I sent out a check-in email to my list last week, and I was blown away by how many people said they are stuck in neutral with their sites or businesses.
What’s even more interesting is that the underlying reason for the standstill seemed to be the same for most…
Fear of failure!
Stop Trying to Make Everything Perfect
There’s nothing wrong with planning and making sure you have all your ducks in a row.
But when you start obsessing over insignificant details, making excuses for not moving forward and keep putting off things over and over again, something bigger is going on here.
Perfectionism often means you are deathly afraid of making a mistake.
So you adjust, tweak, pause, plan, hesitate, and over analyze details until you end up doing nothing at all.
In the end, that makes you feel even worse because now you’re not doing anything.
The reality is, you won’t REALLY know what’s going to work and what’s not unless you put it out there.
No one and I mean NO ONE gets it 100% right the first time, but online businesses are incredibly forgiving. 🙂
You can always adjust or tweak your strategy.
I often hear from people who want me to validate every aspect of their website idea before they continue because they are so incredibly afraid that it might not work.
Sure, you can get guidance and tips from others, but the only real way to know if it will succeed is to DO SOMETHING.
Success Stories Never Tell The Whole Story
I love it when marketers share their success and earnings.
It’s inspiring and can leave you feeling motivated and ready to follow in their footsteps.
Many successful people are not talking about the sacrifice and the time they’ve invested.
They aren’t sharing how many times they failed before they eventually got to where they are.
So when YOU set out to try what they’re doing and encounter roadblocks, you start to doubt yourself because you aren’t matching their results.
That is exactly why I share when I’m struggling with something.
I suffer from distractions, insecurities, setbacks and many of the same problems you go through.
So when you see those big payments plastered all over the net, don’t forget there’s always a story behind how that person got there.
And they probably went through many of the same things you’re going through now.
They just don’t tell you.
The only difference between you and them is they kept going and didn’t let fear of messing up stop them.
Derek Halpern talked about this very issue where he reminds us “Everything is NOT awesome and that’s OK.”
Don’t Be Fooled By My Earnings I Will Reveal
When I launch my content and courses about POD, you’re going to see screenshots and videos of some pretty sizable and inspiring earnings.
I do that for proof and credibility — nothing else.
February and March were amazing months. I haven’t been as excited about a passive income opp since AdSense launched in 2003!
Sure, revealing those payments may help get a handful of people into my courses, but don’t be fooled.
You also need to know that there was a time when I hardly earned anything with POD.
I remember joining Zazzle in 2011 after reading about people making thousands per month and yet it took me 6 months just to earn a measly $15!
But you didn’t hear me talking about my pitiful earnings then did you?
I wasn’t blogging about how much time I spent tinkering in Photoshop an uploading stuff that never sold.
However, I never gave up on POD because it’s something I genuinely enjoy doing in my spare time.
Even when I was making less than $20 per month in 2012 I was still working on it as if I were making thousands.
Thanks to Merch, my earnings are finally matching the time I invested.
I have now expanded into other niches and the time I spent learning over the past 6 years is finally paying off.
So those nice 4 figure monthly earnings may be inspiring, but to get to that point I spent a LOT of time learning, finding niches, fiddling around in software, uploading crap that never sold, studying POD blogs, you name it.
You don’t get to see that side of it.
You have to invest the T-I-M-E and know the money is not going to come instantly.
It’s important for you to realize that you HAVE to go through those slow or low periods. It may seem like failing, but it’s all a matter of perspective.
You’re not failing. You’re LEARNING what NOT to do. And you will never learn ANYTHING if you sit and do nothing.
Stop seeking idea and concept validations because you want protection from failure.
No one can guarantee your idea will work or protect you from making mistakes.
Put it out there and adjust based on what you learn!
You’re Not Alone In Your Fears
I wanted to do this post to let you know that many people in my audience are stuck just like you.
A very honest private group member admitted that she really wants to get started with POD but keeps making excuses about not having time out of fear.
That was super brave and very self aware of this member to admit that.
It also made me wonder something…
I polled the group a month ago to ask about their biggest challenges with POD.
I thought the number one answer would be “software/technical issues” or “making the first sale.”
The most popular answer BY FAR was “I can’t find time to work on this.”
I didn’t think much of that at first, and took the answer at face value.
But now I wonder how many people use the “I don’t have time” excuse when it really means, “I don’t want to MAKE time because I’m afraid I won’t be successful.”
Let me ask you this…
Why do you fear failure so much when it’s something almost EVERYONE goes through at some level?
So what if you stumble? Who doesn’t? And who is going to know about that stumble but you?
Why do you put so much pressure on yourself to succeed at something when it’s completely normal to make multiple mistakes before you find success?
Don’t let previous failures rob you of an opportunity to try something else or start again. Learn from what you did wrong and keep pressing on ’til you get it right!
I Didn’t Really Know My Audience
Isn’t it funny how Internet marketing gurus are always talking about growing your email list, opt-in strategies, landing pages, what email provider to use, etc?
But how many of us really understand the problems our subscribers face at the core?
After many years, I’m just now figuring out how much deep-seeded fear is ingrained in many of my subscribers.
Think about why it’s important to fully understand where your followers are mentally.
Here you are, using your list and trying to sell products while not realizing that a big reason people aren’t buying is they are crippled with self doubt and fearing failure.
They’re stuck, confused and paralyzed with fear and indecision. That’s not exactly a buying mood is it?
It’s our jobs as infopreneurs to bridge that gap because that roadblock could be the difference between whether they ever buy or not.
Honestly, I don’t know what that bridge is going to look like for this audience, but your responses were a BIG wake up call for me.
Many of you don’t need a website course right now.
You need help with motivation, getting over fears and conquering massive bouts of indecision that are paralyzing you before you even START.
I’ve always known that was a problem for some, but I don’t think I realized how many struggled until the responses I received last week.
It was amazing to see how similar the problems were with fear as the underlying root.
And I don’t think I’ve done a good job of addressing many of those core issues with my content.
I’m very, very comfortable with the Internet, software and computers, but a lot of you are not. And sometimes there is a disconnect because I assume you’re moving along and you’re stuck.
Here I am encouraging you to go to step B, and many of you haven’t even started step A due to fear.
Here’s The Hard Truth
I can’t validate your website or business idea and protect you from failure.
No one can.
But I can guarantee this…
You might stumble and do some things wrong, but you always have a chance to recover. That’s how the process works.
In fact, that’s how LIFE works.
However if you stay stuck out of fear, I can promise you will NEVER succeed because you aren’t giving yourself a chance.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Not trying is far worse than any failure you could ever have. ” quote=”Not trying is far worse than any failure you could ever have.”]
And I can say that because I’ve had more failed sites than successful ones, yet I’m still out here doing this full time. 🙂
But it’s important that you understand I go through the same destructive inner dialogue and setbacks as you.
Everyone does at some level.
Now here’s what separates those that succeed from those that fail…
[clickToTweet tweet=”Successful people take action. Period! ” quote=”Successful people take action. Period! “]
Are you going to sit and drown in indecision or make the choice to step out on faith and try?
It’s all up to you! 🙂
Wow Lisa! You always inspire me. Thanks for the great article. Successful people never seize to try!
Hi Lisa,
After reading your this article I really motivated because I am also facing this fear of failure problem. For this problem, many times I am stuck and confused about what to do and what not to do.
Your this article really connect with me and many more people who face this kind of problem.
Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring article with us which is very helpful for me and many other people.
Hello Lisa, Having a website with a specific keyword as the site URL, Does it help in ranking and SEO because I created a blog, One was a tech blog and one was SEO blog but I discovered that even with a traffic, the SEO is ranking higher both in Alexa and visibility. Do you think It was right?
“But when you start obsessing…” <— that's me to a T
Always nice to recognize when 'enough is enough' lol – thanks for sharing Lisa 🙂
You’re very welcome, Andy! Trust me! You are NOT alone! lol
Thank you so much Lisa this really hit home!
Hey Lisa,
Been working online for over 15 years and failed numerous times. After gathering your info i understand that it takes a lot more time and effort than i was willing to put in. Knowing that one can rebound from mistakes is huge! Your explanation of fear is exactly what most of us marketers go through. Learning to rebound and adapt with new techniques. Thanks for helping people think outside the box!
Hi Lisa,
Your videos + blogs are that what gives immense knowledge. Thank you for sharing valuable stuffs.
Lisa darling,
Would be nice to see more videos from you. Hope all is well. Would love to do an interview someday. Keep doing what you’re doing b/c you’re an inspiration to people and you don’t even know it. 🙂
Yep Lisa. Online business mistakes are in fact completely forgiving. It’s not like people who read your site are going to see you in public and say “hey you, you made too many mistakes on your site, so I’m not giving you anymore of my time or business.” Heck, they don’t even know who you are. And with that said, there should be no fear of failing.
Hi Lisa,
I found your website a while ago, then I forgot about it. Recently I was searching for something and here you are. This time added to my favorite (speed dial).
Fear and laziness are two factors for me. The latter is more I guess and one more…difficulties to make up my mind what is it I want to do. I mean, niche, how to and what I have that can help people. It seems like everything is out there and as none English native who cannot afford at the moment “ghost writer” has more fears than native English speakers. Some natives are so picky when comes to reading non native. Many years ago I had marketing website where I promoted software for marketers. It worked in some point without any major ads and SEO (I suck here). The reason it worked was, that I offered Money Back. Then,. once I stopped doing it, all traffic and sales went to ZERO. Maybe this part of comment would be good for another post here about UDEMY. Now, my biggest problem which seems simple is domain name. Can you imagine! I have been stacked with choice for about half year and I cannot make my mind. Maybe I could already make some small money. Procrastination is another big deal.
Do you have advice on domain choice? I want to promote multi products, not just one niche. Something like you have in your resource page, but of course done with reviews etc.
Thanks Lisa for being yourself and natural without BS.
Hi Lisa
I’ve been following you for some time now. your advice is always spot on!
Thank you for taking the time to share this with us all.
Thanks so much Catherine. Thanks for your long-time support!
Thanks for sharing this amazing information with us and I really appreciate your honesty and your knowledge.
Actually it is true to fear of failing in any of online business, but we can overcome this by following all your mentioned points. Every successful website which we came across, was once faced the failure, so it’s natural, but we have to accept the challenge and work hard to achieve the success. Proper planning, roadmap, guidance from experts and marketing strategies required to make your website successful.
Omg this is so true!! I’ve only been blogging for 3 months and every time I hesitate before hitting the publish button because I’m worried I made a mistake or my post isn’t good enough for people to want to read and enjoy.
Then I remember I mainly blog because I enjoy writing and I want to make new friends and help people. So I hit publish lol
Good for you! LOL Sometimes it takes a bit to build up that confidence but you’ll get better and faster with that Publish button over time. Ha ha ha!
I sure hope so lol. I always have a brief panic attack (not really but it sure is a freak out moment).
Thanks for the awesome post 🙂
Hey Lisa
I cannot thank you enough for being so honest 🙂
With so many so called online marketers out there, you just do not know where to turn or who to believe.
So I guess one way to justify that valuable dollar is to try yourself first.
If it doesn’t work, at least you can say you tried, and then perhaps tweak then try again.
Great post
Nice article as always. Thanks Lisa
Have nothing to say other than compliment for your design. Those picture of you looks amazing lol
Thank you Lee! Gotta love Bitmojis! LOL
Thanks Kim!
I’m totally fine with your help
You are a blessing.
Hey Lisa,
You just spilled out a bitter truth. I guess I needed this read right now as I was getting much impatient as I always get.
Thank you so much.
Dear Lisa,
I love you so much. You have encouraged me to get back out there. It is scary in the marketing world and I have made every excuse in the world to stay away. But I have to at least start trying.
Thanks for making me get up on that horse again.
You’re welcome Linda!
Hey Lisa,
Have you ever used the Genesis Fragment Cache add-on with W3 Total Cache? Was wondering if you or anyone here has tried it and if it was worth the premium W3 Total license.
I have never even heard of this one.
Hey Lisa,
Glad to read your wonderful experience. Yes, you are 100% correct – Success stories never reveals the whole story because in success story people only talks about positive circumstances they leave negative aspects or struggling periods which comes in way of success. You shared amazing tips and they are absolutely appreciable. Thanks for sharing your worthy information with us.
With best wishes,
Amar kumar
It’s like you’re writing the story of my life. As much as I hate to say this, I allowed myself to get all swept up in the marketing hype as well. I should know better because marketing is my background-LOL I have ALWAYS had a bad case of analysis paralysis. I overthink everything because I’m afraid of failing.
However, I’ve been working EXTREMELY hard to get rid of this mindset. Fear has been holding me back for way too long. I’m so used to building everyone else up that I neglected to make sure that I took my own advice.
This year I officially launched my business. I have been giving myself FIRM deadlines that I have been sticking to in order to prevent delays due to me trying to make everything perfect. My method has been working.
I finally released a market research course that I have been mentally dreaming about for YEARS. Yep, I’ve had an idea in my head for YEARSand I finally brought it to fruition. It’s like Nike said, “Just do it.” As I get older, the sensation to not live a life of regrets continues to grow stronger every day. This is my year to kick fear to the curb.
Sorry for rambling. This post really resonated with me. Thanks again for keeping it real!
Congrats on launching your course! That was a HUGE step and I’m proud of you!!
Rambling? Not at all! I really appreciate the story and no doubt it will be inspirational to others reading who just won’t pull the trigger. I wish you the best!
You’ve been working hard on your new graphics. I haven’t gotten an email message from you in a long time. Maybe it’s time for you to start getting paid to help me with my website youarnoldemanuelknight.com
I am certainly guilty of trying to make everything perfect on the websites I create. I will review and re-review everything multiple time to ensure it looks good. This has become easier though with experience and trusting myself more!
WOW….is all i can say about people being afraid to fail….this post really surprised me….not what you said but people being afraid to fail….wow….
i’m not going to list all the things people have probably failed at and kept right on moving and then did it again…and again… (*cough* relationships)….
my own personal take on failing is….i never fail….i learn….and that’s never ending….
i’ll keep learning until they throw dirt on me….i may not make every shot when playing basketball but i’ll keep trying and one or maybe even two will go in….and then i get hot and can’t miss….
peaks and valleys people….peaks and valleys…
some days you’re the statue and some days you’re the pigeon….
That fear for some people can be deep-seeded in people’s heads from childhood or a past experience that rattled or discouraged them from moving forward. We can also be so hard on ourselves when it comes to trying something new or different.
But the bigger problem is marketers hardly ever show all they go through. They glorify their earnings and entrepreneur lifestyle and it makes it easy to forget that there is sacrifice, lots of mistakes and a backstory.
I love it when you said “I’ll keep learning till they throw dirt on me.” Ha ha ha ha! I love it!
Lisa; you are a true inspiration. I loved this post!! You are so right and spot on – I can’t even put in into the words I would like to.
This post was one of the best “Motivational” reads I have had in a long time and one that was badly needed by myself and I would guess hundreds of others.
I was so down yesterday and this morning that my chin was dragging on the floor and then I opened my e-mail and found your suggestion to check out your post. WOW! Thank you so much for this “Pick-me-up” article that can be applied to everything in life and not just a website!!
Thanks for making my day and “beyond”!!!
Yaaaay. Les! I’m so glad it could be the pick-me-up that you needed!
Lisa, AWESOME! THANK YOU….. for this wonderful motivational post. Perfect timing and perfect topic!
Fear can be overwhelming, along with indecision and what ifs, one can get lost in a negative loop of thoughts. A great post like yours helps to get things back into a positive perspective and a reminder that all the hard work is worthwhile.
think this quote says it best:
“Instruction does much, but encouragement everything.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Thank you for always encouraging us!
You’re very welcome Nancy!
I agree with your entire point you make so well in this post. Sometimes, I do focus a lot on details to the point that I almost become afraid of my success.
Of course, I may use a different yardstick to measure my success than some people. On my blog, I haven’t made a red cent. Yet, my numbers of readers are up. Whenever I check my analytics, more people seem to be reading my blog than ever before, so I guess I could say that I am successful in what I am doing.
However, my primary goal in starting a blog (first) wasn’t about making money, it was about giving my audience a source of political commentary and opinion. The primary area where I don’t consider my blog a success is because my audience doesn’t seem to be engaging me, or my commentary. Occasionally, I do get a comment which I am always happy to receive.
Since my numbers are up, I am starting to think about how I actually would like to make a few dollars. Do you have any suggestions for getting three years to engage with your content, and leave comments/opinions?
I actually love the fact that you said your primary goal wasn’t to make money. Nowadays people focus so much on the money that they forget that it should actually be enjoyable. So they end up trying to earn doing something they have to force themselves to do.
You shouldn’t have to force yourself. If you do, you need to try something else. So the fact that you are just loving what you do and aren’t concerned with money is usually when the success happens naturally.
I didn’t quite get your last question. Not sure if it was a typo but it says “any suggestions for getting three years to engage with your content?” I’m not sure what you mean there.
In my last question, I was making reference to the three years that I have been blogging. My website is three years old.
My question was; do you have any suggestions about how I might be able to get more people to engage with my blog and make comments?
Since my blog is basically political commentary, I was hoping for more engagement with people who read my blog.
Hi Blane,
People are probably not engaging because either 1) you don’t have enough traffic or 2) you aren’t touching issues that make them want to share feedback. It might just come down to a numbers game. What kind of traffic do you have?
Whenever I publish a new post (using 2 to 3 times per week), I usually get over 100 readers. Sometimes, I have as much is 150 readers. These figures are according to Google Analytics.
Ok yeah that’s not a lot of traffic. Usually only a small percentage of people comment anyway so having 100 readers in a week is probably more of the reason. Are these targeted visitors? Meaning are they people interested in politics?
Hey Lisa! I so appreciate how you keep it real!This post was so right on time. Fear is the complete opposite of faith. And faith is an action! Thank you for your frankness you sure tell it like it is love it and keep up the excellent work! I look forward to utilizing your expertise asap! Blessings
Thank you for this, Lisa!! Once again, you speak directly to me. You have a way of making perfect sense to me, and I can identify with so much of what you say, even if I don’t happen to be at the same step in the process as you are. Thank you for describing your personal experience and giving us more encouragement. You truly have a gift!
– Maryann
You’re welcome Maryann! All the best to you.
This is a wonderful post and this topic is not talked about very often.
Everything isnt always a “winner” or “a cool never before tried strategy that is killing it” and its good for people to know this.
Awesome Lisa!!!
I’ve lost track of how many years and times I’ve started, stumbled, stopped, given up and started again. The same goes for my domain names and websites.
Just this past week, I’ve decided that for me, being an atypical affiliate marketer is better than trying to research offers, only to find reviews by affiliates and negative reviews targeting competitors. How frustrating!
I’ve had enough and am doing something about it.
I’m almost finished reworking my site in preparation for my first user poll, asking straightforward user questions, with only “yes” or “no” answers. Just a little more testing to do.
This time I’m really excited because the “fear factor”, for me, has been removed, because any offer I might get a commission on, will be because of truthful answers to those user question.
For the first time, I even have a plan to get visitors to my site that MAY ACTUALLY WORK!
What kinds of questions?
Targeted questions about the promises made on the vendor’s website or capture page.
In fact, I’m not even focusing on the “earning” aspect, concentrating on creating polls on offers I have no connection with. A lot of those offers being forced on us in social media.
At least 2 none affiliate polls to 1 affiliate poll (not a set figure).
The sure thing is that the polls are designed to help people make better choices, based on no BS answers to those tough user experience questions.
Your empathy for us lowly “forever beginners” is one of the biggest reasons I’ve continued to follow you for many years.
My Best to You
OK, “yes” & “no” polls could not be recreated after my first attempt, but multiple choice ones seem to be default (free account).
Back to doing some redesign.
One way or another I’ll get this!
Great to hear Arth. Glad to hear you’re not focusing so much on earning right now. You have to have engagement otherwise you won’t get anywhere if people aren’t interacting and reading your content. Good luck to you!
I signed up through your YouTube video seven years ago. Everything you’ve said is true.
I’ve taken a beating, and just kept going. If you love what you’re doing, and you don’t quit, the
money will follow! My website carried me and my daughter through the worst of the recession, and it was all worth it.
Thank you for your wonderful gift!
I love me some Lisa!
Awww thanks Sheree! So sweet of you. Yes! That’s HUGE. You have to enjoy it or you’ll quit.
Hi Lisa –
What a great article! Fear has had me paralyzed off and on for almost 8 months. I’ve done minor incremental things but nothing major aside from hiring http://www.yourchicgeek.com to design my site. The beauty in that has been she has been snooping and lurking behind the scenes and ultimately checks in on me. Today, though her check in coupled with this article (which she sent me – thanks Kim) has encouraged and inspired me. I’ve re-ignited my commitment and fortunately I have folks like Kim, and YOU to remind me to keep pushing. Well done Lisa!
Yasssss Hunty! Get your butt out there and BE AWESOME! Kick arse! Lisa is one of my favorite people and she has been running her biz for a long time. I love the fact that she inspires and motivates her peeps to keep going no matter how tough things get. You just have to keep pushing and keep going.
I have failed so many times at sooo many things. Spent thousands on biz’s and etc that I thought would shake out and they didnt. But the thing is…no matter how many failures, setbacks and etc Ive experienced, I kept it moving. In the end…thats what matters.
So Lisa, we Thank YOU soooo much for writing this post. Its the kick in the pants we all need. 🙂
Kim has such a nurturing and supportive spirit! She has found her groove for sure and so great to see her influencing and helping others online. That’s right, DeLandria! Keep on pushin!
OMGGGGG Lisaaa! I am sharing this post with my email subbies. This is so on point and on time for me. So many people are out here showing off their 5 and 6 figure launches, but they are not talking about how it took them 4 years to get that point. YEARS!
The reality is that you never know how you will do unless you get out there and try. Anddd newsflash: If you do start something and it doesn’t work out you can always PIVOT and change course where necessary.
Its a marathon not a sprint. Its funny because I just helped someone with their blog a little bit ago and I noticed that she hadn’t published any new content.
Her reason: FEAR.
It’s such a shame that people let fear get in the way of making progress. My take is that again… how are you ever going to know if something is working if you never even try.
Love this post Lisa! Thank you for your transparency and showing people that building an online business is work…it wont happen overnight that’s for sure.
Pivot! That’s a great word for this situation and wish I had phrased it like that. That’s exactly right.
We all pivot. You’re a great example!! Look at what you’ve done with http://www.yourchicgeek.com after realizing what you did wrong with another site. You learned from your mistake and you changed your approach. Perfect example of someone who never gave up! I should have mentioned you in the post! lol
Thank you so much for sharing this, girl!!
You are sooooo welcome! Keep Rocking it out ladybug. For real 🙂
Thanks Kim! I’m totally CONVICTED! You are a blessing.
Hello Lisa, I remember learning and following your Blog almost 15 years ago! I’m starting off now and wanted to thank you ! 🙂
Wow! That was the same year I started this site!! Amazing. Thanks for your long-time support. Good luck!
Well ok! Your kick-butt advice is well received. #woke
Alrighty then! 🙂