Your avatar.
It’s the little square that appears next to your tweets, FaceBook posts, etc. It’s your identification for social media online.
Someone recently asked me why I never change mine.
I simply replied…
It’s part of my brand.
For the most part, I use the same icon for 2 Create a Website everywhere. (There are a few exceptions.)
It’s recognizable and my followers have become familiar with it. I also prefer to use a photo because I believe it is more personal. But I certainly understand why you may choose a logo instead (brand awareness).
Changing Faces
I follow people on Twitter who change their avatars multiple times per month, and there have been many times I didn’t realize who they were until many tweets later.
This happened with someone I follow very closely. I unintentionally bypassed their tweets because I didn’t recognize the avatar.
I know what you’re thinking… Content sells, not avatars. So why does it matter what picture is displayed?
Here’s the deal. Most people follow hundreds (or even thousands) of people these days, and can’t effectively read every update. But many have their favorites.
No matter how many people they follow, they will always take time to read the updates from their favorite people. So as they are scanning, they tend to zero in on these people, and a recognizable avatar assists with that process.
Of course, content is the most important thing, but don’t underestimate the importance of that little square.
A familiar picture helps people quickly recognize you as they scan through the numerous updates of people they subscribe to/follow. You don’t want to get skipped by your loyal followers because you change your picture every other day.
If you’re using social media for personal reasons, then these rules don’t necessarily apply. In fact, switching up your photo is often a means of self expression. But for business, I think it’s important to consider familiarity, brand awareness and consistency.
I’m not saying never switch your avatar. A change in scenery is nice every now and then — especially if you’re just changing to another photo where people can still recognize you.
However, random avatar changes (from cars to dogs to sunglasses, etc.) every week might be a bit much. Just remember the role that small icon plays when it comes to recognition and branding.
What do you think? Do you change your avatars often? Why or why not? Let’s talk!
Yes that’s fact if you are not changing your profile pics many users removed you on the our accounts i dont know the reason behind that but i think changing is the rule of nature many thing in the life has been changed so accept the changes and do the changes.
I also do use always the same avatar, also removed a few users that are very good friends because they changed the picture. I was used to the picture instead of the username. This was on fb.. the result was…i though they removed me… and.. in the end it was i who actually removed them by the simple fact of the picture change… i guess now i will have to be a bit more alert on their usernames lol, good subject btw.
Yes it is true that our avatar on social media sites are our identity. People recognize by seeing the photo on our networking site, the purpose of using same photo in every networking site is to make easily recognize our profile everywhere by seeing the photo.
Of course,you are right.we should have some change.we need a different life sometimes.
Yes, I agree with Lisa. You have to make sure all the dots connect up between your avatar, brand and message. I don’t use my own face on the avatar because clip arts in more cool than my own face. lol..
best wishes
Secret (Steve)
I was curious if you ever thought of changing the layout of your website? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or 2 images. Maybe you could space it out better?
I don’t change my SNS avatars often but once a month at the most
I do the same thing, because it’s part of my brand and I use the same icon everywhere. I want people to recognize me everywhere I go on the internet. It’s my favorite picture of myself, and is very special to me. It’s important to choose a pic you especially like, do you won’t get tired of it. I use the logo since I don’t think I’d enjoy seeing my face everywhere.
I want to keep my self fit. I hope your website will be helpful for me in this object. Your close cooperation will remain forever. I shall be very thankful to you.
There is a great site that lets you automate your avatar issues when you are commenting. its called The way it works is you upload you avatar picture, and provide your email addresses. Whenever you are commenting on a blog, for example, when you provide your email in the comment box, your avatar at gravatar will automatically be displayed. Great way to brand yourself.
I’ve changed my twitter icon because I became bored with it but I always seem to go back to the same picture because #1 I’m smiling (which in photos I never do) and #2 I guess deep down I know that what you’re saying is true: People will recognize my face in that shot. If I change it again it’ll probably be once I get my business up and running and get some pics done professionally. Thanks for the great advise always!
I never thought of it that way but that makes great sense. Thanks for the tip! =)
Great article, brand identity is very important. The only problem using a photo is that some images are a lot smaller than others an it is a lot easier to identify I simple shape quickly plus it won’t date like a photo of yourself.
Gosh, what an interesting subject for a post, Lisa.
I enjoyed reading the comments as it proved; I am not the only one who had the dilemma of whether or not to come out from ‘hiding’!
I have only just started using my photo on my personal blog. As I never take good photo’s, it has taken a while for me to adjust to seeing my photo online. No doubt I will change it when I get a better picture.
When I start branding on my business site I will use a design instead.
Yeah, it’s true I’m rarely changing my avatar on social media sites too in order that they would able to notice me easily and of course my followers or the one I’m following could recognize me easily.
I tend to change my avatar now every 6 months, a few years back it was all the time. It’s also always a picture of me as I don’t really use a logo too much for any of the sites I run really…hmmm maybe I should look into that someday.
Lisa, as I scroll through the comments on this post I notice that some people mention having a consistent logo but their gravatar isn’t showing up here.
I just wanted to give them a tip that might come in handy. When you’re commenting on blogs (especially wordpress) your url and email must match the ones on your account with gravatar. If you have more than one email you can add it to your gravatar account.
If you have more than one url you need to register each and every one of them with gravatar. Otherwise you’re branding efforts will suffer when you show up as “mystery man” in everyone’s comment section 🙂 Don’t let your hard work go to waste, check your gravatar account settings asap!
I haven’t really changed my avatar. That would be too much work. However, trying to get my Gravatar to show up is a different ball of wax all together.
I change mine every 3-4 months or if and when I can be bothered to. If you use the same picture of yourself on each social network you’re on and the blog or websites you run, people start to know you as you and not someone they haven’t seen before. Its always best to use a clean detailed picture of yourself, being yourself which attracts people and make them want to learn more about you.
You is the most important thing.
My avatar is a brand where people like you now reading this comment will recognize me..this is so my readers of my blog can spot me out of 1 million pictures..
You want to have an pic that stands out so people can know who you are on sight.
“TrafficColeman “Signing Off”
Yes, I 100% agree with you Lisa. If you are a professional blogger you should never change your avatar, because it gives you a recognition on the internet and which is rather difficult to establish, which you in other terms call branding. It takes lot of consistent hard work, patience and perseverance to establish your brand. And if you change your avatar the whole effort of yours go waste in one go.
I really like the photo avatar idea, however a personal photo seems unproffessional and a proffessionally taken good photograph always ends up looking like a spammy stock-photo. So, for now I think I’m going to stick with a logo…
Ive never use avatar cause i dont know how other people will react when their meet me infront of them especially my mate .
I am actually very Self-consciousness about my appearance so I either use the one that will appear next to this comment, or I will use the one picture of me (can be found on my personal Twitter & Facebook profile and on my About Me page on my blog) that I am happy with. 🙂
Yes, you are right…Do you see Nike and Coca Cola changing there logo…it’s branding.
lisa…do you use your logo or photo on other sites? i’d assume your logo since you have over 100k unique visitors a mth across all platforms. I noticed TE uses his/her logo.
I haven’t changed mine since I started using one. It’s just something that I don’t think about changing or updating. Laziness, maybe?
I don’t have an avatar. My site isn’t a traditional blog, and I don’t have a twitter account. I think you shouldn’t change it though. I agree with how a new picture could confuse you. If I were to make an avatar, I would probably have a design or logo. My picture might crack computer screens.
Hi Lisa, nice post… I used to change avatars a lot when I was actively chatting and had no business. Now I realize its important to have a stable identity for people to easily recognize you for the products you are promoting especially if you want to keep them coming back.
Yes Lisa, I agree with you on this one. The avatar is part of your brand and should remain the same across all media and well as unchanged to etch into people’s mind who you are. Can you image KFC removing the colonel from their brand, or even changing their colours?
That’s true Lisa, your avatar is a brand. As for facebook, I like taking pics but I place them in other albums. My gravatar is always the same, recently changed my twitter.
You must use the avatar as you say to brand who you are.
Nope, same pic everywhere. Part of the branding.
Great article,
Well Lisa, I never change my avatar. Mostly because of the reasons you’ve mentioned in your article. Me personally, when I scan updates I normally look at the avatar first and then read it’s content. (Weird, I know…but true lol).
Nonetheless, I believe consistency is the KEY here.
On facebook I usually change my avatar about twice a year. It’s usually a nice change of pace. On twitter I use my site’s logo, for some brand recognition.
I change my avatar any time that I change my hair. I do this because it makes it easiest for people I meet through face-to-face networking to recognize me online, and so that people who I meet online can recognize me at live events. Even if my hair didn’t change, I would update my photo at least every few years. I think this is especially important for people in their twenties, because their appearance changes more quickly than those over thirty.
I have had one avatar pretty much since I started my blog. I agree with the brand awareness as I use that logo for everything.
I use the logo since I don’t think I’d enjoy seeing my face everywhere.
Hi Lisa,
I use the same profile pic for all of my social networking sites and they have been that way since I first began. I have no desire to change up for the very reasons you’ve explained. I want people to recognize me everywhere I go.
Plus, it’s my favorite picture of myself, and is very special to me. I took that picture on my 30th birthday which was one of the best birthdays ever.
That’s why it’s important to choose a pic you especially like, do you won’t get tired of it.
I’ve had the same avatar for a long time. I haven’t kept it because of personal branding though. I just think it’s the best picture of me. It makes me look young.
I do the same thing! Friends ask sometimes why it doesn’t change and I tell them the exact reasons you listed: a) it’s part of my personal brand, and b) when others change their avatars (especially on Twitter) I pay less attention. It’s just how our eyes grab the content. Very important!
It should also be something that says “you.” You have a wonderful face for it. And it is professional and cheerful just like you. I may keep my new avatar because it’s starting to be sort of “brand”y. People have told me I look like a viking or like a caveman. Actually, I am descended from vikings. My pic is also ironic. I have a humor blog, yet I’m glowering. Works for now. I’m interested to see how much stamina it has.