Want to make money with an information affiliate site, but tired of bouncing from topic to topic?
Don’t feel like you know enough about anything to publish an interesting website or blog?
Is the word “expert” discouraging you because you don’t feel like an expert on any topic?
You’re not alone. It’s a feeling that plagues many first-time website builders and bloggers while they rack their brains trying to come up with the right topic.
The word “expert” is overrated and part of the problem is the way we often define it. You may feel that in order to be an expert you need a degree in the subject matter or know enough to teach some sort of class.
Well I can tell you that when it comes to making money as an affiliate (like me), that couldn’t be further from the truth.
We’re All Experts on Some Level
Someone once told me, “Lisa, everyone is an expert on some topic because there will always be people who know less than you and desire to learn what you already know.” That taught me to stop trying to be everything to everybody, and target people I knew I could reach with my knowledge.
Years ago a programmer told me my site would never succeed because my HTML tutorials were too simplistic and didn’t cover more advanced web design languages.
Well, if 2 Create a Website was targeting ColdFusion or Dot Net programmers, perhaps this guy would have been right. However, that’s not who I’m targeting so I’m not really concerned with what people like him think.
When I created my site, I knew there were people out there like me who just wanted to learn enough to launch a basic website without getting too involved in the technical gibble gabble. So THAT’s the audience I focused on.
Does that make me “The Official Expert” on Web Development? Of course not, but it makes me an “expert” to the people who want to learn what I know.
I brought my own flavor and personality to a topic that has been done over and over again. This is a big reason I have been able to compete in a niche that is immensely saturated.
Avoid The Inferiority Complex
Many people have anxiety over their first site because they don’t feel they know enough or they’ve found too many sites that they perceive to be “better” than what they can do.
The information is certainly an important part of your site, but your writing style, presentation, voice and content organization also play a role in how successful your site will be. It’s the total package.
Research your potential competitors. I bet you will find gaps and areas you can improve upon. There’s always room for creativity and a unique perspective.
Don’t avoid a topic you are truly passionate about because you are intimidated by your competition or other people who appear to be experts.
Any topic that is worth considering is going to have some competition. Just find a way to reach your audience in a way other sites may not.
It’s time we look at the way we define the word “expert”. When it comes to information affiliate websites, it doesn’t mean you have to be all-knowing.
It just requires you to present your information in a fresh, unique way that will reach an audience who wants to learn what you already know.
Now of course I am not implying you should never strive to learn more and continually improve your site over time. I just don’t want you to get stuck in neutral because you feel your site could never compare to your potential competition.
Dig deeper. You are already an “expert” on many things. You don’t have to know more than everyone, but if you know more than a group of people in your niche, build a site to reach them.
Become THEIR expert. 😉
Hey Lisa, it is a great article, I hope one day I can be an expert as you I know you have been making money online since 1998, I have been doing it for only 1 year …. I am working hard and always following your advices … thank you
Hi lisa
your tips is very helpful for a newbie like me…thank you so much you just dont know how I appreciate your kindness that sharing your ideas here over the net..thank you I will start applying your tips perhaps I will make a new site for me and will focus to one thing that can be useful for my audience as well.thank you very much.
.-= gabe´s last blog … Sandra Bullock and Her diet =-.
I can testify to how true this is, when I started my dating website for christain singles, I didnt consider myself an expert on relationships but I knew that I had a lot of advice to offer singles.
Even though I am now married I remember what it was like to be a Christian single and the challenges that come with singleness and I simply started writng content based on my experiences with my wife when we were dating and I wrote it in a very real way for real people unlike most of the othe christian dating advice websites who take an overly spiritual angle.
I also looked at my competitors like lisa said and noticed that none of them were doing video posts on their websites and non of them allowed users to make comments on their articles and I started doing what they weren’t doing.
Even though my site is very young (less than 2 months old) it is already gaining popularity and ranking in the top 10 in google for some of my keywords and in the top 20 for most of the other keywords.
I have 2 people to thank for thank, Lisa and Ken Evoy of Site Build It
.-= paul´s last blog … Nov 20, Best Of Christian Dating Websites – Christian Cafe =-.
Thank you Lisa, you “enlighten” me. Several times I always feel to give up. I’m always on “ready, aim, ready, aim” but never try to “fire”. Yes I admit I’m a computer savvy, but not a good writer. I also know how to develop a web page from scratch. But that’s not enough, I’m not good in writing (doesn’t mean I can’t write anything) but my problem is about my grammar. I hope I was born on US or somewhere in UK so I don’t have to learn how to write and speak well in English. And I’m still hoping to make my goal come true. Well I’m just keep on reading your post and that gives me courage and inspiration to make it.
God Bless and more power.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It has been so frustrating to just find some BASIC information to help me get my online business concept moving forward. Your site is helping people exactly like me! I’m a quick self- learner and computer literate but I’m not interested in getting a degree in web design or development at this point just to get my business moving forward.
Excellent post, Lisa! I couldn’t agree more.
When I first started my website I felt exactly the way that you described – very hesitant to call myself an “expert.”
In fact, I even felt that much of the content that I wrote in my site’s earliest days was so common-sense that it was silly to even write about it. Then a good friend pointed out that it was only common-sense to me and not necessarily to everybody else, so I published it.
When I started receiving feedback from my visitors thanking me for helping them to change their lives, I started to feel a little more comfortable calling myself an “expert.”
Hi Lisa,
A couple of days ago, I chanced upon your you vide on how to build a website. That took me to your website and blog, and I have only skimmed through a few of the articels on your website and blog and need to go through every one of the. And let me tell you – you are a breath of fresh air, away from the bogus and misleading get rich scams that have congested the internet. Thank you for all the info. This is great.
Hi Noelle,
I can confidently tell you that would not be a good idea. The reason is search engines rank websites according to the the content and the amount of quality links coming from related sites. If you build one website with a bunch of topics you will confuse the search engines and it will be difficult to draw in targeted traffic. It’s much better to stick with one topic per website.
Lisa — I’m seriously contemplating earning money on the internet, so I’m a newbie, and right now, investigating the options. One of my problems is I have varied interests and not an “expert” in any of them! What do you think about putting them all under one umbrella website that has categories or different pages?
BTW, this is a great blog! Thanks for your info!
Hey Lisa,
Well put. People need to get over themselves. The human mind when focused on a subject even for a short period of time can do some awesome things. Being an expert is simply a matter of focus and management on a subject to create a personal expertise. Be confident in your own powers.
And if I might add: if your looking for a great thing to buy with that Holiday money check out my expert landing page for the best Wii gifts including Wii Fit, Guitar Hero and more.
Happy New Year Everyone.
oh my god lisa ! i have made my first 0.14 dollars with adbrite thanks to you ! ! ! ! !
thank you lisa ! 🙂
Lisa, Every time I read your blog, I am amazed at how much of an “expert” you are at, reading my mind. I’m starting to think that you have a direct line into my thoughts. I do not have a website yet; but, getting closer and closer to creating one with every inspiring posts that I read from you.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and have a great New Year.
oh my god !
lisa ! it is christmas ! ! ! ! ! happy christmas lisa !
and be sure to put christmas lights and bells on your computer too ! ! !
Thanks Terry, Happy Holidays to you as well! 🙂
I just want to say Happy Holiday to you Lisa and all of the rest of your readers.
Greetings Lisa and All my Friends Here! Merry Merry Merry Christmas to All!
As always Lisa, 🙂 you have a way of making things simple, This article really is a piece of art.
Cheers, amr
Wow, this is exactly what I needed to read. I have been feeling timid on my own blog, because I’m not an “expert” in my niche. This is really good inspiration for me to keep doing what I’m doing. If I’m getting readers and commenters, I must be doing SOMETHING right!
Lisa, I am from India and I see you as my Guru. (Do you know the meaning of the Sanskrit word ‘Guru’? In Sanskrit the word root ‘Gu’ means ‘darkness’ and ‘ru’ means ‘to remove or to ward off’. Thus the word ‘Guru’ means ‘One who removes or wards off darkness from the mind of his disciple’). Lisa, I am a lover of self help books. I have hundreds of them as physical copies and as e-books. Would you please suggest me a niche. I have a site named pallipravan.com and other five domains already at hostmonster.com. But none of them had taken off so far. And ofcourse, I am a master at procrastination. I don’t know how to master it. Please help me Lisa. ‘Pranams’ (salutations) from your disciple.
Lisa, Lisa, You are Great! Your article flooded my brain with the light of thousand suns. You are crystal clear! Thanks for the article!
Mukundan Pallipravan
Hi Lisa,
What a timing for me to read this blog which enforce on what I am going to do with my website ! Your blog has always inspired me and I am certainly looking up to you for more advice in the future. lol
In fact my webpage is plain and simple but I believed the message within will suit some people out there who is seeking such information.
I hope to launch it by end of 2008 but I still have dozen pages of information to prepare and the festive mood is too good to resist.
Meanwhile, wish everyone who visits your site these few days a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year ahead !
Cheers !
oh my god lisa you are too smart ! a real expert !
Lisa, thanks for bringing the “expert” definition into perspective. In your own unique and fresh way. It made me realize I need to be less the expert and a little more fresh so my audiance can identify with me. I am going to make this my project over the holiday’s and discover all I can about how to make my style fresh and different. Starting with who I am trying to reach?
This is very very good advise!
Glad my post inspired you two.
Terry, that’s so true!
Rachelle, as Nike says… “Just Do It!” Sometimes you have to just take the plunge. 🙂 That’s the only way you’ll ever know if it will work. And if you happen to discover it’s not the right topic, dust yourself off and try again. It’s the story of my life, believe me. LOL I’ve launched many sites that are no longer around today, but had I not tried, I’d never be where I am today.
this article couldn’t have come at a better time. thanks so much lisa!
i’m a long time reader, first time commenting. i’ve been struggling with this exact issue these past couple of weeks, constantly going back & forth with my topic. i’m gonna give it a go & just see how it works out. thanks again!
You know…that made perfect sense. I have been doing electrical work for over 20 yrs, have taught at a trade school and have a Master Electrician’s License, yet I do not consider myself to be an expert. So this is exactly what I needed today, I have several times that in this business you can be a reporter or an expert and I have been somewhat focused on being a reporter up until now. Besides it’s the “experts” that make the real money.
Thanks Lisa,