What I did was so simple, I’m almost ashamed to dedicate a post to this. 🙂
I hope you forgive the simplicity of what I’m about to reveal, but sometimes the simplest changes make the greatest impact.
In early November I added a 728×90 unit to the header of my Site Build It! site, Flat Stomach Exercises. That unit began earning around $40 per day for the first few days and then leveled off to $30-ish per day.
I’ve also had decent success with the same unit on my forum, WebsiteBabble.com. The banner doesn’t convert nearly as well there, but it still does OK and is worth the placement.
Note: I attribute the lower performance to the fact that WebsiteBabble.com is targeted to Webmasters and Bloggers who often have ad blindness. So it’s no surprise that unit doesn’t perform quite as well there.
I had been reading about how well the 728 unit performs on many sites and thought of adding a unit to 2 Create a Website, but was afraid it would distract from my overall sales goals. However, I am less concerned about that on Flat Stomach Exercises (FSE).
FSE is primarily an Adsense site for me. As many of you know, I created that site to do a test run with Site Build It! so I could use it as a case study/example on 2CreateAWebSite.com.
To be honest, I’m not as passionate about fitness to work on the site frequently (not to mention I don’t have the time), so I just let it sit and earn passive income. I never dreamed that test/case study site would perform so well with limited content updates.
So I’m OK with being a little heavy on AdSense ads with that site. Not sure I would use that same strategy on 2 Create a Website because I have other goals, and I have to be careful AdSense doesn’t become a major competitor for the main products I promote.
Understand When AdSense Makes Sense for You
It’s tempting to read this post, dart over to your AdSense account and create a 728 unit for your site. That’s fine if the primary goal is to earn money with AdSense, but that may not be your best move.
AdSense may be the primary monetization option for some sites, yet more of a supplement for others. You have to decide which one it is for you. Adding more units to your pages may actually distract and compete with other products you are promoting.
For example, say you are earning $500/month in commissions by referring a product on a specific page. After adding the 728×90 unit, your AdSense earnings increase by $100/month, but commissions for the main product you promote drops to only $200 per month.
In this example, the AdSense banner probably hurt your net earnings. I say “probably” because it may be hard to prove that was the exact cause, but if you see drastic results after making a change like that, AdSense may be the culprit. That’s why you should test everything.
This is the very reason some people choose to only put AdSense ads on pages that have high bounce rates and pages that don’t promote their “important” products.
So you should always look at the big picture for your site. If your AdSense earnings are increasing rapidly, are sales for something else declining? These are statistics you should pay attention to, and it’s the reason some people don’t use AdSense on certain pages if at all.
Always know your individual site goals and make sure your monetization decisions support them. Believe it or not, a boost in your AdSense earnings may not always be a good thing for your bottom line.
Hello Lisa, great article thanks for sharing your success.
Hi Lisa!!
Very Interesting. However, i’m still in doubt about the right adsense strategy to use for my website. The thing is, I really like when visitors only see relevant content rather than ads; plus as you rightly say, webmasters and similar visitors are blind to these types of ads so they are not quite as effective. So I’m coming to the conclusion that this may not work for my site.
If you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.
My problem is that, I am not getting visitors to my website. Recently, I started a website, but I am unsure of how to get traffic to my website. Can you suggest ways to get traffic so that I can earn via Adsense ?
728×90 is a powerful ad block but I
have better results with 336×280
right after the blog post title……..
I am checking your website now. Wondering how I can emulate your google adsense placement. It is true that placement plays a great role for google adsense.
It’s nice that you are doing well on your other sites so that you can experiement one one of them. i generally am a bit cautious of hurting my existing revenue by trying something new but know that i have to do something to keep up with the developments. i will try out the suggestions you stated above – thanks!
Hi Lisa this is intresting butis not that simple to make 1000$, anyway thank’s jocuri barbie
hello Lisa Thanks For The information Great Job Really One Again Thank’s
Thanks Lisa. I kind of look at my blog like a big funnel. Good content and SEO practices are what brings traffic to your blog. Once you’ve got some traffic, the key is for you to make money by the time that person leaves your blog. That comes from good design and format.
I still learning how to use adsense to make money online.
it’s always be the position and the target field.
Just browsing many articles that can help me w/ it.
your blog actually has a lot of them =)
thx so much for the info you gave out~!
Nice post Lisa, I’ve been reading many of your posts, even if I have a blogger blog I still think I’ll be doing good sometime because I think my blog is looking good :D… Thanks for your help.
Hello Lisa!
A very new visitor to your site and this post title is more than awesome.THanks for explaining the concept by taking examples which i like in the post .
Lisa one question arised in my mind why do you use dates in the URL like 2010/12/06 <<Any reason behind this so plz tell Because in terms of seo its not recommended.If so Please share.
Navneet Arora
I have a good number of visitor and the page views but I dont get clicks from my adsense…… I only make $1.25. 0.21 or non per day…………help me out anyone
Clever placement of adsense! It is ingenious to create a website that blends naturally into the Google Adsense ad, very effective and noteworthy. I also like the look and feel of this page as it seems to be a hybrid website/blog. I’m all for the environment!
Joe @
$9.99.com Domain Registration!
Zoom zoom!
I’m curious, did you contact google about their adsense terms of service w/ this one? To me it seems breaking a few of their adsense guidelines…
If it’s okay it is a mighty fine placement.
hello Lisa,
I am ROshan…
I have a personal blog, just a personal blog, and that too not in English…
I would like to create adsense earning website in English.. Where will I start…Which topic i need to select ?
Great Article, I quite believe you made $1000 from adsense on website. But your success don’t come over night. Making money online (adsense) is a gradual thing, though a lot of people have this notion that immediately they setup a website/blog and display adsense on it they automatically start making big money.
keep up the good work and enjoy your money with peace of mind.
Wish you the best.
hi lisa
can u tell me how to increase the revenue in the adsense.i am not earning the money in the adsense.i would be very thank fulif u tell me the advice.
thank u
Need help with traffic and adsense.
I agree with all the comments from the people above and this is just a quick note to thank your for those excellent Youtube videos.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for such a wonderful article. My website earns around $1 from my website through adsense, how can i improve it to $ 20 per day.
Kindly advise
Best Regards,
thanks for sharing this info. I had a blog, the adsense approved it but i dont earn that much. Anyway, it feels good when somebody leaves comment. earning is a bonus…
You just gotta be patience with the google adsense earnings, when you work hard and put a lot of effort in your blogs you will see your earnings go up
I have tried different ads on my blog and found the 336×280 works the best
About the website adsense earnings ,all depends from the niche.
Best niches are medicine and tourism.
I heard of niche, what exactly is it and how do I use it?
Hi Lisa, I’m a bit confused on setting up google adwords..I’m not sure what keywords to use etc.
been following your blog and youtube vids
how many visitors do i need to earn 30 dollars a day from adsense?
thank you
Wow this is amazing i have to put a 728 unit in my blog to, to see if it converts like yours. tkx for the tip!
I like your conclusion ” Believe it or not, a boost in your AdSense earnings may not always be a good thing for your bottom line” very much but I have no luck with any affiliated marketing efforts.
I strongly believe it is the niche which decides whether your website can be a success in affiliated marketing. Since you are in web development niche the chances of success in affiliated marketing is high compared my tech niche site (mainly troubleshooting guides). So for me adsense is the only way to generate income.
Lisa your blog is truly inspirational and very informative. I am going to start a blog soon on my website , i have a question for u that is what adsense plugin do u use for wordpress blog ! Please provide me a genuine solution ! Thanks !
lisa you are simple great…
i watched almost all of your videos on youtube its great to learn with you….
you stick to the topic very well
thumb up for you…
Lisa, i can’t find it in the adsense tos, but is it against it to have a youtube video next to the ads? how is that converting for you? thank you?
Very well! Those are my highest converting units.
I have recently started playing around with banner placement on my blog. I am still trying to build traffic and create static pages, but I have definitely found better luck with AdSense earnings since I started using the Leaderboard ad. You have a great site and I am learning a lot from you. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge.
how do you add the adsense block to the header, if you are a
block building SBIer ?
ps: congratulations on not having a real job!
@Dominic I don’t believe you can if you use the Block by Block builder
thank you very much,article is very great and full of information, because i have a website and only earn like 5$ a week, but i will try this
good lisa,your income is increasing.mine is still below 100.for websitebabble,you can try cpm networks
Hello! This is my first reading your blog and it is awesome! I am currently experimenting with internet marketing. I will definitely come back for more guidance. Cheers 🙂
Yes, I love to place adsense banner at all my blogs and earning more than clickbank products.
My aim is not to earn more from my blog. At present I’m concentrating on giving quality contents to my blog visitors. I prefer adsense earnings as secondary to my blog.
Does adsense make websites slower. I recently was on a fast server and started to gain traffic so I put adsense on my homepage and I became a lot slower so I took it off but the server was still slow. Is this adsense or something else. I am on a bluehost shared hosting plan.
Jberkdesign.com and drwalisever.com (both on the same server).
Is there an alternative to adsense like another program of some sort. Hoping to get more or the same amount of money from each ad click.
AdBrite, Kontera, and Chitika are options but I don’t think anything pays like AdSense.
Yes! Exactly! Adsense is the best. I have placed only adsense ads to my blog. Even though I prefer giving quality contents to my blog 🙂
Hey Lisa, great post! It is definitely key to knowing your website’s purpose – as far as ads and ad placement and also your audience. I have had the 728×90 leaderboard placed in the header of my essay website and it has been doing very well. However, not so for my web development site; the sidebar ads work better there. I also make it my duty to pay special attention to my ads performances and am constantly experimenting with the new ones I’ve created. Healthy Living Now is my newest site and I am in the experimental phase. As always, thanks for your insights!
728×90 ad unit works great for me. Since my blog doesn’t have high traffic so the earnings aren’t high…
I’ve had great success with placing the two largest adsense squares next to each other.(336 x228)
That way you’re able to get more ads displayed. The click through rate most times is over %3, sometimes 6+% (could use more traffic now), however I have removed them from some of my pages because I wasn’t meeting my goals which is selling android tablets.
I have 250 – 300 per day visitor and 1000 – 1500 page impression on my blog http://www.bestbhojpurisongs.com but adsense revenue is 80 cent to $1.5 per day how can I Increase this amount can anybody help me?
Wow…..Nice Tip,Simply Superb
Lisa Congrats! Your article rocks! You Always give good advices! I bet you have helped a lot people to make money online! good job!
I’m going to try this to see if I can increase my adsense earnings…Thanks again Lisa; you’re the BEST!!!
I’m new to most of this stuff. I just realized a few weeks ago that you could make money like this. I’ve watched some of Brad Callen’s webinars and he goes into it. According to him he has made some serious money with it.
Great article Lisa! I’ve found that with some of my sites the adsense does terrible, but it really does depend on what your site is about and how much the cpc pays. I have one site that gets a lot of hits, but the cost per click is very low.
That is true. It depends on the subject. I think even without adsense the site worth itself depends on the subject unless you have some incredibly sought after domain name.