I was reading Darren Rowse’s (ProBlogger.net) e-mail newsletter last night and he reminded me of a project I keep putting off…
Developing my own product.
It’s easy to get comfortable as an affiliate and rely on your affiliate sales and AdSense revenue, but in my opinion, the process isn’t really complete until you have your own product to sell.
Not only does it make you look more established as a blogger or website owner, but it allows you to develop another revenue stream that you have more control over.
One reason I’ve put this off for so long is the planning involved. Even though I’ve had quite the success online, one weakness of mine is planning for larger projects.
This has never been something I enjoy doing, but if I want to develop and launch my own product, I will have to grow in this area. I already have a few ideas and will be working on them in early 2010.
(By the way, your feedback and ideas are welcome as I continue to brainstorm.)
I’d love to start a discussion about this below. If you are an affiliate and do not have your own product, have you ever thought about developing one? And if you do have a product, how has it impacted your current business?
It’s that time of year where people start setting goals for the following year. Developing my own product is definitely going to be my top priority.
Thanks, Darren for reminding me to bump this to the top of my To-Do list. 😉
I am setting up a website which will be a store website. I would like to sell some kind of service instead of products on my site. I will also do some affiliate on it. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. Thanks
I have always just promoted other peoples products as an affiliate, but I have decided it’s time to start creating some of my own. I think what holds me back more is just the technical side of it all. I’m learning though.
.-= Heidi Passey´s last blog … Building A List Fast Through JV Giveaways =-.
Hi Lisa its Brian
I really think that this would be a good idea for you. In fact I just wrote on my blog about this company called My Knowledge Genie which lets you create and sell genies, which allow you to sort of coach the user with video or PDF tutorials. You cant spread information out like a class and have progress reports delivered to the students. Anyways I have the link for you if you want to check it out. Have a nice day.
.-= Brian´s last blog … Writing Good Content =-.
Lisa, I’m with you 100%.
I just checked my affiliate stats for Amazon and saw that in 6 months time, I made them over $18,000. How much was my commission? $1,200! That’s ridiculous and I’m sick of it.
That $18,000+ could have been MINE if it were my own product.
I wish I had advice for you, but some of the tips throughout this post/comments are fabulous and I even plan to try some.
I do know that whatever product(s) you create will be fabulous and much-recommended by everyone here who hangs onto your every successfully-inspiring word.
Thank you for such a wonderful site/blog, and I wish you the best on your new endeavour. I KNOW you will do GREAT at it!
With peace and blessings,
.-= MJ – Lisa Fan´s last blog … Questions and Answers About Airsoft Guns, Rifles, Games, etc =-.
Hi Lisa,
I am a newbie but I think since you like to write you should
consider writing another book. Since you have traffic already, have you considered Cafepress. You can sign up for for free and I understand they handle getting your products shipped. You can go to http://www.cafepress.com to check it out further.
I’m kinda skeptical after reading Darren Rowse’s article. It’s just I don’t think the effort and time involved in developing a product – like an ebook – justifies the benefits. At the end of the day, the ebook’s gonna have to make enough money to justify the amount of work involved. Most of the benefits he listed are non-monetary.
I know a guy who operates a huge website. He was talked into writing a book. He wrote a book. It became a bestseller. Despite that he barely made a penny from it. Well, actually, I knew a couple more webmasters of huge websites (with millions of uniques a month) who had written books on their subject of expertise. Most of them didn’t it was worth it at the end. Sure, they wrote a book and was published, but at the end of the day, it didn’t pay the bills.
If you leverage the content you’ve already tested through your blog, creating a book takes very little time. Distributing online via ebook format represents a total cost of zero!
More traditional book publishing is a different story. I’ve talked with more than one best-selling author in my research, and the basic story I’ve heard is that publishing a book the old school way is NOT a way to make money, it’s a resume builder and leads to much bigger opportunities down the road…opportunities that you would never had been exposed to otherwise.
The non-monetary benefits that Darren describes are of considerable value.
.-= Christian Russell´s last blog … Are You Running Your Business into the Ground? =-.
That’s true. Distributing an ebook probably doesn’t cost much, and you get the majority of the profits. I didn’t take that into account.
The costs involved are basically bandwidth and payment processing, and any advertising. Selling even a very small run of your ebook can be a nice supplement to your income.
.-= Christian Russell´s last blog … Using Fear and Loathing to Grow Your Business =-.
That’s not to knock publishing a book the traditional way. I don’t think it’s for everyone of course, but if you want to really push your career to the next level, it can be a strong way to do it. Money isn’t everything; opportunity is far more valuable 🙂
.-= Christian Russell´s last blog … Using Fear and Loathing to Grow Your Business =-.
Hey Lisa, couldn’t agree more. Products are leverage. I can’t wait to release my first paid info product. It’s gonna rock so hard!
.-= Christian Russell´s last blog … How Does Your Blog Measure Up to These Questions? =-.
The idea of having my own product is overwhelming–at least for the time being. I’m thinking of the most suitable product on which it will be beneficial to others. I know one day I will come up with one. 🙂
Lisa, why don’t you compile all your postings and make them as a book or several books. They are your products. Maybe the compiled posts need some improvements before they are sold on the Amazon.com. Perhaps the books will bring you more cash because a lot of people are curious of your success story.
Thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU Lisa for this discussion.
This is precisely what is foremost on the minds of new-to-it people like ME.
We hear that it IS possible to make an income online, we learn that the best way is to create our own product & here YOU are discussing exactly that.
You are an inspiration in so many ways.
I’ll be staying tuned in to you !
Warm regards,
Lisa, this is a great subject to discuss. I do not feel I should be creating my own product yet. I don’t think it’s the right time for me yet. But I do know when it’s going to be the right time: when the ideas will be tearing my head apart and my fingers will be glued to the keyboard. The main reason I am posting here, is because I want to participate in the discussion. The ideas will come.
Good luck, Lisa.
.-= Alla´s last blog … About Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 =-.
Having your own product gives you more control over distribution and sales. It gives more security than affiliate sales do.
.-= PowerPoint Templates´s last blog … Capsule PowerPoint Template =-.
Hey Lisa,
Do you consider an e-book a product? I had always considered an e-book a product, which is my short-term goal in terms of developing my own product. I know you already have an e-book out there so I’m guessing you don’t necessarily consider that a true “product”.
.-= SJoy´s last blog … Don’t Wait For The New Year – Revamp Your Pantry Now =-.
Experience with own products:
having your own product should be the goal of every internet marketer at some point.
i have 5 ebooks that i personally wrote out there. 2 of which i charge money (very targeted niche and doing very well). the other three i give for free upon sign ups of blog, newsletter and one just like that. i have 3 others that i have outsourced (each has a recorded MP3 version as well) and sell on three niche websites, each of which is doing very well.
my formula for success has been adsense + affiliate sales + own digital products (ebook and MP3/audio). video is on the TO DO list, however on a free distribution basis like you do on YouTube.
A good idea of what to sell:
I believe the only thing truly unique to you is YOUR EXPERIENCE! There is no such thing as secret or true intellectual capital. The minute you use it, or speak about it, the world comes to find out. You may be the first, but certainly won’t be the last. So I have always believed your first hand, practical and step by step experience is the best.
For example I have a book on my blog that is titled going from 0 to 1,000 in your first 180 days. It is all about my experience, step by step process, what worked, what did not. If you resonate with your reader, and that reader wants to follow your footsteps, they will likely buy the product and find great value on it.
There are various ways to make money online, and you have to preach what you practice and what has worked for you. This will appeal to those that want to make money in the same method/internet model; and nothing provides more value than first hand, tried and true experience that delivers results.
.-= Dubai City Information´s last blog … Want a Job in Abu Dhabi, Dubai & the UAE? Get an Abu Dhabi Job Guide =-.
Hi there Lisa,
Selling your own product always sits on top of the food chain. I am currently working on my first product which is due to be launched soon.
My advice is this, identify what your readers want and give it to them.
Also, remember to provide an affiliate option so we can push it for you 🙂
.-= Johnluffa´s last blog … Personal Networking Can Benefit Your Blog [Part 2] =-.
I think this is an awesome idea! I too aspire to sell my own information product one of these days, but am simply on the affiliate side right now. One of the best things about selling your own product: You get to keep 100% of the earnings whereas affiliate payouts are only a percentage of what the parent company actually makes on the offer. With a great product (which I know yours would be), this will typically mean in increase in earnings per visitor which often in turn means you can afford more to acquire traffic. This may even open doors into the world of pay per click advertising which can really have great synergies with an existing organic/viral marketing strategy. I know one thing for sure: I will definitely buy your product!
.-= PPC Ian´s last blog … Focus on Difficult SEM Projects =-.
Hey Lisa, I don’t see anything wrong with putting what you already have on CD, Dvd, etc… along with new information, you have worked hard and some of us would love to hear it while we workout, drive, etc…. also you can do workshops/siminars which people would love to attend and sell product or they can become a member to your site and read the information for free. As a business person I understand the cost associated with having your information available for download or the cost for Cd and dvd burns, you should be reimburst and compensated for your time and effort. What you are offering can change peoples way of thinking and lives financially, and that doesn’t come free, so God Bless you and I will be one of the first to buy whatever you have to offer. please visit blackbroadcasting.com, Thats a good friend of mines television network and that I am associated with if you are interested. you can email me or hit me on my twitter or facebook. thanks again. Ty
i think a product on how to use social networking sites to effectively drive traffic to your website would be a good product. many of us use social networking sites but dont know how to fully maximise it to get good traffic leads.
What ever product you put out, I’ll buy it, i’ve come to really respect your work and your SBI recommendation help me find my purpose.
.-= paul´s last blog … Dec 1, Christian dating guidelines – Dressing sexy for a date =-.
Hi Lisa,
I’m really glad you posted this. I’m *definitely* going for the product/affiliate monetization combo. I think in order to cover certain topics in enough detail to a) build trust and credibility b) *cover* a topic in enough detail.
Typically, most topics will require too-lengthy-er post or article for ‘scan-reading’ internet surfers to bother with. An e-Book, video series or Home Study DVD Course can cover detailed topics, but also you CAN charge for the quality and focus. I read about 4 or 5 really big and quality blogs, but I will still buy products to get concentrated superb info.
A key thing to remember when developing products is to develop a “product funnel”. Where can your buyers go once they’ve purchased X. What is Y.. and Z? Affiliate products, expanded eBooks, coaching programs, seminars…?
This goes hand in hand with list building and email marketing, a key asset for any affiliate marketer.
I’ve heard lot about the weekend launch of Product Launch Formula – did anyone else see this? $1997 is a *shade* to pricey for me, but some of the free material given was invaluable.
Lisa – create a video series/coaching program! You’re good at it 😉
.-= Ed Fry´s last blog … Online Marketing Small Business =-.
I am sure whatever product you come up with will be grand. I just beg of you- if at all possible- not to take content that is already published and in use by your loyal reader and repackage it for sale.
Anyhoo, best of luck again, what ever you decide to sell will without a doubt fly off the shelves. 😉
.-= Ms. Freeman´s last blog … If You Ask Shall You Receive? =-.
Don’t worry. I respect myself and audience too much to just repackage what is already out here and slap a price tag on it. Although i have to admit, it is somewhat of a challenge to come up with the right product because I already offer so much for free already. But rest assured it will be worth the money.
I know it will. I know when I want to learn something new I head over here first. 🙂
.-= Ms. Freeman´s last blog … If You Ask Shall You Receive? =-.
Hi Lisa!
I really enjoy reading your posts and sharing your advice and valuable tips with family and friends. I enjoy the manner and spirit that use to share information, so I always recommended your Blog posts to others, and they feel the same way that I do… YOU ROCK!
That said, I recommend that your first project/product consist of a Tele-Seminar. You have a very easy-going, non-threatening, and fun personality that will translate very well over the telephone/airways, as it does through your videos.
You could format Your first project/product as follows:
– a one-time Tele-seminar 45-60 minutes;
– A Weekly 4 part Tele-Seminar Mini-Course 45-60
minutes with 1 call per week where you provide content;
– A 4-6 week Tele-Seminar Course with a 90 minute call
each week where you provide content, but also have
Q&A during each call, based upon valuable new
information you discovered and want to share;
– An 8 week Tele-Seminar with a 90 minute call each week
where you provide content, Q&A, and also expand
upon your Blog/Website critiques by using a portion of
the call as an interactive tutorial where you evaluate a
select number of volunteer Blogs/Websites, but this
time it’s done live on the call, while we all visit each
volunteer’s Blog/website and watch you critique it.
This process is actually 100% FREE and is a “Hybrid”
Webinar format, that I use and teach my clients…
Each of the formats listed above can be modified into a “system” that you feel comfortable with. If you opt for the FREE “Hybrid Webinar” I would also suggest that you make a Camtasia video of the critiques, summarized transcript, and an audio MP3.
At the conclusion of each of Your Tele-Seminar sessions, you’ll have provided an extremely valuable service/product for Your attendees, and you’ll have 4 products to sell from just 1 effort (1.Tele-seminar, 2. Video critiques, 3. MP3,
4. Summarized Transcripts)!
This works for me just fine, and I actually took my Blog down, several months ago (it was hacked…) but my clients LOVED the Tele-seminars and videos I provided. (I did 2 calls each week for 4 weeks, training videos, plus a Bonus call).
Although my Blog is going back up, later this week, I could continue on without a Blog/Website and just conduct the
I really applaud what you’ve done so far on your Blog, and I KNOW that what you are doing provides GREAT VALUE to each and every one of your readers. I really enjoy your emails, and open each one of them, because I know that you’re going to present information that you believe in and not just bombard us with “Internet Fluff” and useless chatter.
Therefore, as a way of REWARDING you and showing you MY APPRECIATION for what you do, I’m going to…
Provide you with some additional suggestions on the formats that I’ve listed above, as well as pricing, and the FREE resources that I use and teach my Clients…
You have to PROMISE that you will NOT share my methods and information with ANYONE, except your READERS:-)
By the way, I only sell MY OWN PRODUCTS… It’s way TOO EASY for me to do a little research and create a VALUE Product than it is for me to sell a product someone else made…
I’m a creative person, just as I KNOW a great deal of your readers are. Therefore we can all do what makes us happy and provide valuable goods/services to other people. My way of creating products is easy, fun and allows me to let my imagination run wild, as long as my bottom-line reality reminds me that the products that I create are about “What my Clients Want” and are willing to pay for.
You’re VERY creative and cute too, so you can’t go wrong 😉
We’re going to SUPPORT YOU, regardless of what product you decide to release. So “Stop Playing” little lady and contact me and I’ll send you a “Quick and Clean” instructional piece for your Tele-Seminar product… I just KNOW that you’ll be GREAT at it, and it WILL SELL!
BUT Remember, you have to PROMISE to only share the information that I send you with your Readers 🙂
I Look forward to hearing from you.
Keep on, keeping on…
I’ve always thought about getting to the point where I could create my own product. But I share your weakness for planning larger projects. Right now, I’m lacking focus I feel like I’m all over the place – here – there- this – that…It’s getting to me. But you’re right there comes a time when you just need to trim the fat and stop all non-essential activities and focus on that one thing you really want the the most. I’d love to read a “How to Be Successful Like Lisa” ebook. I’d be one of the first to purchase it and if you develop an affiliate program – one of the first to promote it. I’m been working on and off on a book, but I’m just not there yet with it. But I certainly wish you the best!
.-= affiliate marketer’s help desk´s last blog … Increase website traffic with a Facebook Fan Page =-.
Thanks for sharing your challenge with planning for larger projects! I also commend you, Lisa, on your online success. I have been doing affiliate marketing since June or July of 2008 and have NOT made any money!!!
I am a Licensed minister and Christian counselor and have worked with hurting women. I created 4 book directed to Christian women, one is a children’s ebook and I actually have several other projects that I have been working on. Writing is one of my passions and counseling/mentoring/coaching are too. I am frustrated with this all process and will be re-evaluate whether this is something for me. I’ve spend hours and hours of not only on my own projects but others and feel like I’ve WASTED sooo much of my time and energy!
Clearly I’m doing some things WRONG because others claim to be making money. There’s no one in circle of influence doing anything remotely like what I’m doing so I been trying to learn it on my own, which I guess is the BIG problem. I’m tired of the all the hype and have become pretty skeptical about the online thing.
@yvonnecarson – I’m curious about what methods you’ve been using – I’m no expert, nor am I rich, but I have made some money since starting in March. I also have a Christian site, maybe we can team up. Maybe there’s something I can do to help. Following you on Twitter 🙂
.-= Kiesha´s last blog … Christmas Everyday Gift Idea #2 =-.
@krenee76 I’ve basically used free classifies, safelists, but mostly market on my blogs and various social networks on Ning. I have a social network where I market my books and affiliate ebooks @ http://yvonnecarson.ning.com.
@yvonnecarson How are you drawing traffic to your blogs? Have you tried creating a lens on Squidoo? Posting there frequently could bring more traffic if you provide links to your site. Squidoo is probably the least frustrating way to get noticed.
Also, are you doing any article marketing? Are you using Twitter regularly to meet new potential visitors – what about a Facebook Fanpage? Trying using an automatic Tweeter if you can’t get on often enough – post while you sleep! 🙂
.-= affiliate marketer’s help desk´s last blog … The top 8 plug-ins every WordPress blog needs =-.
Thanks for sharing the whole process Lisa.
I too understand the need to CREATE my own product & I too have some Ideas I’ve been developing, things I am enthusiastic about & have some Ideas to share/
Lisa, With all the great advise that you have given over the years, I believe publishing your own “how to” book on creating a website can make you a best selling author. I’d help you with the artwork and illustration. Think about it.
.-= Wayne Farley´s last blog … An Overview of Wide Area Multilateration =-.
You’re probably thinking of e-products right Lisa? It’s going to be quite hard to sell something solid if you’re not into that full-time. I’d go with an e-book or or something like that, for starters.
.-= Gordon´s last blog … Hashtag Heaven – Getting Started On Twitter =-.
Hi Lisa,
I just finished creating a product and have a couple more planned for early next year.
Creating a written product is very similar to creating a series of articles. You just:
1) choose an overarching topic, like: Build your first website and make $30,000 in 3 months! for example.
2) write down all the steps someone would have to take to get that result.
3) take each step and turn it into a chapter in your ebook or course.
4) Next, record the ebook or course onto CDs or keep them in mp3 format if you want them to be available as a download.
5) For a bonus, get someone to interview you and have the interview transcribed into a bonus report with free mp3 file.
About Darren Rowse, I’m a partner in a Photoshop training business and we cross promote with Darren. He promotes our stuff and we promote his. He’s an awesome guy and he knows his stuff.
Thanks for your great blog. I bought the Thesis theme on your recommendation.
.-= Mike´s last blog … Copywriting: Eloquence or Gutter Talk? =-.
Since you asked…
I have one little product suite already, and 3 others in development.
An announcement: I’ll have these 3 finished and for sale by Dec 31, 2009. I tend to work “round robin” style rather than full tilt on a single project.
All are small, $0.99 to $19 price point, so not very attractive to affiliates most likely. But the value will be very good.
About competition: I don’t worry about it too much because so many times great ideas erupt spontaneously. You might think someone stole an idea, when it turns out you and several other people were pointed in the same direction and influenced by the same environment. Happens often in science, blogging is not that different.
.-= Dave Doolin´s last blog … DIY WordPress: Creating Sidebars On-the-Fly in WordPress =-.
I think it’s a great idea. Something I have been considering for the last few months. I’m still in the brainstorming stage though.
Good luck on all of your endeavors. I look forward to seeing what you have to offer. I know it will be extremely useful to bloggers, especially us newbies.
.-= LexiB´s last blog … AIDS Is A Mass Murderer; History’s Well-Known Mass Murderers Getting It On in AIDS Crisis Campaign =-.
I’m wondering what type of product you are considering. I know that Darren started charging a small fee for some exclusive areas of his site but he has been taking a lot of flack as a result.
I trust your judgement, but it is good that you are putting it out there beforehand so you can get some feedback.
I say go for it!
.-= ileane´s last blog … Blog Engage Activity for Ms. Ileane Speaks in November =-.
Thanks Ileane,
Right now, I prefer to keep my ideas close to my vest because of competition and I’m not exactly sure what approach I want to take. Plus, I’d love to get more feedback before going further with the planning stages.