Have you ever paid attention to how your WordPress posts perform in the SERPs compared to your pages?
I am often asked which is better for SEO, so I decided to create a video revealing my opinions and discussing what has worked best with my newest WordPress website.
I’d love to hear your stories too. I’ll see ya in the comments!
A great post! I love wordpress.. I like denise jones idea about the structure.. thanks
Now I’m learning WordPress, thanks for help!
During the time I was creating my blog, I viewed your video and decided to make the content that I want people to learn about into pages and design/blog related topics into blog posts. My blog is still new so I don’t have any reports to see how well this will work but I agree with you that there should be a balance.
I’ve always pondered that same SEO question! Pages vs. Posts on SERPs. My own observation was that pages do better than posts on SERPs. Thanks for the video.
SEO takes a great hit specially after post penguin updates. Seems over optimizing the pages for SEO could lead to deindexing and the most critical issue is how to determine the right SEO so for penguine updates.
I have been searching for tutorials on optimising wordpress and found your post. First of all thanks a lot for sharing this Lisa and will be looking forward to be in touch with you regarding it with my silly queries to trouble you a bit.
Thank you very much for your video. The new updates with google panda has really shaken up my rankings and I just had to know if posts or pages was a factor or if one ranked better than the other. After seeing your video, I am confident in your conclusion. It’s what I suspected and now I can move on to something else. Thanks again!
The most important thing in the SEO is the title of the page or the title of the post. Second most important thing will be the keywords and the tags used in it. So in order to rank high on the search engines it is very important to right keywords,tags and titles.
I have a white hat site that i have set up with wordpress. The site looks nice and professional i am adding content every few days with the hope of it helping me move up the rankings in the search engines (along with other SEO).
My question is, does it make a difference to SEO if i add the new content to my wordpress site as a new page or a new post?
So far i have been adding the content as a new page.
It might seem like a silly question but does it make any difference if it is a new post or new page with regards SEO?
I like your site, it’s full of great info, and you speak in a very non-techy kind of way that’s easy to understand. Great job!
I use WordPress exclusively, and themes and plugins, like the All In One SEO Pack, and I get decent results.
I have researched the Thesis and Genesis themes as well as Woo themes, and they are all great in their own respect, but I think I like the Woo themes the best for what I’m after.
As far as my experience goes with pages vs. posts and SEO, I think the pages last longer in the SERP’s, but the posts can get indexed quite quickly. Internal linking is the bomb!
The best tip I have is to “Just do it!”
GREAT SITE AND BLOG… you go girl!
WordPress pages have worked great for me in the past, I think pages are valuable as well to search engines to increase traffic to your site.
I think pages and posts don’t really differ in terms of SEO and ranking. It is solely dependent on good content, keyword density and link structure.
I am wondering about why some people say wordpress is not good for seo.The above tutorial is the proof this.Thanku you has written a nice post giving me a idea what i have to do for my next post for seo.
Great video tips .. I am still noob but learning
I’m just learning how to use WordPress. I find it way better than blogger.
I’ve wondered which is better for a LONG time. I guess we’ll never know for sure, I think it’s good to try and match keywords on a combination of posts and pages.
Thanks for the video !
Hi Miss Lisa,
Thank you for posting the video, it is very much informative!!! It is very much helpful on your reader like us!!
I think its important to use both pages and posts tbh…if not for SEO but for user content experience and improving your bounce rate..
i think that content is the king …it’s more important than building backlinks…
Very well Thanks For Sharing To us… 🙂
Nice video,
For example, I always youse special wp plugins for seo on m blog. I think it should help.)))
And ofcourse text optimization!
I try to build pages that have between 750 to 1500 words with the main keyword in the title. I then use blog posts in conjunction with an internal linking plugin to try and point to the pages I’m trying to rank. This works fairly well for the most part, but you never know what happens, and often times blog posts will outrank the pages…. go figure.
Hi Lisa,
My site (http:// http://www.thebestbuyer.com )is quite young and so far I have found that posts that I make that link to the main article page rank higher with SEO than the main article (that has a lot more words). I think may be it is the inner link? I will try adding more internal links on my pages to boost their SEO.
Great Video by the way!
Fantastic tips.Your youtube video is a great way to remind us never to forget something as basic as SEO when creating pages or blog posts.
Thanks for sharing your video
Thank you for a very interesting video. A very straight forward.
Great insight , SEO sometimes can be quite challenging but i do agree that wordpress helps!.
Thanks Lisa for the great video!
Thanks for the video. This is very important for me. I am beginner for try earning some money from internet.
Great video! I love wordpress for seo and getting sites to rank quickly, I haven’t found much difference between post/pages though. I’ll have to check my stats in the next few weeks.
Your article is blessing for me. Thanks for publishing such a great information,But… :
I think wordpress is the best cms for SEO and we have to optimize posts or pages in our site based on wordpress,because WordPress should be SEO friendly!
I’ve been waiting for an invite to pinterest for five days and I was just wondering how long it usually takes for them to respond. Thanks!
Post or Pages does not matter at all. It is anchor text and related links that point to that page/post that matter a lots.
WordPress is a great way to to build and maintain a blog as it’s always updating and becoming easier and easier to use. It’s also an awesome platform to delve into the blogosphere and connect with other bloggers.
Thanks Lisa for the great video!
I really want to understand more about wordpress! I am jealous for those people who knows wordpress very much!
I enjoy using the WordPress! WordPress is really great for SEO! Thank you for your video!
Lisa, Have a little question, WordPress is a cms as we can use it for our blogs but in india we are also using wordpress for static sites. so is it ok to use wordpress for a simple 5 pages website like home, about us, contact etc. ? will it help in the same way for seo as for a blog does ?
Before I’ve ever choice betwwen blogger and WordPress. And I did with WordPress. I think wordpress is better for SEO than blogger. And WordPress has a lots plugins and themes for choice. I love it!
Well i want to ask something if i send any pint to website why it comes back to me??
hi, I am beginner for try earning some money from internet. any suggestion for beginner like me?
Great vlog and thanks to everyone for all the great comments! I feel like I learned as much from the comments as I did from Lisa’s vlog!
I see my posts ranking higher than my pages, but the content of my posts is more informative and targeted, where my pages are more like website copy. Maybe that just means I need to work on optimizing my page content 😉
Thanks for the great info!
As for me, I actually found out that my PAges gets more link juice and Pagerank. But for ranking them, nothing big can be seen. If you build links on them with proper anchoring, they will rank no matter what.
I am a huge fan of wordpress blogs and you made some great points, thanks!
I feel like finding your site (2 days ago) has sent me a gold mine. I am still digging for my treasures, but by implementing some of your tactics, I have already seen growth in my site.
Thanks again,
Hi Lisa
Thanks for your informative and insightful tips.
You simply rocks…keep helping us.
Thanks for the information Lisa.
I am curious to this one as well.
I use wordpress for a static history website. I do not use categories or tags in my permalinks. I put a great deal of time researching different keywords and variations of that keyword. In my experience posts perform better than pages. I don’t understand this because it doesn’t make any difference to google but here are two examples:
I have a page created that generally covers the American Revolutionary War. Within that page I target different variations of that keyword. I do not rank on Google for any of them. Google does not even notice them. It has been online for months and I link back to that page more that any of my other posts or pages.
I created a post that deals with George Washington and I was ranked on the third page of Google for 4 different keywords in less than a month. The competition is the same for each keyword, yet I cannot seem to rank with the American Revolutionary War page.
It doesn’t make any sense to me, but for my site it seems as if I rank quicker for posts.
In my experience both are equally important, just serve different purpose. As far as ranking in SERP’s – it makes no difference if its a post or page – what matter is how well have you done your onpage optimization and link building
So how tips for blogspot dude?
any one can help me?
or, any one have a reference site for that?
yes, I agree with you, Google doesn’t really care about if its a post or a page, what important to hem is how you will able to optimize that certain page, whether if comes from the wordpress or page. What matters most is how you optimize that certain page wisely.
thanks for sharing your thoughts about this, I like your blog btw. : )
Hi Lisa, I run some weblogs with WordPress and I believe there is really no difference between posts and pages, if both are given identical treatment concerning architecture information, content and intenral and external links. Thanks for the post.
Hi Lisa,
Please Help me with my website. I am from London.
best wishes