Because you asked for it, I am going to try to work in more case studies/site reviews into my blogging schedule. Below is a review of the blog, by Srinivas Rao. Enjoy!
Want your site to be considered for a case study? Learn how!
Filed Under: Reviews/Case Studies 24 Comments
Because you asked for it, I am going to try to work in more case studies/site reviews into my blogging schedule. Below is a review of the blog, by Srinivas Rao. Enjoy!
Want your site to be considered for a case study? Learn how!
Is there a plugin for putting blog post images in the sidebar.
Looking forward to more of these! I was looking forward to watching the case study video, but get a ‘this is private’ message so cannot Is it part of a membership site or something? This is the first time I am seeing these “teaser” links and they are pretty cool. Neat idea, Lisa.
I got some ideas after watch the video. Thanks
I really liked how this site utilized so many different authors. So clean actually that it doesn’t have a top menu.
I like your case study Lisa. It does really help as well somehow since without people who critic you the site may not go as earnestly as how we want them. It was always a pleasure to be able to get to read your articles for this one watch the video of course which is I am giving a high five for a very good presentation and great pointers.
Is there a plugin for putting blog post images in the sidebar
glad to see more focus on review sites. looking forward to submitting one of my niche sites for a review.
lovely case study. I would love to be your next case study but I don’t have enough time to organize things.
Excellent review! I got some ideas…..
This is David. Hello to all. As I am new to the internet and blogging in particular,I have a lot to sort out and to learn. Thankfully, bloggers are some of the classiest and most informative people anywhere. I need all of the information I can get and this post helps a whole lot. Thank You for posting this.
Neat idea, Lisa. Looking forward to more of these!
I always enjoy reading the case studies just because it gives an example of an idea that has been successful for someone. I often struggle with ideas to create a website, so these posts are often very inspirational to me.
I really liked how this site utilized so many different authors. I know that I’ve had the thought that “I just don’t have enough to contribute…” many times, so the idea of a collaborative effort is quite refreshing. It almost seems like a necessity for this type of blog; it must be very difficult to have one person travel enough to share enough content from their traveling experiences. I’m also a sucker for the clean look; it’s a lot easier to turn someone off than on with trying to put “too much” style into your blog. Great review, as always!
Blog audits and case studies are always a ton of fun to read (or in this case, to watch!) because I learn so much from them to apply to my own blog.
I’ll be interested to see how the site grows now.
Hi Lisa and Srinivas,
This case study series is really a good idea. Nothing beats having fresh eyes take a look at your work to point out the stuff you the owner can’t spot because you look at it too much.
This is the first time I am seeing these “teaser” links and they are pretty cool. Yes, it is a very clean blog. So clean actually that it doesn’t have a top menu. 🙂 It sure needs at least one horizontal top navigation bar for better usablility for the blog visitors.
Not sure what we can do with our comments: offer our 2 cents? Tell you “Great Review” :)? Or ask a question if the site owners don’t mind. That said: Srinivas, pls how do you drive traffic to the blog now that the initial promotional competition has come and gone? What traffic generation medium works best for you?
Is there a plugin for putting blog post images in the sidebar?
I Love the Case Studies! So much you canlearn from others. I will try to implement this into my own Blog. I wish i could afford thesis, but I don’t have an extra cent.
Excellent review! I got some ideas, like the sidebar images linking to other posts. I think you should do a few more of these 😉
Hi Lisa! Wonderful review, and your constructive criticisms opened our eyes! Thanks for the tips!
Indeed, an excellent review. In addition to your comments, I would have made each image on the homepage a bit smaller, reserving the larger version for the individual blog pages. I would also have made them all the same size on the homepage.
The Twitter and Facebook icons are a bit small….they do not cry out “follow me”.
I guess with your review and these comment, we’ll see some changes as the site evolves.
Yes i can watch it right now it works .
This video is private 🙁
maybe it was done on purpose
No it was a mistake. 🙂 Sorry folks.
Hi Lisa
I was looking forward to watching the case study video, but get a ‘this is private’ message so cannot 🙁 Is it part of a membership site or something?