After sorting through a variety of site review submissions, I decided to review a site called It is a very well-designed site hosted by the popular Site Build It! system.
To watch the review, click the image below and the review will launch in a new window…
To find out how to submit a site review request, read this post.
What a great review, I gleaned so much from it and actually listened to it through to the end as it kept my attention.
The information relating to the affiliate promotion was excellent, also too, the advise re the lack of a picture gallery.
I checked out Rita’s site and she has taken on lots of the suggestions you gave.
Thank you for an informative post, Lisa
Blessings, from Carole in The Faith Lounge
Great looking site and very informative article. I retweeted your blog on twitter I hope that will help to get more visitors.
This is a great site and I can really relate to the content as I live in Australia and have probably visited most of the areas featured in the site.
One thing I would really like to see is a gallery, Australia has some of the most fantastic landscapes and a photo gallery would really set this site off!
.-= John Salamon´s last blog … Qualities of a successful blogger =-.
Just wanted to say, I just reviewed your first review of Rita’s Outback Web for the second time. Have my website layout up and running, and in the process of taking some of your advice on how to tweak it. Thanks again for the good advice.
Lisa, you are simply amazing…I will never look at another website the same way again. Thank you so much for what you do. I do reviews myself from time to time of various affiliate products and programs. What I have just learned from you, will help me take that to a whole new level.
Hi, Lisa.
It’s me, your crazy Cannuck ‘associate’. Thanks for this great review. You’re right (as usual 🙂 listening to someone constructively critique an existing site is and excellent way to learn. I picked up at least a dozen tips watching this video.
Ironically, I reviewed Rita’s site a couple of months ago and sent her an email saying the exact same thing you did about the landscapes. I think I told here something like, “OK, Rita……you’ve got me HOOKED… me Ayres (sp) Rock in full-page, mind-blowing splendor!!
Thanks to both you, Lisa AND Rita for today’s lesson.
See you on/in the web!
Best regards,
This is very motivational! As I Type, the “SITE REVIEW” in playing in the back ground.
Good job rita and very balanced REVIEW lisa! I headed now to up-date my blog!
Great review Lisa! I’m looking forward to seeing more.
I just came across your YouTube video. Great stuff if learned a lot
Thanks sgtmac66, means a lot. 😉
Oh…one other thing…well maybe two, lol! My downfall has been the marketing end. Although we didn’t have the things we have today, I would urge anyone creating a site, to pay special attention to the placement of advertising, the search function and the newsletter link.
Again, excellent, excellent advice 😉
Keep it up girl! I learned a great deal with your excellent step by step review. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and you got at least ten thousand here, lol!
Although I have been doing this since 2000, you tuaght me a lot in a very short amount of time.
I highly recomend this video review to anyone either designing one, or thinking about designing one!!
Hi Lisa,
I have the answer about purchasing from your link. Sorry, I didn’t realize
you had an updated video that answered my question. I guess I was too excited to notice it.
Hi Lisa,
I’m going to purchase Site Build It within the next couple of weeks. Do I need to click the link on your site for you to get the credit? I just finished reviewing the video. I’m convinced this company will make good on their word. They almost immediatedly addressed my concern, which leads me to believe they are concerned about my success. I don’t know anything about web-building or HTML codes all this is greek to me. The video was very informative. I will have those pages ready to put on the web.
I’m happy about your success and appreciate information you have shared with me and others like me that stumbled on your site. God Bless you and yours.
Carry Ben
What an outstanding review. This is going to be a great year for you!
I learned so much and look forward to the next review.
I’m going to submit mine, but feel pressure to implement everything you suggested to Rita first (lol).
Hi Lisa,
I have searched for quite sometime now for the information you shared on your website. I have been looking for work at home jobs on the web for 3 years or more, the majority of them sound like rip-offs. Then I started seeing information about AdSense and thought I would investigate it, which after sometime led me to your website on today. Thank you so much for the rich information you have shared on your site free of charge. I also downloaded the book. I’m going to make to take this to the next level of getting my domain and creating my site, I have so much information I need to share with others. You have really encouraged my heart. Thank you again. May God continue to bless you to share and help people like me.
C. Ben
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for the informative review. I think you are right that you CAN learn a lot from looking at other people’s websites and watching reviews of different websites.
I agree with you that overall Rita has done a nice job on her site.
I’ll look forward to your next site review.
Lisa – I found your review both helpful and interesting with lots of great hints. The reviews are a wonderful idea, and I look forward to more.
Hi Lisa,
wow, I am blown away. Thank you Lisa for this wonderful review. You gave me some great suggestions to improve my site.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t do the design myself, but I loved it from the first moment, lol. I use Arachnophilia to work on my site.
Thanks for all help you offer to us.
Lisa! This was a fantastic idea! I learned so much from your tips for Rita. I’m going to implement a horizontal css navigation bar into my own site. I’ve often seen them on websites and personally find them particularity helpful.
Great review, and I can’t wait for more!
~~ SB16
oh my god lisa, you were too amazing and you did such a long and nice review !
I do not know what tool she used to design this but you can create a CSS site with Kompozer or CoffeeCup.
Did she do that with Dreamweaver?Can you get by with Komposer or CoffeCup?