Just like any other affiliate program, making good money with ClickBank requires having enough traffic along with finding appropriate and relevant books for your audience.
You also have to be careful with ClickBank. Yes, the high commissions are nice, but you should choose products wisely.
Even though it’s one of my top money making affiliate programs, a lot of work and experimentation goes into getting those sales.
Watch the video below to hear my thoughts on the affiliate program.
Here’s a more recent video where I actually show my earnings and how I promote the Clickbank products…
Nice video Lisa… My own case is different as clickbank don’t accept my country
Lisa, thanks for reply. Sorry if I made maybe feel you bad. It´s not I want blaming you about your statement, I had only that feeling you put clickbank in a bad light. Maybe clickbank as a young enterprise need to proof better who is selling products with. I think other businesses need to do this as well to the satisfaction of customers.
Take care
John, great point and no offense taken. 😉
Hi Lisa
Your effort is amazing to comment against the products in clickbank. Did you ever thought about how many car companies have sales shops with them own sales staff they never had the opportunities buying an ferrari, mercedes, jaguar or even a another very expensive car and they sell them and they trust in that that cars are just great? What´s about simple shops? Do you think the sales staff there bought ever all single product trying them to be in credibility the products are really great? What´s about Amazon, E-bay or others like this. Should I buy every single product, testing it before I can be eligible promoting this product, even they are extrodinary expensive or the person just have not the space for?
How many crap is in every single library on the globe hostet? Teachings from dictators, satanists, books about dirty jokes or even just inconsitencies from one autor to the autor of a another book. One solution can be burn them down and start from the new, with a accurate proof creating new places the people don´t getting confused when they reading books like this.
You say that in clickbank is so many crap? Example: 100 people reading the same book. After they finished they starting to talk about. Aproximately 50% of them say it´s crap, the others says it´s just great. So what? Who is right? The worst case of scenario can be during the discussion they start to fight because everybody thinks he is just right with the impression what they read.
To me seems that you just pick up the clicbank and blame this institution because of them products they offering. If you blame them so you should blame every single shop, factory, or other institution they distributing in a sence bad service or the goods they spent so much effort in trying to “make-money”.
I´m not against that somebody should say his oppinion but you should see the whole picture in this case when business is going on as usual in this world.
Sorry I`ve been honest what I´m thinking about your comment. And sorry about my grammer. It´s not the best
and I hope anyway you understand what I try to say.
Take care and think about in the future when you prepare a comment against any institution when you´re not agree with, without to see the whole problematic in any business.
You should let the people make them own experiance. Only this way can teach a human to make progress, dosen´t matter what it is. What for some right is is for others wrong. Alcohol, cigaretes, driving to fast endangeour others, or just stealing – in a sence wrong but the people doing this all day long. Why? Fredom of choisse. That´s it. Did ever somebody told you before you made experiance with clickbank you should stay away from? As I asume not.
Finally, my advice is let the people make them own experiance and learn from in good or bad. You can warn, but the point is how and not to judge in a sence making people scared thinking what a bad single institution and if so there are all in a sence bad.
John, thank you for giving me another way of looking at it. Sometimes we make emotional statements based on our experiences, and while I do stand by my statement about some of the products being of lower quality than others, perhaps there was a better way to state it. Overall, I think ClickBank is a great opportunity for affiliates and merchants. I don’t blame ClickBank. I blame the authors for publishing low quality work.
But I still think if credibility is important to you (the affiliate) it’s important to know what you’re promoting and I do believe people should buy the product before deciding whether or not to promote it. That was my point. This is based on my experience as an affiliate. Thanks again.
Hi Lisa,
I really enjoyed this video. In fact, I appreciate all the wonderful information on your site. I am just starting my online business and intend to build on the same principles that have made you so successful. Thanks for giving more than you take.
Lori E
Hi Lisa,
My name is Ken Lim from Spore.Recently i used the clickbank affiliate programme to promoted the products thru my friends and meetic.com members but none of them had purchase the product i promote and worst my account as at now still zero sales. My daughter is very ill due to i have owe govt income tax many debts to clear almost gave up my life. Can u guide me how to earn some income thru clickbank affiliate to my personal. If i earn it i will share with you my joyness. My personal email is at the abovementioned. Thank you sis…Ken Lim
Lost hope man, 43 yrs old still doing odd job but only paid 20 dollars a day for working 10 hrs. Plse help me to solve my debts problem.God Bless.
Hi Lisa,
I believe all the information you have hear people will help alot of people.
Great video. Thanks for taking the time to do this. You have a great blog. I’m definitely subscribing.
As an affiliate, it’s really best to have your own websites to promote any products, and this is not just for Clickbank. I’ve found it works better when I personally review the product first rather than just promoting the sales/landing page.
I did understand your view’s on clickbank, that is the program that I’m really trying to promote.
Question can I use these site to promote clickbank or do I need a page of my own first to start with, I just don’t really know how to get this Affiliate program up and runing, if you can help, if you have time.
http://djoufack.cjb.net http://djoufack.synthasite.com
http://sites.google.com/site/djoufack1/ http://djoufack123.cjb.net
Thank and you
Have a good day/night
hai lisa,could i have your email ?please!,actually i don’t have much knowledge about clickbank,my be you can help me how to make money from the internet.my email: matazzano@gmail.com
Sorry Lisa! I should have seen it myself 🙁
Thanks you so much, anyway! What would I do without you?!
Most sincere thanks,
Sunny, I’ll have to check but your posts may be getting caught in the spam filter.
Hi Lisa,
Just wondering why you never allow my comments to get posted in your lbog. I am not a spammer luv.
I’ve already done that. 🙂 Check the video below…
Hi Lisa! You may have seen me around the forum.
I don’t want to be the one to start throwing lots of video requests at you, but I’ve been looking into using “Include Files” (SSIs) for a website and it seems very complicated!
If you have the time, I would appreciate it if you could do some sort of video tutorial/explanation on it.
Of course, I understand if you are unable to or have to much work to do, but hey! if I don’t ask, nothing will happen!
Thanks in advance and, keep on making making these really helpful videos! They’re the best way to learn!
Thanks for the solid information Lisa. While my blog is more for information purposes, it’s nice to have a bit of income “on the side” that justifies the time, effort and energy I put into it.
Unfortunately, I haven’t used clickbank up to this point. Maybe I need to expand on that in the future.
I had used Clickbank once but didn’t make money at all because of my low traffic, actually I’m not using any form of affiliate marketing because I believe getting traffic to blog or website is getting harder and harder everyday. for now I use few Google ads blended within my posts but no hug money coming in yet.
I had received money from Google but not sufficient to get all paid.
RJ, I think it’s uniform but I’m not sure. You can check the IRS website for specifics.
hi lisa !
oh my god you were looking so great again !
i should think of some video idea for you to make, lol ! !
i dont do affilates yet ! but i will possibly do it when i will have my site 🙂
And thank you for the feedback Lisa and friends.
Is the X amount of money required uniform from state to state(Federal law) or does it very?
You got it, Jennifer. Thanks for the helpful info.
Let me specify more – everything is a tax write off if you use it for your business. I know that’s probably obvious to you, but for some, that needs to be specified.
RJ – Everything you buy is a tax write-off. Everything from computer hardware and software to printer paper.
Also, the office in your house is a tax write-off. So if you have 5 rooms in your house, 1/5th of your electric bill (and oil/gas if you use that for heat) is a write-off too.
But Lisa is right – you need to make X amount of money to qualify as a business in the eyes of the IRS, otherwise they just consider what you’re doing a hobby.
Hey RJ,
Yes you can write it off but you can only do that if you are making enough (I believe it’s $4,000 profit for the year) for it to be considered a business expense. Don’t quote me on the amount but there is a tax law that sets limit on what you can and cannot write off.
Thank you for the advice.:)
I hear more and more affiliate masters are giving away their e-products for the affiliates to review. How true is that?
And wow! I never knew you could write em off(if purchased).
-May you become a bilionaire!!!
Hey Lisa,
I enjoy watching your videos! I am just getting started, so I am in the planning stages of organizing my thoughts and strategy with my new website project. Your site is helping me immensely, and I am just about to go and check out 2planawebsite.com! Thank you for showing us that it is very possible to work at home and be successful with it.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for the information on using Clickbank. I haven’t started using affiliate advertising on any of my sites yet (I have 14 of them), but I’m planning on doing it soon. I’m just waiting to get a little more traffic. All of my sites are pretty new – the oldest one is only about 10 months old.
I think that reading the books that you promote on your site is an excellent idea. I’d hate to promote worthless items and sell them to other people. I do think that credibility is important. If you sell someone a piece of junk then they sure won’t take a chance and buy something else off your site ever again!
Once again, thanks for the great advice. I hadn’t really even thought about using Clickbank before your video.
Very helpful video! thanks so much! I’ve recently signed up for clickbank and I’m having one heck of a time trying to weed out the good from the bad. It’s not easy. But I think you’re right…buy the e-book, it’s really the right thing to do to maintain credibility.