[Already know about RSS? Click now to get my RSS updates.]
If you aren’t familiar with RSS (Really Simple Syndication) then you’re missing out on a quick and convenient way of getting the latest updates from your favorite sites without needing to visit them.
All you need is an RSS reader and there are plenty of them around the Web. Google Reader is my favorite.
The Firefox browser also has an RSS reader built right into the Bookmark functionality, so checking your subscribed feeds is just as easy as navigating to your bookmarks/favorites.
And since Firefox’s bookmark feature is so darn flexible, you can organize the feeds anyway you wish with ease.
How to Subscribe to My Blog Feed With Firefox
If you’re using Firefox (and you should be!) simply click this link.
A screen will open asking you which RSS reader you’d like to use to subscribe to this blog. Click “View Feed XML” and it will prompt you to add this blog’s feed to your FireFox Bookmarks.
Wasn’t that super easy? Sort of makes bookmarking a site seem so old fashion doesn’t it?
Now anytime you want to view my new content for this blog, just navigate to your Bookmarks and you can quickly view the titles of my recent posts.
RSS is great because if you subscribe to many sites, you can quickly browse the titles to see if the author has posted something that interests you.
If not, you can try back later when more updates have been made. No need to take up your precious time visiting numerous sites, just let RSS do the work for ya!
Don’t Use Firefox?
Haven’t fallen in love with Firefox yet? No problem. There are still several different ways to subscribe and view RSS feeds. When you click my RSS feed button or link you can see the different readers you can use.
Use whatever reader works best for you. Just make sure you use something. RSS has revolutionized the way we browse the net and especially read blogs.
It’s a quick and easy way to get the content you want and skip the content you don’t want.
Have you RSS’ed me yet? 😉
Want Nothing to Do With RSS?
If you’d rather learn about my blog updates through good-ole fashioned e-mail then the box below should look quite familiar to you. Enter your email address and you’ll be notified when my I add new content.
I was looking for online money making related blog site. Great blog Article! That’s exactly the reason why I don’t comment on some of my favorite blog posts…… because the writer doesn’t make it easy for me to do so unless I have one of those accounts. I’d leave a lot more comments if more bloggers opened up their comments to anyone.
Nice Article Lisa. Thanks for the info!!!
Thansk for this article! Before this I use Icerocket to create the RSS Feed.
Thanks a lot for the information, it is my first time to know about the RSS, now i know how much benefit i can get if i download it. Receiving updates even i am not visiting my sites is really great. Thanks for explaining all about RSS.
Great post, it looks like I still need to learn about RSS. I have not really understood the importance of RSS but I am starting to see it now.
Thanks, Ron
How does RSS work with chrome? Does it work the same like for Firefox?
Hi Lisa
I really like your site. You explained a lot in detail. Thanks so much.
Lisa, you are truly my hero and a strong, successful woman! You have given me hope that all of my online money efforts are not in vain! Thank you for all you have shared!
thanx 4 ur good work on web design and creation
hi Lisa I am sreelesh from India,i read instructions from your website,i am really interested to do Google ad sense.I am ready to invest time and money for this.i think i have good knowledge about computer and i am spending almost 6 hours in front of internet after my work.can you please help me in knowing about how much i have to pay for site build it for hosting and making website.or can you please recommend another web hosting team for starting my website.
Hey lisa, just stumpled across your videos on youtube today and had to take a visit to your site, im a graphics designer myself and absolutely love my work, currently not bringing in an income that id like so i shall be going through all your videos for hints and tips to help get myself going a little better than i am.
Hope business is good 🙂
Thank you Lisa ! I got your last post ,I’m feeling u are my new best teacher,I love your blog,I follow you…
Good luck! Rabia
Lisa you seem to be such a sweet person. Thank you very much. Maybe you are my long lost sister! God be with you always. Your work is inspiring, you have done a fantastic job.
I’m really new with RSS
Still i have not yet decided the topic… I got lots of knoledge & I got clarified lots of doubts. your site is very much good for new comers, you have lots of lots of information about how to create site & how to make money….
I like the way you explination of how & where people go wrong.
I have lots of doubts, I hope u ll help me on this.
Looking to finally start my own website. Thanks for all your information. Looks like it will take me days to get everything figured out. Greatfull to know that my domain which I want is available. Will set up a host page first, like you suggested in your video and then go to domain listing.
Wishing your original page had more details re: host page and getting that set up first. – Nearly missed it. Spent the last 6 hours, researching and hemming and hawwing.
That’s what us Canadians do.
Thanks for everything so far.
I finish the secondary school in ict
Hello Lisa,
My name is lukasz and i’m polish. i’m very happy to make side buy first i have to make sure my side will work ;]. do you know if i will get money from google if my side is not from UK or USA? let sey it will by myside.pl and it will in polish language about let say horses. please aswer it because i dont know if i should start make webside in different language then english.
Thx and take care ^^
i what u to creat this website 4 me. if u do this 4 me i we be so graceful
I could not be stay without apriciate you, people are learning throug your web site and making their live happy, it’s really working like god gift your web site to the poor peoples like me.
Once again appriciate.
Hello Lisa,
Thank you for creating such informative website. God bless you. I late finding your website. If I could have found your website earlier I could not have been scammed by other internet marketers. I could not succeed following their ideas. Moreover their English is very tough to know or learn. In your website everything is there. No one need not to buy other ideas. You are offering free of course ideas value $ uncountable! All our need is directly buying website, writing more and more contents, bringing traffics, patience, learning, and if do we succeed, receiving checks. I am visiting your website repeatedly, daily, monthly, because I could find in your website a 2 z education regarding online money making program. I have visited many websites but I could not find informative website like yours. I bought many e-books but all are good for nothing. So from today I will follow your ideas. Once again thanking you for creating such great informative website.
In the name of Allah(swt) the most beneficent,most Merciful and compassinate..
Sallamu ALikum LISA,
I am very much pleased with your website,it helps me understand the concept of website making, there are also things that i dont understand,
Now my main concer is that i want to make a site for langguage setting,since my website is english langguage,how can i put a setting or tab which my viewers can change it to arabic langguage? pls lisa help me on this ive been trying to figureout for almost 4months and i got nowhere to go..
Ryan delacruz
Graphic Designer.
Tabuk, KSA
Hi Lisa:
I also have just recently discovered your youtube vids and your blogs and am very very impressed by everything about you and your work!! You are a tremendous inspiration to me!!
That you would go out of your way to provide all sorts of incredably valuable “How to” information to the public in learning all the various aspects of making money online FOR FREE is just amazing!!
I am a complete newbie when it comes to practically everything that you are teaching! My goal is to learn how to become successful in learning to make money online to the point where i can quite my current driving job and spend quality time with my family!! Thankyou for everything Lisa! Have a blessed day!
p.s. By the way, i hope you don’t mind me saying so but i think your vey lovely!!! Take care! Yours truly, Siegfried
Hello Lisa,
First I would like to say I love ya videos, there really easy and simple to follow and I also like the fact you don’t go all out with “bells and whistles” it’s a lot less intimidating than other vids, so thank you for that.
Now for my question, I was wondering, what would you suggest would be the best way to get to most information out of a certain individual that I would like to follow and hear more from on the web. Like for example if I wanted to see, read, and hear all the content you yourself has posted on the net (via blog, twitter, you tube, etc…) which .com would be the best for frequent updates you may make? and also generally speaking as well?
PS: You are very inspiring this is something I wanted to do for a long time now and didn’t have the resources to educate myself. I would like to pursue a career in this field, I’m a single father and would like to spend more time with my daughter here at home, so online marketing and such would be great considering my conditions, likes, and needs. So any advice, tips and/or suggestions would be great. Thank you!
-JD Moore
Hi Lisa,
It was great coming across your site, we are an NGO from Africa and are determined on self sufficiency before donations. How do we make payments online since we do not have the means to make payments from Africa? and how do we receive our moneys if we earn? can you help with this?
PLEASE REPLY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Hi, I read your website, I’d say it is beautiful, in the sense that it is very informative and honest. I run across a blogger in the internet saying that he is earning some thousand dollars a month through google. I’ve also been scammed too many times finding ways to work from home and earn some money. I don’t wanna leave my job coz I Love It, I just want a break and actually earn some money. He is from the same town where I live so I got interested. He states that he makes money posting links in the internet. He uses AdSense to track his earnings. My question is can that be true that you can just post links in the internet and Google pays you for that. I do not have a website, I’m making one right now thanks to your website. I am a newbie of Newbies so it’s a struggle, but I will learn. His webpage http:/chrisfraiser.com/. Please let me know. Thank you.
Hi Lisa!
Okay, just found your site, videos, etc and for the past couple of hours I’ve been soaking up everything I can. You are an inspiration! Keep up the good work. I wonder if you can provide some advise for me. I’ve had a website for over 6 years now and in my local area, I’m getting noticed pretty consistently on the 1st page of google. I’m ready to offer an affordable version of my profession on line (in all areas) in terms of ebooks, design assistance, etc. And because my site is a flash site, I think I need a whole new non-flash site to do all that.
If I set up an html website with the same name will I lose my “ranking” and have to start all the way over for SEO?
Thank god i found you’re site! so much info love it. you’re my role model and i cant wait to creat my own web site. god bless
Hey Lisa, I was writing to tell you that I feel like you are a brilliant woman. Especially proud to say that you have made such great success as a woman in our culture. I have spent endless hours watching your youtubes and reading through your blogs to get some of the leaks to success since 7 am this morning. I am looking to create a few websites of my own because I have so many great ideas. Although I did read where you stated that using a free host is sometimes not so stable I was wondering if you have any knowledge about the free host Synthasite.com now known as http://www.Yola.com... they actually have a tool where you can upgrage your site to your own domain for 19.99 and links to submit to the various search engines for more traffic recognition… Do you have any idea how successful that free hosting site may be…
Hi Candise
Thank you! I’ve never heard of Yola, but the $19.99 for a domain is kind of high. Unfortunately I cannot recommend them. Be careful with going with the free hosts. Especially if this site is for business/long-term.
Great Job Lisa!! Another home run full of value and content. Looking forward to future posts and vids.
Have a super weekend!!
Hello Lisa, i can say im your number 1 fan. . its a great idea to build a website teaching other people to make their own website not only your teaching us the techniques but it also helps you to earn more by the people who views your web page online. Also you have dominated youtube, having your own channel and posting tutorial videos. . Truly i am very glad finally i have post a comment on your site. .please do help me in building my own blog. . .I love games, online, pc games and many other kind. . .i really want to focus on it, i hope you can help me give my blog a good title and what to post on it and feeds that i should post on it. . i am looking forward for your help more power to you and may you help other aspiring blogger like me to be someday land in the business like you do. .your NO.1 fun AVRIL . . .
hi lisa, i just finished watching yer video on free web hosting an i agree with alot of what u have said in it
i have some info fer yer readers that look fer the somewhat free company name is http://www.arvixe.com
they bring new meaning to webhosting, the accounts are great and they are a live people there 24/7 an they will give you 60day refund, where i never seen any company say that i am on there host fer the site i listed here wich is TheBiggQ.com, its a online shop that will be live as of may 1st of 2009 , i loved all yer videos opened my eyes ta a lot of things
hm. love it )
Hmmmm… not familiar with Outlook’s RSS aggregator. Have you googled this? Surely there’s some documentation or discussion on this. Wish I could be of more help.
That worked, thank you. Another question. I want your blog to appear in my Outlook RSS feeds folder. I can view your blog in Outlook, but the link doesn’t appear in the folder.
Jim, when you click the link to my feed do you see a link that says “View Feed XML” link under “Choose Your Reader?” Try clicking that and that should bring up the Live Bookmarks box.
how can we add wordpress in control panel of my web host.i’m confused how can i use it.
will u plz help me?
I use Firefox, but when I click on your “click this link” it does not give me the option of “Live Bookmarks” I get several blog readers choices, but not “Live Bookmarks” Can you help?
I finally became a subscriber…took me long enough.
Thanks Eyms,
For my blog, I use WordPress but for my site http://www.2createawebsite.com, I use Dreamweaver.
WOW. A very helpful article! and may I add that, your website rocks! I’m actually planning to build my own site, and currently, I’m reading books on xhtml and css. I must say I am really impressed by your site. May I know what software or editor you used for this? thanks a lot!
Wow, Bill. You sound frustrated. If RSS is not for you than you can always bookmark or use good old fashioned email to keep up. If you have Firefox then RSS is pretty simple, you just click the orange button and BOOM the feed is added to your bookmarks. Sorry you’re having such a rough time.
I dont understand…do i have to print out the rss feed and then fax it to myself in order to read it? Dosent sound very convienent to me. Who the hell makes this kind of stuff anyway?! This is the technological age and we are still being forced to fax ouselves and go through all types of workarounds just to keep up to date on a website’s news content?! Jeez, somebody ought to invent some kind of software that automatically shows you the news content right after you copy & paste the RSS URL into the app.
Best condolences in a very unconvienent compter world
Another email subsciber.
A very good tip. Thanks Maiya. Not really sure why I never added that to be honest.
Since you have feedburner – add the “email subscription” option to your blog, too – Bonus: there is no extra work for you! I’ve found that on my Meaningful Streams of Income blog, more people subscribe through that option than the RSS option. Could it be a simple confusion over how RSS works? Hmmm?
Love your work and admire your work ethic! You’re inspiring me to be more and DO more. Oh, and yes, I’m a brand new Site Build It! user, so hopefully you and I will run into each other on the forums too.
Blessings and Possibilities,
Maiya Rose Benda
Yes, I think that I just signed up for this. Thanks for all of your advice. I will appreciate all the ideas of success sent to me.