogging newbies, it’s really important to keep a good guide like the 10 things you’ve mentioned.
I know my blog need lot of makeover, but I’m learning every time I stumble upon a good posts like this. I must say that I’m a “learningBlogger” now.
Thanks for sharing. All are very informative.
Carletta, here are some tips:
1) Headlines that ask a question are often good attention grabbers
2) Use the word “you” in your headline to make it more direct and personal
3) Have handy when you’re writing and choose more colorful words. Use “awful” instead of “bad.” Use “discover” instead of “find”. Little things like this make a difference
4) Also try to compose titles that are benefit rich i.e. “How to Teach Your Child Algebra in 10 minutes” or something like that.
I am awful at coming up with good headlines. I can write content all day long, but I just can’t come up with anything catchy to put in a headline. I really need to work on it.
I totally agree with you that a blog needs focus and good content. One thing people can do for content is sign up for google alerts that will alert them to news in their niche, and post and comment on relevant articles.
I also agree that conversational tone is important. Blog readers want to feel as if they know the blogger.
Thank you for the tips!
…And that’s my plan.:)
Thanks, Eric. I agree. Seeing a blog with “blogspot” or “wordpress” in the address does make me question the seriousness of the blogger and I think that’s how most people feel. With domains being so cheap and hosts having functionality that allow you to setup blogs in seconds, I can’t see many reasons not to have a self hosted blog.
I understand some people want to test the waters and see how blogs work and want to play around with a free blog. But when it’s time to launch that puppy, spend the $8 or $12 bucks for your domain.
I know some people have financial strains, which I understand. But in my opinion, it’s best to wait until you have the money and then launch the blog on your own domain.
Hey Lisa, thanks for the tips! I particularly agree on the domain name issue, too many ads, and having no conversational tone. But no domain name might be #1 for me. For some reason I just take a blog less seriously if it’s not their own domain. I know that may not sound fair, but it just gives the impression of being less serious. Also I think we are all turned off by too many ads!