Update: I no longer use or recommend Thesis unless you’re using version 1.0. The latest release is completely different from the one reviewed here. I now use The Prose Theme.
I have a confession to make.
I used to have major trouble with commitment.
Commitment to WordPress themes, that is. 😉
I have been using WordPress for 14 months and bounced from theme to theme because I kept running into walls when it came to the customization piece.
And even though I’m not a complete novice when it comes to CSS, I’ve never been a fan of manipulating sections and columns of a pre-designed theme because I would often get lost in the nested div tags.
In English, that just means I could never get the design to do what I wanted. 😀 Nothing seemed to give me the no-hassle flexibility that I desired.
Until now.
You’ve probably heard the buzz about the Thesis WordPress theme. I have to admit, I wasn’t impressed when I first read about it because the out-of-the-box template looked a little bland to me.
“Why in the world would I pay for that??” is what I initially thought.
So I started researching it a little more, viewed a few blogs using the theme and eventually discovered Thesis offered three features I was looking for…
1) Easy customization
2) Support
3) SEO Optimized
DIYThemes boasts Thesis “does the heavy lifting behind the scenes” and allows you to “command your site with ease.” Boy, are they right. Never have I had a theme that is so easy to customize and I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to explore Thesis.
And if you’re reading or assuming it’s only for beginners, I would challenge you on that thought. Even though Thesis targets people who want a professional-looking blog without having to know much about coding, if you are savvy with CSS and PHP, this theme gives you even more flexibility to create amazing designs.
But don’t just take my word for it. Let me SHOW you what Thesis can do…
Thanks, Thesis for curing my commitment phobia. It’s just the therapy I needed. 😉
Lisa’s Advice: In my personal opinion, knowing CSS will help you unlock the real power of Thesis. You don’t HAVE to be fluent, but the more you know, the more you’ll be able to customize your theme’s design.
If you don’t know CSS, you can still move elements around the page (sidebars, etc.) without getting into the code. Plus, you can make more custom edits using the OpenHook plugin.
But if you want to really customize your header and make your overall design very different from the default, you should learn CSS. I taught myself the basics and I’m glad I did.
i’m using thesis theme too, and it’s great wordpress theme
There are other themes that let you create websites far more easily than Thesis and they are also good in terms of speed and SEO.
In my opinion the biggest strength of Thesis is its Typography, I find Thesis run websites a lot more engaging and there is that something extra which holds your attention.
Will try this theme when finished the wp installation. thx a lot.
Hi Lisa
thank’s for share this Video
The video is very well made, I might give Thesis a try, although i’m a fan of less cluttered theme styles.
Like you Lisa I’ve been using Thesis for sometimes now and I must say I am very happy with it.
I find customisation flexible and easy to do. SEO is integrated. What I like most is when you upgrade to higher version all you need to migrate is the two files custom.css and custom_functions.php.
The forum about Thesis is awesome.
Thanks for this information, but first I will try free WordPress Themes.
Wow. I think I’ll give Thesis a try for my next site. Your video sold me. Like Rob I’ve been using the Options template (which is great), but would much rather have something that requires less poking and prodding to get what I want.
And if my tweaks stay in place when updating to new versions… well that’s just too cool! Thanks for sharing the info. Oh, do you know if it works with WordPress 2.7?
I give this theme a try when I finished my wb installation. thx
Will try this theme when finished the wp installation. thx a lot.
The WordPress Thesis Theme is taking the net by storm. But I still can’t find a code to open and edit! I need help setting up a blog. I invested in Thesis and have a blog on wordpress
I tried the theme and its really worth its price! GET IT!
This will help you to get more traffic from Search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN. To say that my attempts to set up my blog were a mess is an understatement.
Thanks for a fantastic video…NOW I know that this theme will be a great help. I wish there were more people who can explain things as well as you do!
i’m using thesis theme too, and it’s great wordpress theme
Awesome post! I actually never though of posts in the way you put them. They aren’t the way your blog makes money but really a way to build readership and authority.
I bought the theme and never had problems with it. It’s one of the best Theme’s ever.
Nice Theme – will buy me maybe the same in the future =)
It look’s like great!
I bought the theme and never had problems with it. Maybe I’ll use this system also for my customers. Will check the support next week.
Clean and easy and still good. The user should get a fast impression, that’s most important.
I’ve been looking for a nice-looking theme all the day and finally found one. It looks like a real website which is just amazing! 🙂
Hey Lisa,
Thesis theme rocks! So geb on bloggin’
i’m using thesis theme too, and it’s great wordpress theme
hi lisa
i have been working on online marketing since past few months
i am little bit interested in clickbank.
what did u think of
they show a huge no of income 6 7 fig
I need help setting up a blog. I invested in Thesis and have a blog on wordpress, however, I cannot get the Thesis theme to appear on my blog. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Hi Lisa,
I’m looking for a WordPress template and matching template for the Web site I’m going to build. Did you design your Web site around the Thesis WP theme? Love all the info you provide!
Yes Thesis is good but it’s not the best. I was disappointed when I first bought Thesis because it wasn’t as easy to use as they said it was. Still I paid for it so I use it on one of my blogs.
Having said that I had to find one better and so the search went on. I’m happy to say that I found it and I converted all my other blogs.
Hey Lisa,
just want to say Hello and just want to say that you are my mentor.
I’ve started with blogging now. So its my very first time.
I know much about Seo.. so I have to blog about seo.
Anyway… I wish you a nice blogging with your thesis theme 🙂
Hello Lisa!
I have a quick question. I am using Thesis 1.7 and I love it but I have a small issue with it.
On my blog, the homepage show ONLY two full posts, all posts after that become excerpts by default. I have selected SHOW 10 POSTS within the settings but nothing changes.
Would you please help me? Do I need a code?
Thank you very much!
I love Thesis as well, but have not upgraded to the latest version yet. Thanks for show us what it waiting on the other side should I decide to upgrade.
Hi Lisa
Ive been dreaming of building a captivating and high traffic web not knowing where to start untill i stumbled into your weite ups. I became overwhelmed with joy. Youre indeed God sent i will try and apply all your advice(though am a bginer). I must confess i really fell inlove with all your display hope u can b my friend?
Thesis is a great theme framework which is tightly optimized for great SEO and blazing fast speed. Do let me know if you would like to hire me for creating a customized thesis for you…I also provide services for blog upgrade, maintenance, theme customization etc. you can contact me through the contact form on my website.
I am such a newbie that after buying the Thesis with support package, that I couldn’t figure how to load it to my existing blog. I cancelled the purchase because I was afraid I would never be able to figure it out. Any suggestions?
Awww sorry to hear that Sally. It’s really not that bad if you learn about to FTP files. The great thing about YouTube there are tutorials for almost EVERY kind of blog setup, including Thesis. All you had to do is upload the Thesis files to your host and switch over to the Thesis theme in your WP panel. Perhaps I should do a video on that on my http://www.youtube.com/2createawebsite channel.
Hello Lisa..
For someone trying to build their first affiliate review WordPress site would you suggest a free theme or a premium theme?
Are there some free themes which are easy to customize without digging into the code?
Is WordPress ,or a CMS (Joomla/Drupal) in general, good for a product-based affiliate site where i want to basically write reviews and give opinions on products (with HQ images) and direct readers to my affiliate link?
Or should I just build a site using an HTML editor like Dreamweaver?
What a superb video Lisa! I’m going to try out Thesis. Thanks for makig this video and allowing many of us to learn from a true online expert like yourself. I give you 5 stars!
.-= Amber´s last blog … Incontinence Exercises Really Work =-.
Hello Lisa ,
I am glad that some people are happy with thesis , it is great product but it is not for me. I think i will start learning php and css with html so i can make my own custom design websites
as far thesis i am just waiting for them to refund my money back. And FYI i like your work and your videos very good job
Good luck to you all
Thank you
Yeah I think knowing CSS is a plus when working with Thesis. Wishing you all the best.
I am sorry to hear about all the problems you’re having with Thesis and DIYThemes. I have never had to contact support but I have to say that any time I need help with my theme I have always gotten it in the forums.
Just yesterday I was having problems with this new design I just launched, and I posted a message in the forums, and someone told me what I did wrong in my code and was able to fix in minutes. I always get help when I need it and usually within 24 hours.
But a lot of people hate the fact that they only promote their forum support and I understand that. I have never had any issues though. I DO think they should have a support number or contact form on the site, though. That is something I think needs to change. Hope you get your problem resolved soon! Keep us posted.
Hello Jack,
I ran into many themes but I did not find any better than thesis because it is easiest when it comes to customization.
If you still want your money back reply to their support email not in the forum. You will get your money back but my advice is don’t rush into get money back. I have tried many out there and came back to thesis. I am not related to thesis any way atall but just a costomer just like you. This is just a friendly advice.
.-= M.T.Rafay´s last blog … Hadiqa kiani Arabic song “Ah we Nos” =-.
Hello Jason ,
The information which i provided are true , i have cancaled my account with Thesis DIY Theme and did not get my money back from them yet. It been more then 48 hours since i send them an e-mail. You can not ask them to pay you back in their forms. They don’t have real support it is based on community service. Thesis is not a theme it is a framework , You will need design your own blog once you get the frame but it is for PHP Programmers Google Thesis and you will find the real info about. And If you like go to thesis website and then try to get their sales department or their support team or try to send them e-mail if you like. You wont find any information to contact them. WP is a great CMS for blogger and you can find a good theme for free
So good luck
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for all the great info. Many of the topics you talk about aren’t a fit for my band’s Web site, but could be for a blog. I have been thinking about adding a blog to my site to discuss music and help drive traffic. I am not a computer person (a web guy built the site) and am a bit worried by the comments about support for Thesis. Would you recommend Thesis for someone setting up their first blog?
Also, do you have any thoughts about sites that play music automatically when you visit them?
Thank you
Hello ,
I bought thesis too but i am not very happy .. The support never answer my questions of help me. i am not able to customize or design my website. i can not find help in their forms
Actually i dont know who to contact when it comes to support with DIY Thesis Theme
I thought i would like it but it seem to me i am running into problems after problems with it
Any recommendation ?
Thank you
I love thesis too. I just wish there were more custom skins make especially for realtors.
.-= Carmen Brodeur´s last blog … Desert Mountain March 2010 Sales Update =-.
Hi Lisa you have certainly laid it out crystal clear. Will be purchasing the thesis theme through your link hopefully before the week is out.
.-= dee´s last blog … Bible Verses – When You Need to Forgive =-.
I was very close to buy THESIS and then I saw the AFFILIATE THEME and then I got little confuse. I am a newbie. (Obviously No brainer to Guess that)
The biggest issue I have is to monitize my blog, specially 125×125banners or any kind of banners with free themes. If you can make video on those and PLEASE do the
comparison between these two please,
Thanks for always good job
.-= MT´s last blog … Channa Dal =-.
Hi Lisa, i am new to your site……good job, i enjoyed visiting, great vids…..i also like the Thesis Theme, he did oustanding job, and i think it is one of the best themes out there. The price is cheap if your makin money online…..
I will come back again to your site for more info….keep up the good work….yu look great on video by the way.!!!
This is good! Now I know… I will practice more about CSS… Thanks to you Lisa…
Just found the thesis template today and checked out your video Lisa – this looks very good. Like the idea around hooks. This will make my redesign much easier. I also noticed that version 1.6 is out as well. One to purchase I think.