I got an interesting email the other day from a woman named Sandy who is thinking of creating a sports analysis blog that she will eventually monetize (through affiliate marketing) by reviewing and recommending sports equipment.
Sandy claims to be very knowledgeable about sports. She was an athlete in her younger days and all her kids are heavily involved in sports. Her main concern, however, is that she is a woman and most popular blogs on this topic are written by men.
She read my blog post, “Being Anonymous Can Hurt You” and agreed with my points, but was concerned about revealing her picture/identity because she didn’t think men would take her content seriously (or at least as serious) if they discover she is a woman.
What I’ve learned is that there are always going to be people who will discriminate because of something, whether it’s your sex, age, race, religion, etc.
I cannot count the numerous “N word” comments I’ve received on my YouTube channel over the years. I even had a guy tell me he would have taken my information about making money online more seriously if I wasn’t black.
However, I believe that the benefits of displaying a picture and sharing a little about about who you are outweigh the negatives by far. It gives your site personality and also helps build a degree of trust with your audience — particularly if your goal is to earn an income from your site.
Of course, there are always going to be intolerant / ignorant people in this world who judge people on their appearance, but fortunately most people are not that way. People go online searching for information, entertainment, answers to their questions, etc. So if your site can help someone and provide value, most people are not going to care what you look like.
And as far as Sandy’s situation goes, being a woman could actually help in some instances. Many men will respect and be impressed by the fact she is a woman tackling a subject that is mostly dominated by men, and this could work to her advantage.
Will there be some who won’t take her info seriously because she is a woman? Perhaps, but as I said earlier, I think the advantages of providing information about yourself usually outweigh the disadvantages by far — especially if you know your stuff and have an interesting approach to the topic.
I’d love to open up a discussion about this. What are your thoughts? Have you ever thought about staying anonymous because you fear discrimination of any kind? What do you think Sandy should do?
I think being a women is not a problem. It is not necessary to be anonymous. Just reveal the truth through the authors description. This way, the reader will have trust the author and probably whatever the author recommends. We must remember, online buyer will buy not because the product is great but because they trust the one who recommended it. Whom you trust? Your friend or the stranger?
Hi Lisa, I’ve read some of your posts here and you are someone that I can learn something from. I’m not sure why race is an issue. As far as a female trying to sell sports equipment, what’s the problem. She is obviously someone who has expertise in the field. So who cares if she’s a girl!!
Unfortunately both race and gendre will always be an issue to the tiny minded, inadequate person who wants to somehow feel superior. They are so obviously the ones that are inferior, as well.
I have to admit there are certain professions where I might prefer to deal with either a woman or a man, like the very young male physiotherapist they sent me to. No way, I thought! But when it comes to stuff like internet marketing, who cares? As to colour, I couldn’t care less and I don’t suppose most people could.
These types are just jealous because they can’t do it.
Hi Lisa, I can’t tell you how pleased I am that I found you. I am not even sure how now to be honest.
I have spent some time reading a good handful of posts and may I tell you that you are an inspiration.
I have just started affiliate marketing recently with ‘limited’ success, but naturally, I intend to keep batting at it.
Regarding Sandy, I feel she should be open and share who she is. Too bad for those who feel she is any less because she is a woman. I feel she might stand out in the crowd which of course is a very good thing!
Thankfully, there are more tolerant and sensible people than there are idiots who are offensive and rude.
Thanks for the great experience on your blog.
Worthy topic to discuss.Women are suppressed even in this generation. Only when women continue to post their knowledge on whatever topic it be along with their pictures, this condition changes. This alone proves that women are also competent enough today.
I hope they don’t critize me for being mexican! If they do I won’t care!
Thanks ! great post!
This article and the comments have helped me see a new perspective. I’ve often hid behind an avatar and fake name and refused to upload videos on youtube for fear of the backlash. However, I’ve decided with my new blog that I’d reveal myself. It’s good to know that people want to connect the content they read to a face. Thanks everyone!
Absolutely phenomenal article Lisa. I completely agree the benefits of maintaining a personable enviorment in your videos outweighs the negative aspects. You are right some will try to harm but its only an insecurity. Good work and keep the work up. As an affiliate myself i love to read your posts they reaffirm what i say sometimes 😀
I think your identity and protecting it is totally an individual call, Women can write on anything and everything if they have the knowledge. What you write is more important rather than who you are.
Lisa, I too am disgusted that you or anyone should have to put up with racist comments in this day and age. Racists are usually very inferior people trying to make themselves feel important! Anyway, I think that to reveal her name and picture would make Sandy even more popular with women readers and a lot of women are into sport. I have been following your blogs and forum with avid interest, but I am a very private sort of person. I don’t let people in and I like to keep myself to myself, so to remain anonymous would certainly suit me better.
My two cents worth: Like another poster, I’m OLD – oh, man, it hurts to admit that, but there it is! I’m 65, I’ve survived the work world and I’m striking out on my own, and I frankly don’t care one teensy bit whether anyone likes my age, my looks, my opinions or my work. I’m putting all that in front of people anyway! Take it or leave it.
The point is, you have to believe in yourself. If you don’t, who will?
No. Do NOT be anonymous. Stand up and say, “Here I am and here’s what I know/think/whatever”.
In regards to my comment “I also am one who does not have a Facebook or MySpace account. There are certain people that I want to keep out of my business.”
I realize that these services offer ways to restrict the flow of information, but it is not enough for me to post my whole life online. Doesn’t anyone pick up a phone anymore? Gee….almost everyone walks around with a phone strapped to them at all times, but if you don’t check out their Facebook page, then you will likely be out of the loop.
A family member recently announced that their Grandmother died, but did not bother to CALL anyone. Those of us that do not go on Facebook at all or not often enough…..were out of the loop. ::::shaking head in disbelief::::
I often wish that Facebook and MySpace had never been created. It has caused serious strains on relationships, (whether family, friend, or significant other) for several people that I know just from misunderstandings, lack of REAL communication, and other petty crap. The worst is the all the “re-connecting” with exes that is going on, but that is a whole other can of worms….
It’s not just fear of discrimination that I worry about online….it’s my safety. I prefer to write under pen names and do not post my picture. I also am one who does not have a Facebook or MySpace account. There are certain people that I want to keep out of my business.
I’m very private, but I love to write. I just choose to do what many writers over the years have done and use a pen name.
In regards to safety, one very well known internet marketer who uses both her real name and picture online had a man track her down and show up at her door one night while she was making dinner.
Also, keep in mind……besides perverts that prey on women…..there are very desperate people out there that need money. More and more people are turning into thieves just to get by and there is this perception that people who have their own websites, etc. are rolling in the dough.
Anyone who is making a large income online would be wise to keep their identities close to the vest. However, many marketers (like the one I referred to) started back in the mid-to-late 90’s and probably never anticipated the pro’s and cons on using their real name and pictures online.
I choose to not only use pen names, but I also register my sites with Privacy protection as well. This is just me and how I choose to do things. It has not made my content any less enjoyable for my readers and I still write with my unique personality.
I love your site BTW. It is most helpful!
I believe this is a no brainer…most people would rather deal with someone they can see and identify with (man or woman),
than with an anonymous post.
AP’s just are hard to take seriously.
I almost laughed at this thread. It is not a funny situation by any means, but look at you! You are doing what 99.9% of the people wish they were doing. You are incredibly motivational and your hard works shows. I purchased SBI through you and for the first time it was not an internet scam (there are many scams I have fallen for in the past.) I love it! Thanks to you I found a real “niche.” Keep up the good work and don’t listen to those people
I’m sorry some people can’t see past a little pigment, or think the land of your ancestors has anything to do with the value of your advice. Will we ever get to the point of being judged for our own character? I hope so…
Now to the question.
For myself I like to know who is writing. I feel it helps me to connect with the author. Still, it is her call, there is a long tradition of ‘ghost writing’ in literature. She has that option.
Sometimes people trying to generate revenue through Internet, envisages the anonymity, but it is best not to be anonymous, because people need to know and crearce an image of the person who provided the information, products, etc.
We set out some reasons why people prefer to be anonymous, that as I have talked to some friends and acquaintances.
* Why in the country who are relapsed crime is very strong, and prefer to be anonymous to avoid being victims of crime.
* Prefer anonymity because they are just trying to see if they can generate income through internet.
* For privacy of their lives and families.
On the other hand, I think there todabia people who discriminate, either by skin color, beliefs, etc.
I believe that it’s something that we must fight, to eradicate.
Lets all be racist against stupidity.
I kind of lean towards the idea of remaining anonymous. I appreciate what you do Lisa, and your approach and it seems to be working. But I always imagine (and want to picture) the person with a web building tutorial website as a pocket protectector nerd that has dedicated his life to make sute I get MY website up and running. In my case, that is not true, I am an old fat guy that blogs most days in my pajamas. So maybe people are better off using their imagination…
to be totally honest when i watch any sporting event and see a women it has no affect, as long as she got good information i am intreseted in i listen. i didnt realize this was a problem for people in society today!
you shouldnt think like this because their are many women in the olympics who are amazing e.g. kelly holmes.
if some was as norrow minded they would miss out, the world moving forward and they will be left behind!
The internet is changing the world and the way we look at other people. Yes, there will still be some of the stubborn, narrow-minded, racist people out there, but the very nature of the internet and the way knowledge, feelings, thoughts and ideas can be shared embraces multiculturalism and gender equality etc like no other vehicle we have ever known. Put up your pictures. Let everyone see that we are all people of infinite value. Put up your blogs and don’t be afraid of your race, color, gender. Most people will love you. Ignore the ones that don’t. It truly is “their problem.”
Hi I can uderstand why women want to make money but not use their real name. I was onced raped by 18 men who broke into my home 3 years ago.
I didn’t know any of them.
But life goes on…now…
I’ve been excited to create a new business online in the music industry , and I am already doing very well, my first week making a good profit.
How I learned to do this was by following the network marketing tactics of rock,blues guitar artist and singer.
I have been following every move GW Williams has done the last couple years on the Internet.
This guy really knows his sellin.marketing and computer skills. I found also codes he’s invented that draws in millions of people into his online music pages.
But what I first noticed about GW Williams, was a huge success he had in selling shop tools and marketing on ebay.
Yet a very strange thing happened a couple years ago, GW Williams quit ebay and started selling music he wrote and recorded.
At first I thought well how long will that really last.
Back in those days I thought if I could only do what GW Williams was doing online selling tools I’d get rich also, but he changed directions so fast on me, it was then I knew he was ahead of the online business playing field, he was a leader charging ahead,doing what no one else would dare do.
I must say GW Williams is some how so skilled in the art marketing products, that he created an image for his music and himself that today he is now starting to be considered one of the leading world class guitarist, just imagine that, that’s marketing at it’s best.
This guy is amazing.
I saw online where over 3800 people voted him as the number 1 guitarist in the world over the top 100 guitar players world wide.
His new songs, Electric Rock Guitarist and Acoustic Guitar Rock N Roll Blast Off , are becoming huge world wide.
Watching GW sell his 10 song album makes me realize that the art of selling can be done anywhere if you can find a way to create a good business buzz and you know how to sell.
Anything is possible.
It also taught me that even though I am not a guitar player or singer I can, manage others online who are and make money.
There’s many ways to make money in network marketing and using the Internet if we only can see the vision and dream !!
I agree that putting your self out there is better because it is easier to trust a person than it is to trust an idea. In this case if she really wants to stay behind the scenes then she should put a mascot in her place I think it would work well with her niche. She can remain anonomous and still have a representation that goes beyond just trying to sell an idea so to speak.
I like that you look at things so practically. Many people would be put off by abusive personal comments, but you sensibly put it down to the odd rotten egg, and used your negative experience to positively illustrate an important point about publisher anonymity. That gives you more credibility, in my book.
p.s. Perhaps that racist guy somehow mistook you for a Nigerian…No offence, but they don’t exactly get the best press when it comes to Internet ventures! 🙂
Hi Lisa
I found your website while doing exactly what you did years ago, pain stakingly teaching myself about website building and blogging. It is time consuming and irritating at times but I have to say that I feel pretty proud sometimes of what I have learned so far without any schooling.
Your website and blog are an inspiration to me, the information is golden and the ease in which you record your videos is pleasant and refreshing. Sitting with a cup of tea and coming to your site is actually enjoyable and comfortable and your explanations MAKE SENSE.
I am relatively new to this and you give me the push that i need when it all gets overwhelming.
Whether or not this lady should hide her identity? I can’t imagine if you would have hidden yours so I would have to say “No, don’t hide it.” Personality goes along way on websites, it gives them life.
I wish you every success.
I thing , This woman bloggger Should not Be Anonymous?
1. Anonymous have no Value in Social network
No Social network means No traffic No Income
2. She is woman
And She is writing on Sport
Good , I will surely read her blog
3. If she show her Identity , then , her blog will surely popular . You can see same in Youtube , who did any new thing , gets 1000000000 and more page views . So I encourage her to start
4. Becausing she is not cheating
She is not doing any other bad work
If she want to become writer
The write
If she want to earn only money
Then start writing on money only money need not write on sport
Sorry – It seems I merged comments for 2 of your articles – “I’m so confused…..” – just so much good stuff 🙂
I worked for a software development company and we constantly had to stay on top of the latest developments, releases, strategies, and upgrading to keep up with the high-speed tech highway for developments (keeping up is a big ball-game in its self). It’s constant learning. Changes are faster in more ways than people realize. The guy you mentioned is most likely pushing too hard and more focused on what he doesn’t have yet, rather than the fun, creating, researching, and building parts of it. It takes an investigative-creative personality with persistence to do this.
As for ignorant comments. People love to play victim whether it’s a race-sexist-education-age-wealth…. Etc. I’ve also worked with diverse cultures who bash whites, other cultures, and each other. It’s all the blame game and victim mentalities. We truly are all one, we truly are all equal, but if we don’t become 100% responsible and empower ourselves then those will be the ones wallowing in blame and self-pity – which is an age old human handicap.
I love your sites, we are like minded and its fun…. I also appreciate how you handle yourself, with style and integrity.
Lisa –
I just found your website while searching for CSS tutorials and thought I’d post a comment even though this is an older post and has nothing to do with what I came here for! LOL
I think Sandy shouldn’t hide her identity – she should let the world know she’s a woman.
Now having said that, I also think there’s a fine line between revealing ones gender and coming across as an “in your face bad-ass”. This is really true for any subject, actually, not just sports. Generally, people who come across that way are perceived as offensive.
A subtle, “oh by the way, I’m a female and I love sports” is probably better than totally flaunting the fact that this blog is “owned, operated and written by a woman so look out! I’m here to show off!” kind of thing.
In other words, be intelligent, not a know it all. Just write well, ensure your readers you do have a handle on the subject and it really shouldn’t matter what your gender is. Same goes for race, orientation, nationality and any other factor.
It’s sad, though, that in this day and age, we still have to even ask the question, though, isn’t it? And people leaving rude comments on your YouTube channel because you’re black? Wow . . . not cool at all. So glad to hear you know exactly what to do with those kinds of ignorant morons.
I’m white but my husband and kids are Asian and I often tell the kids that when people make comments like that to them, they should reply “Oh, I’m sorry, your intelligence is showing.”
.-= Annie Anderson´s last blog … Don’t be silent =-.
Hi Lisa, I have been following you for almost a year and getting valuable information from you and I tell my friends about your great ideas I agree with you Lisa do not hide who you are, Sandy I would read your Blogg and have not problem with you being a woman my wife knows more about sports than me and that is one of the things I love about her.
I went back up and read comments and reread the blog.
I agree that putting your picture there personalizes things and makes people feel more comfortable with you when you are reading your content. BUT…
Lisa has said that it is the ability to market well that will create success… and that is what Sandy wants is success.
I would just be a little creative and not reveal your gender.
It not a sexist thing. Its not a racist thing. Its a marketing thing.
I think a better targeted analogy is that it is more like taking your little brother with you to hang out with friends.
He doesnt fit in and he`s not taken very seriously.
Sandy is worried about not being taken seriously. I understand what she is saying and think that it is a valid concern.
I wouldnt suggest that she couldnt be successful eventually if she is real good. It will just take her a lot longer.
Be smart in your marketing. Its not sexist. Its not racist.
Its business.
Sandy is the expert and she knows sports. I agree with her.
In a perfect world, yes she should reveal herself. But I must be honest. First, it does depend on the particular sport. If she is talking about tennis, no problem. But Football is a different story. I don`t want to be offensive, but just give a straight opinion.
I think that her instincts are correct.
I dont think that she should be dissuaded from her gut feeling on this. She`s right!
It is hard for me to absorb what a woman is saying when she is reporting on Football. No offense; they just appear to me as jesting, and trying to fit in. Its hard to take them seriously.
I guarantee you that her instincts to stay in the closet is due to the fact that she has had a passion for sports her entire life and no one knows better than her how many times she has not been taken seriously about what she says on it.
Its probably a lot the same as a macho pro wrestler reporting at a bridal shower. Football is accompanied by men emotions and woman reporters fall short of this in their reporting. Its a man thing.
If she is passionate about what she reports, then why have this obstacle in the way. –Share the good news and keep your gender secret.
My thought are that Sandy should reveal herself. After all, I find your site to be very personable as I feel like I know you and not just a “blogger”.
To be honest, I buy online maybe once per year as where my wife will buy several items per month. Sandy’s visual presence on her site will give visitors a welcoming feeling and will be more apt to buy something that she has suggested.
.-= Troy´s last blog … Cash Gifting Programs =-.
You keep it real-don’t ya!
Old teachers never shut up, they just find new audiences. I will also try to make this my last long comment but you guys have said such interesting things…. ;-}
If you think you get judged on appearance now, wait until you get old! I taught computer classes at a major university in 1972 and have stayed extremely active in technology ever since. But one look at me and people assume I still own a VCR with the date flashing. ;-} And you know what? That’s okay — it saves time by cutting out the riff-raff.
My daughter (who both played and coached Division I college teams) can out-talk any man I know on any sport he chooses so I like Lisa’s “I think the advantages of providing information about yourself usually outweigh the disadvantages by far — especially if you know your stuff and have an interesting approach to the topic.” If Sandy starts a blog, I know one family, both males and females, who would surely follow it if she’s interesting and knowledgeable.
Other comments that ring true because of personal life experience:
Cindy: “It seems to me that Sandy might have hit upon a very profitable niche. Surely women buy sports equipment? And what about single women raising boys? If I were her I wouldn’t hide my gender, I’d flaunt it!”
Melanie: “…afterall all mom’s of kids in sports have to buy it anyway…”
Nick: “…when i see women on it reporting they usually seem a bit dumb or uknowledgeable to me…” Judy – I often agree with this but think it has more to do with networks often hire these women on looks instead of ability. ;-}
ThemeGrrl: “However, I think the situation of some men not taking women seriously as sports commentators will only be addressed if women like Sandy take the plunge and put themselves out there. If she writes great content, she’ll have nothing to fear.”
Bujio: “At the same time, I am somewhat uncomfortable with having my name associated with such a taboo subject.” Judy – Are your subjects taboo or just not PC? Your blog — your opinions — people have the choice not to read what you say.
dreamer77dd: “i would not be offended by a woman as they play hockey, baseball and every guys sports out there.” Judy – Another niche for your blog, Sandy — I find that young men tend to be much more comfortable with women’s skills and intellect — bet most of them would judge on your content.
firedupblog: “…being a woman or being a person of color should not matter…” Judy – but the trick is that the individual has to believe that about himself/herself.
Joshua: “I wanted to keep my identity hidden so that way I could be honest and frank about things I may encounter without fear of backlash from my coworkers if by some chance they happened to stumble upon it.” Judy – Excellent point but you might want to be prepared — people who know you will eventually recognize your writing style and opinions. Been there, done that, found out which “friends” I shouldn’t have been hanging out with. ;-}
Don: “My problem is do I remain anonymous?? I have a family to be concerned about, and I have my own personal life to keep safe!! So, in a way, I am like Sandy, even though my reasons for anonimity may be different. I don’t have a website now, but feel compelled to start one. My vision is to help spread positive, and honest information about what “being gay” really is like. There are so man stereotypes out there that many people have tunnel vision about.” Judy – Does your family know you’re gay? Are your children old enough to understand and help you make an informed decision? As far as your idea being controversial, isn’t that true of any blog that is actually interesting? If you’re this unsure about a blog at the moment, have you looked into working with groups that support gay/lesbian/transgendered high school kids? Boy do those kids need understanding adults to talk to, Plus that could be a small setting (maybe in another city?) and might give you more insight into going public.
CJ: “African-American people need to come forward. Women need to come forward–even at the risk of setting themselves back a little–to help us all overcome the idiotic thinking that seems to rule our lives.” Judy – BRAVO! You mention that you’re older, CJ — my reward for aging is being politely outspoken without feeling guilty.
Trish Jones (quoting a 3rd party): ““…it’s not that I have anything against black people, but …” Ahhhh, the infamous “but…” — don’t ya just hate it?
T: “That thought aside, though..“Rosa Parks was more of a strategist when it came to knowing her audience than any of us.” Judy – So true — that was my era and my part of the country — she was one smart lady in every way. Love the way she took that “good ole boy” tactic generally reserved for city folk and turned it back on society.
Lisa: “I don’t give them the satisfaction and just hit the DELETE button.” Judy – Ah, if life only had delete and undo buttons!
Hey..I wanted to make note of the fact that the twitter account which is showing up on my posts does not belong to me. I don’t know how that’s happening. But, I guess everyone can clearly see that Elaine Drennan of Northern Ireland, is not a black female possessing an extremely young face, and looking to preserve her anonymity while writing on the net..
Thanks for the website Lisa. Your willingness to show your image has definitely played a role in my current goals. So, while I am (currently) unwilling to do the same, I do recognize the gift that it is..This is my last post on the subject (I promise) 🙂
Rosa Parks, Lisa Irby, Sandy the Sports Lady- three different situations.
I would venture to say that people from all over the world feel at a complete loss when thinking of website creation, and are very grateful to have a Lisa at the helm, no matter what she looks like. But, that warm comforting element that Lisa provides in her honest approach isn’t a necessary element in the sports world.. even, though, it is effective when newbies are coming into the scary overly technical world of website creation.
For sports, everybody is a commentator. Sandy has a lot of male competition. So, if they don’t want to see her female face, they can get info from the next guy on the corner.
Someone brought up Rosa Parks. For the most part, we just want to make income writing on subjects of interest, not spear head a movement. That thought aside, though..“Rosa Parks” was more of a strategist when it came to knowing her audience than any of us.
Like JK Rowling, and many web writers, Rosa Parks, accomplished the goal by creating an image. “The tired polite little old lady, Rosa Parks” was a pre planned image . Why? Because she knew what her audience responded to.. That’s smart marketing.
Everything from skin color, to clothing, to mannerism – all of this was taken into account to create a strategy which hit the mark with their target audience …the goal. Specifically, The SCLC (in which Rosa was a member) replicated the bus incident after a much darker skinned, much younger (and, rumored to be pregnant) teenage black girl did the same thing and got no press. That is when the SCLC began playing it out..choosing the circumstances, inviting cameras to document it, etc. (Rosa had been a black freedom fighter decades before, she wasn’t just any “tired old lady.”)
That was a whole lot of work. Those people couldn’t avoid posting pictures. If Sandy posts her pic, she may have to some extra work too…i.e. she may want to couch her bio with a story about a strong father figure who got her interested in it all, or a self effacing story which makes fun of women who are sports commentators.. Eww.. (Do I recommend that? No. BUT, Those strategies are no less gross than nit picking skin color to garner sympathy in the 60’s.)
Some people have touched on the fact that Sandy could be successful with sports women, SO TRUE. That is the whole point of identifying your market, and knowing what resonates with them. But, I got the impression from her question that speaking “from a female/ mom perspective” is not her goal.
At the end of the day, if she wants traffic from folks with a record of not wanting to hear a woman, she may to have to put some effort into sizing them up, and acting from that perspective…Just like Rosa Parks.
Just wanted to add that some of the most successful people in the world, had to go through a lot of struggle, had to be judged harsher than others from the start..and, some bypassed that drama with creativity. Generally, you will be scrutinized in ways that others will not be if you come out the traditional way. If you’re just so awesome that it doesn’t matter to you, that you override all the extra critique like an Oprah, per se..then, great, But, if you have reservations, you may want to consider other options besides the full blown “keepin it real” way.
One of my favorite inspirations is JK Rowling. She had full knowledge of the fact that she was not going to sell to the biggest buyer in her sci fi/ fantasy market (young boys), so she created an androgynous pen name. If she hadn’t made that decision, she may have still been extremely successful but more critically judged, which would have slowed her progress..and the public probably would not have caught on to her genius until much longer than we’ve seen happen. That is a repetitive theme in the way the world operates.
If you stand out in a way which life has taught you is just not going to bring you the success your work deserves..maybe, just letting your work speak for itself is the way to go. And, then, when you’ve already established yourself, slap a pic or a bio, or whatever on that front page.. BAM. You can still be authentic, but sometimes life requires a little strategy on your part..Just my opinion.
I don’t have personal knowledge with the face factor in generating traffic the way Lisa does, and I can see her point. Building that trust may supercede all other concerns. But, personally, I’m looking for other ways to distinguish myself. Showing my face- err no. The first issue is that I have a young face, extremely young. Sure, it helps when asking for help, but as a general rule in life- I’ve learned that people judge me AUTOMATICALLY. They do not open their ears to hear the intelligence come through, or they couch what I have to say into a “bright, but still, a young person’s view,” that is, until they hear my real age. Then, their attention becomes redirected to how I stay so youthful..not, on the original conversation. So, at this point, if I were to put a picture with the age noted by it, the reader’s interest in my theme is quickly redirected to this issue, lol. That’s how real life works, and right now I have no reason to believe the internet wouldn’t result in the same.
Plus, in the internet world, my audience is exactly this type of person that has proven most judgemental in real life.. My content is relevant for.. Parents, Mom’s, and adult educated singles, people who want to hear their peers- not their children. The combination of “black- female, and extremely young looking” has a proven track record in terms of “open ears.” This is part of why I sought an internet career in the first place. And, for now at least, I’m going to choose to be creative with marketing my “personality,” not just my content.
Another thing to consider is how you personally react to prejudice. If you don’t easily brush it off easily, like Lisa, take that into account..and, consider how creativity can make you come alive to your audience, even, without a photo. I am a supersensitive person with a horrible talent for remembering bad experiences, and the nature of your post suggests you might be that way too. Once, again, I don’t have the “personalization-traffic” knowledge that Lisa does.. good luck in your decision.