If 100 random people set out to make money online, statistics show that only 2 will ever make anything worthwhile.
Of course, there are many reasons people get off track, but in the video below I discuss what I believe is a common reason people struggle.
Money was my sole motivation for starting an online business. Making money. As long as it’s legal, ethical and profitable.
Money was not my motivation in the beginning and it’s not my only motivation now.
I think you end up making money if you bring passion and a thrist to learn to the table.
One of the best ways to accomplish your goals in life is to motivate yourself to take action. Useful habits can increase your effectiveness immensely. One of the best traits to develop is the Do It Now habit. This can get you started on a task even when you don’t feel like working.
You probably should start with small, everyday tasks. After you have developed this habit using easy tasks, you can gradually increase the difficulty of these tasks. But remember, after giving the Do It Now command, you must always carry through with immediate action.
Love the video and I agree most people get into it for the money and I dont think there is anything wrong it that though. You just have to give back to your customers too and provide good value. If I want to be free and earn money online then I have to make sure my customers will be there for years to come.
.-= Pauline´s last blog … Writing posts with unique content =-.
Hi Lisa,
Honestly, I don’t know how you remain sane sometimes!
Just been told a statistic that 9 out of every 10 websites fail within the FIRST YEAR! Surely that cannot be true? But it would explain this “get rich quick” mentality you talk about so much…
Anyway, just finished my online business plan for 2010 – 2011, and thought I’d share some of it with your readers. Although there were a lot of numbers, the three stages of online business that I found to matter most were:
Stage 1 – Where you’re at NOW
Stage 2 – Where you NEED to be (to meet your bills)
Stage 3 – What your POTENTIAL is (where 2% get to)
The math I used:
1.5% click-through on Google AdSense adverts
25 websites x 4,000 monthly visits each (average) = 100,000
100,000 visits multiply 1.5% = £1,500 ($2,271)
I didn’t go into online business to become rich (though there would be no complaints if that happened, I can assure you!) My sole aim was, and is, to earn enough money to be able to work from anywhere in the world from a wireless device, i.e. my laptop. The desire for that freedom alone motivates me to learn everything I need to know, and keep learning, every day. You can’t know everything, but you can know what you need to know.
Everyone will have their own online targets and ways of achieving them, best of success people!
People like to do what they want to do. But I remember the lyrics of a song back in the day that said “tell me the last time that love bought your clothes…it’s like that and that’s the way it is…” (anyone guess who said that?)
So it goes like this – if what you love what you’re doing AND it has EARNING POWER, then that is the ideal – “get paid to do what you love” as everyone dreams about.
There is one other very powerful reason to do stuff for money. NOT because of greed or for the sake of earning more and more – because what is enough? It’s relative to an extent. SO the REAL reason behind earning money is to achieve FREEDOM.
Freeing your time, freeing your life – so money is no object from taking a vacation wherever and whenever you want – and outsourcing your chores – so you can spend time with the fam and get them some nice things.
I would dare say it’s also the driver to allow freedom to do what you love too. Money if used wisely frees us up – as long as we use it wisely.
Money is not the end in and of itself. It is a means to an end – freedom and opportunity to allow us to be who we are and help others – and to enjoy life – and it must be earned the right way – or else it cancels out any good we try to do.
.-= Michael Erik´s last blog … Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-21 =-.
Lisa, another great video. You are a down to earth person giving easy to understand and useful advice. Keep up the great work as I stop by often.
.-= Joe´s last blog … Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time (Hardcover) =-.
no we should work for pleasure n have love 4 our work! if u work 4 money u will always b tired!1
An extensive resource on business and personal development. A lot of thougths, views and articles on the recent happenings and their impact on economy and your lives.
I agree with you Lisa, that money is not enough motivation to stick with this. I was getting burned out on the “make money online biz,” and I had to take a step back and refocus on the goal I had before I ever knew about internet marketing – helping homeschoolers.
I really enjoy your videos. I’m planning a few of my own when I lose the baby weight. The baby is 20 months old, btw. 🙂
Great and pertinent information. Thanks for taking the time with your videos.
this very nice to use videos for learn now.. i learn many thing from vdo because i don’t like to read
hi Lisa, I am from Germany (near Frankfurt) and found your website by chance.
I like to tell you that I am very much impressed by the overwhelming information you give there. Your site is the best i ever came across so far on that subject.
The idea to use videos is just excellent.
I have no website yet, but i intend to build one, but first i have to study your site completely because there is so much to learn.
Thank you very much for your hard work.
I wish you the best. Thank you for sharing all that knowledge.
Auf Wiedersehen
Hi Lisa…first time being here. You have said some very powerful and informative things in your blogs. I have been trying and failing at MLM for years (though there are some extreme success stories). This last one woke me up to the reality that what I have in me can’t come out thru an MLM business.
Like yourself, I have an intense passion to reach out to people; having experienced some life challenges and came out whole and intact. I have a message of hope and inspiration that one can embrace their true destiny.
With that being said, I am going to dig deep within and learn how to take it to the net, knowing that with patience, wisdom and a teachable spirit, I can finally walk in my calling. So glad to run across your site. Be blessed.
You are correct. That is why I decided to blog for fun first 🙂
Hi Lisa,
Great video and it is true almost all people online either via website, blogs, social network, etc…they all wanna make money. Money does not come that easy without effort and sacrifice. One need to have passion in order to succeed may it be online or offline or in whatever business or trade you are doing.
To me the success is build within you. Your inner strength with dictate your destiny of Success or otherwise. My advice is just stay focus, have passion, believe in yourself and pray hard for your Success.
Anyway this is a great video. Thanks for sharing.
Kerry, I am truly humbled by this. You don’t know how much that means. Thank YOU! Keep up the hard work and your growth and success will continue!
Hi Lisa,
Great video. After working hard all day on my website its very encouraging to see this video. I’m at that point where after a few months of hard work the money isn’t coming in yet but I love what I do. My niche is computer hardware. I’ve worked in it my whole adult life. I picked a niche as an affiliate with CJ selling notebook computers. I’m learning a lot and believe it will start raining green soon. Thanks for your help.
Paul E Steinberg
Wow! Kudos again on a video well done! I have to admit that the first thought that popped into my mind as I was absorbing your spin on the money motivation was a great quote by Henry Ford…
“Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.”
When I watch your videos, babble with you on WB, comb your wonderful sites and blog for great information- I am always humbled by your fabulous way of explaining things to the general public. This being the case, the above statement holds true as I feel you simply keep giving of your time and knowledge without the “attachment” to money, money, money- in turn you attract abundance and wealth….
I have been working my site for close to 6 months now and although yes, at some point I would be floored to strike it rich- when I first started I knew that it was going to take an investment on my part to stick with it and be patient for the dollars. It started with a few pennies a day and only now I can see some good progress.
Thanks to all your feedback, support and sharing, I plan on waiting out the initial hump and growing my site slowly but surely and I believe as you do that the money will eventually come…
Again, great video and keep up the good work!
Hi Lisa, I watched the entire video, and I enjoyed it. I teach people about money and that’s one thing I always say, do not chase money, do work that you love and the money will come to you. Rich people work in careers they love, they study it, they breathe it, they perfect it. They put in the time to get the desired results. People today don’t always want to put in that time, they want what they want with as little, to no work, as possible.
Money is not my only motivation, on my regular blog, I don’t even place ads on it, but I do have other blogs that have ads on it, but I don’t expect to get rich from there, it’s more of a tip jar.
Anywho, great video, words of wisdom.
Thanks Chris,
Yes I agree that most people get into this for the money. And it’s OK to have that as a goal but you gotta find something else you enjoy to stay motivated. (I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get into this to make some money.)
But like you, I enjoy creating and editing images in PhotoShop, etc., checking my visitor stats (In fact, I think I’m a stat-aholic). I was really obsessed with my stats when I first started. I think I’ve calmed down a little though. 🙂
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for the great video. I think you are right that a lot of people do just create websites for the money. It takes a long time to make any decent money online. I have 8 websites and so far I’ve spent far more than I’ve earned. My sites have only been online about 6-7 months.
However, even if I don’t ever make any real money I find creating and maintaining websites fun. I enjoy seeing how many visitors come to my sites and which pages they look at while they are there, as well as picking out photos and graphics that I think my visitors will enjoy.
Do I need money? Yes, desperately, but I realize that my websites aren’t going to make me rich quick. Maybe not ever!
When I tell my friends and family how much money I’ve made so far (not all that much) they usually make some demeaning comment about “don’t spend all that in one place.” I think that most people feel that the only reason to do this IS for the money.
Once again thanks for the video. I always look forward to your informative blog updates and videos.
Another brilliant, truthful video. I must admit, I was too busy chasing the money when I first started but when I started writing about things I experienced and knew about, I started making money and having success.
I have tried everything on the internet, and no one ever pays me, I know alot about alot, but at this point in financial hardship I am too overwelmed to even want to share my information with others, I feel let them learn the way I learned, no income chances, empty promises, lies, manipulations, no laws working into my favor, evil hex spells and the rest of the garbage that goes along with this hellish world where people believe computers more than the actual human being, when people don’t realize a human being puts the information about people in the computer, what a stupid world we live in.