JohnnyInArizona is having dinner
Helen12345 just got a traffic ticket
KristenWilliams is late for work
If you’re a Twitter member, these are the kinds of updates you might see when you login to your account.
Ahhh yes, good ole’ Twitter — the official place to spy on people you know (or don’t know) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 😉
So what’s all the hype surrounding this free application and what does it have to do with promoting your Internet business online?
What The… ???
I’ll be honest. When I first heard about Twitter I thought it was the dumbest thing ever. 🙂
However, I became more intrigued a little later when I saw other Webmasters and Bloggers talking about how they use it to promote their sites and blogs.
So if you are wondering about Twitter and how it can benefit your business, here’s a video demonstrating how it works and how you can use it.
By the way, you can follow me on Twitter here.
Thank you so much for this great video! Twitter seems to be a great place for promotion. Thanks for the tip!
I am also using twitter in campaigning my sites. Just like you, I find it stupid but when I realize the use of twitter to webmasters, I also make use of it. Thanks for making this video, it really stresses out the use of twitter to us.
Thank you so much for the explanation of how Twitter works.
You really have a way to explain things that makes it easier to understand.
Thanks for this very clear explication on Twitter. I’d just gotten an account and was at a loss as to how to actually use it. You gave me some tools and some strategy without going into overwhelming detail – thanks.
I couldn’t agree more Lillea.
I like your approach. Your updates are worth the wait. 🙂
I don’t like to follow anyone who posts too many times a day – it’s dizzying, and they usually aren’t saying anything of value if they’re Tweeting that much, IMO, or they’re promoting themselves so much that it turns me off. Occasionally I Tweet a few times a day because I’m conversing with people, networking, but I like to limit the number of times I Tweet as much as possible, too, and provide useful information whenever I can, not what I had for breakfast.
on your website theres an ad, best work at home opportunites, any body had much success with any of his advise,
Love your website Iam about to try my hand at sitesell Ive learn a lot, feel like I have a friend ,told a lot of folks about your site , wishing you all the success ,Ts
Thanks Lisa, I like the idea of having things automated and connected to a blog. It sounds like it’s simple to get set up.
I am so busy establishing several websites right now, I don’t see where I would really have much time to devote to interacting with others too much on Twitter.
Your information always keeps me coming back for more!
Tweet, tweet! This one on how to use Twitter to increase traffic on websites and blogs is great!
Thanks Lisa!!
Edgar …
I used your article in my blog – I am just testing the twitter feed out to see if it works. Hope you do not mind – It is a new blog, I’m just getting everything set up so we can run it as smooth as possible. here is address – – here is the address to our orphanage – – Thanks!
Hi Lisa
Great video – I really didn’t have a clue what Twitter did – I see that many people use Twitter but couldn’t see what the concept was.
I’m now going to open a new account with Twitter and get some action going – it really seems a good for marketing.
Thanks sooooo much for making me understand it better.
Keep up the good work
In my view, twitter is the best networking site.
Hi Again! The followers did not show up immediately but sporadically throughout the day. I think you were right before – that they must have seen my husband’s icon on Chris Pirillo’s twitter page and clicked on it. I suppose it could be from the search like Amr said (and as you mentioned in your video too), but he hasn’t tweeted about blogging; a lot of the followers had blogging in common.
(PS: Love reading your blog – especially watching your videos.)
That’s what I would have thought too Amr, but Kimberly made it sound like these 15 followers showed up immediately after they followed the “popular blogger.” Not saying you can’t get followers that quickly from the search feature but I would think it’s unlikely for most people. I guess Kimberly will have to clarify.
Hi Lisa, I think that maybe those followers found then in the twitter search for a related term, Just maybe.
Cheers, Amr
Kimberly, hmmmm are you sure those followers came because of that add? I’m not sure you can really confirm that. Let’s assume they did. The only way they would have known about your husband is if the people following him found his icon on the popular blogger’s “Followers” page. Perhaps some people got curious and clicked and followed? I suppose that’s possible if the person has a ton of followers.
Thanks for your video Lisa! My husband just started using Twitter and we were having trouble understanding how it worked. Your video helped us understand a little better. We are still confused about a couple of things, but we are trying to use it and figure it out. He added one major blogger (I forget who it was right now) but within 24 hrs he had about 10-15 new followers. I don’t think that he tweeted or had any comments on his tweets. How did those other people know to start “following” my husband? That is what is confusing us right now.
I heard about twitter for the first time from Tim Buchalka a web master and Internet web 2.0 marketer about 2 months ago, and I have been using it ever since. I can see through the future that a site like this will be the top marketing tool soon, although it is under estimated now, people will realize how important it is with the help of mind leaders like Lisa Irby, Yaro Starak, Brian, and Darren Rouse.
So tweet on Lisa!!
Cheers, Amr
Thanks so much for doing this video on Twitter! This was absolutely informative and useful for me, as I have still been trying to figure out how to utilize this as a networking tool.
Honestly though I do understand why you would limit yourself to 5-10 twits a week. Seems that RSS does a bit of the same but maybe twitter has a different twist.
Good to hear from you and great post Lisa!
Thank you soooooooooo much for this explanation on Twitter. I’ve heard the buzz but never really seen it in action. I thought it was kind of a dumb concept too but now I see the benefits of it for networking and promoting yourself. Like you said it’s all about using it to get the most benefits.
oh lisa !
thats too nice !