Geez, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that in the last 5 years…
This post was inspired by comments I’ve received over the years about not having a real job, and a few e-mails from “Netpreneur” hopefuls who receive earfuls of doubt from family and friends regarding making a living online.
It still amazes me that in 2010 Internet marketing doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Some people are old fashioned and will never accept that it’s actually possible to earn a good, honest living outside a cubicle.
However, in their defense, most people don’t know anyone personally making a living online, so it is somewhat understandable why many heads are filled with doubt and skepticism.
For the sake of this post I will be referring to my old 9 to 5 job (Web Production Analyst) as my “real job” and my Internet biz as my “fake job.”
“Real Jobs Pay Overtime”
I often think back to that “real job” and how many days I spent one, two or even three hours working overtime and never got paid for it because I was a salary employee.
Compare that to my “fake job” today where I spent an extra 15 minutes adding/adjusting some Google ads on my site and earned an additional $1,000 for the month.
“Real Jobs Give Salary Increases”
When I quit my “real job” in 2006, my salary was actually 4% LESS than it was than when I was hired (4 years prior) due to budget cuts, etc. None of our raises ever caught up with the pay cuts.
At my “fake job”, I haven’t had a decrease in my earnings since 2001. *knock on wood*
“People Work Harder at Real Jobs”
At my “real job”, I worked 40 hours per week, but I wonder how many of those 40 hours were spent chit-chatting at the water cooler, surfing the web and taking long lunch breaks. Hmmmm……
At my “fake job” there are many days where I easily put in 15 hours of work. I’m positive my total number of actual work hours for the week are far greater than any “real job” I’ve had.
Not to mention weekends. Technically, I don’t have many days off anymore (by choice, of course) and have the wear and tear on my arm muscles to show for it. (Yes, I’m still dealing with the typing strain injury from a year ago.)
I won’t bore you with too many statistics and numbers, but if I totaled up the hours I worked on my websites while I still had my 9 to 5 job, your head would probably spin. It was pure craziness, but well worth it now that I look back on it.
“Real Jobs Offer Security”
Countless people encouraged me to stay with my “real job” for security.
Let’s see…
I dodged about 4 rounds of layoffs over the course of 5 years and never knew when the next round was around the corner. Yeah, real secure. And I won’t even go into the future of pensions and social security.
At my “fake job”, I can now live on my residual income alone (thanks to domain reselling.) So if my sites ever died, I’d still have some sort of backup.
How many “real jobs” do you know that still pay you indefinitely if you quit or get laid off?
To Sum it Up…
I spend way more hours on my websites than I ever did at any 9 to 5 and make way more money. But because I’m not hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock, getting up every morning with the chickens, and fighting rush hour traffic, some say it doesn’t count as a real job.
Sounds silly, I know, but many people feel this way.
Have people in your life tried to discourage you from doing Internet marketing full time because it’s not a “real job”? Remind them that any form of work that is legal and makes enough money to pay your bills is a real job no matter what form it comes in.
Don’t Pour The “Hater”ade Just Yet
When I write posts like this, it’s inevitable that at least one person will say, “Lisa, people are just hating/jealous.” While that may be true in some cases, I honestly believe most of these people are just uninformed about the Internet Marketing world.
As I said earlier, very few people know anyone personally making a good living online. So they might be oblivious to the work that is actually involved, and it’s easy to write it off as “wasting time” or “playing around.”
Not everyone is hating. Some people just haven’t witnessed enough (or any) real examples of people making worthwhile money online.
Quick Note: I know that many of you may be happy with your 9 to 5’s and/or have no intentions of working online full time. This type of career is not for everyone and certainly has its disadvantages.
This was just to address those who still don’t believe that Internet marketing is a real job. Quite frankly, that statement is an insult to those of us who have put in the hours to make it happen and love what we do.
Nevertheless, this is by far the most fulfilling work I’ve ever had in my life, and I hope to never have a “real job” again. 😀
Internet Marketing is DEFINITELY not for everyone.
I find that you need to put quite a lot amount of effort but the thing is, it really pays!
i actually have more interest in working online that in a four wall environment. to me, its a real job working online: your put in hours, your create something, you get paid for it. it even has benefits, you could do it from anywhere…
I agree that real job offers security and benefits, including Christmas bonus. But I don’t like the pressure of having a real job. That’s why I am thankful that I have online job with flexible schedule. It seems inspiring to know that you have fulfilling job.
There are a lot of inspiring stories on here, but I just wanted to say how your initial post, Lisa, brought back memories. Back in 1971, expecting our first child, and before anyone had dreamed up the internet or personal computers, my husband decided to become self employed. He had got into computers on the ground floor so to speak, when they were still huge industrial machines with tape whizzing round and taking up a whole assembly hall.
We were in our twenties and his parents were dead set against the idea. It is not secure, what if things go wrong? Security is more important than money, etc, etc…………
One week he had the flu and of course got no money and his mother remarked: See, if you had a proper job you would get paid for having this week off!!
Since he was earning five times as much as he would have been in his proper job, it was hardly a great loss!
Same thing applies to internet marketing really, doesn’t it? If it earns decent money, it is a proper job.
It is amazing that after a year at home working as a net entrepreneur, I recently has a week were a friend calls me to tell me how I can “make it,” on the internet. I would say the majority of advice sounded good but was so off. Many do not understand that this is a business that requires knowledge and skill and discipline. Because many surf the net for enjoyment, that is as deep as it gets for them, as some think that is exactly what you are doing all day. I often share with my sister what I do all day. One day she said so what did you do today, nothing. She is retired and hasn’t done anything all day for about 10 years, so that is what she does and thinks that being home all day for me is like what it is like for her. Or when a friend seeing my progress ask if she can come over for an hour and show her how to do it. I have had to state that I can show you but I don’t think you will learn how to do it in an hour, do you have a few months. She quickly lost interest.
took your advice and what you are reading now represents the renewed accuracy. Get the hint? 🙂
Happy Saturday my friend!
Well done Lisa! In some points we actually work harder than the people have a “REAL JOB”… Just saying that we always have to keep ourselves updated but some the “REAL JOB” just repeat and repeat
Hi Lisa!
Thank you for everything! You are FANTASTIC! I am an SBI owner because of you. Last year, 11/1/10 I lost my job after being out for surgery over the summer, 2 months after going back to work, I was fired. I decided that I’ve had enough of the negativity on the 9-5, my daughter is a grown woman now so I decided to consider myself retired. I had been thinking of retirement and what I was going to do to support myself. I didn’t really have retirement income to speak of so I thought about what do I know and have to offer the world so I decided that I should build my own website. In August, 2010 I came across your website after searching and searching for a long time before I lost my job for information on how to build a website and finally, I found you; and I bought Site Build It because of you. I didn’t get my domain name up until May 1, 2011 and I am amazed at how much my traffic has increased in this short period of time. I love SBI, I’m just monetizing it now and I certainly am diversifying my income potential. I’m looking forward to earning money hopefully soon. I don’t pay any attention to anyone’s negativity. I am my own person and I do what I know is right for me and nobody has a say in that! It’s my life and my decision as to what I want to do with it. I’M MY OWN BOSS and anyone who doesn’t like it, WELL, they can just go home and iron it out for themselves because I’m happy and that’s all that matters.
Thanks again Lisa for all the work you put into your websites, you are truly an inspiration to me! 🙂
Hi, Lisa, I have been reading your websites for about 3 years now and I’m really ashamed to say that I still have no clue if I’m doing what you’ve suggested all of this time right. And because of this, I continue trying to start over with different topics…Can you tell me what it is I’m missing cause I don’t have a clue.
Lisa excellent post, I found it very informative and beneficial. I have learned that people are afraid of things that they do not understand. They also allow other individuals that have no dreams, hopes or aspirations LEAD THEIR LIVES.
I say thumbs up to Network Marketing, I enjoy spending without worrying about the tags.
I came across your website more than a year ago while looking for information on creating a website. After looking into the possibilities for earning a living online. I am still impressed with your websites and the dedication/hard work you put into them. I have not given up on my idea to start a website of my own and have you to thank for that to help coach me with your hard earned wisdom of trial and error.
Thank you for your talent, Lisa – you are an inspiration to
many people out there !!
Hi Lisa,
No matter what you do people are going to have something negative to say. A wise man once stated, “Failures see the hole in the donut, but do not see the donut around the hole.” You are a great inspiration and my teenage daughter has started her online business at 15yrs of age and still learning and following you advise. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, if I had 10,000 tongues I couldn’t thank you enough:)
Amen, Lisa! I recently began my entrepreneurial career. Though I’m still trying to find my groove, it’s coming along better and better. I am truly enjoying this journey. Thanks for your advice.
Its true,
you will work more hours then your regular job
but its definitely more worth it 🙂
lisa we miss you 🙂
I like to surf internet and find you had really contributed a lot of things for beginners and had a lot’s of successful strategies. I would like to become like you. 🙂 😉
want to be a boss is my present job that i am making some effort,
Thanks for the love today folks. Going to bed now. Nite nite =)
Talk about writing a college term paper and posting it in a blog comment
I read your article with great interest, especially after the jobs report on Thursday — 10% jump in new unemployment claims! Not a good thing! New jobs are not making up the difference, not at all.
Look, I’ve spent my entire working life doing what was expected of me with no opportunity to find another way, until the internet came along and opened the door. My mother did not understand how anyone could possibly make any money with a computer. She also discouraged me and my sister from ever doing anything independent of the paycheck world. Fortunately, I built skills in something other than my paycheck job. My last job left me — I would have left it if it hadn’t left me — and I decided it was time to retire, look around the net for information, and make my skills (fine art, photography, writing and cooking) go to work for me and pay me back. There are so many opportunities that did not exist 30 years ago, and now I have the time to take advantage of them.
I don’t think you have to be an affiliate marketer or an online reseller to do well, and it’s a good idea to keep your expectations modest from the start — let life surprise you in a pleasant way. This will be my “real” job now, whereas my paychecks always came from what I’d call my “fake” jobs. I think it’s wise to not discuss what you are doing with other people (the naysayers) until you begin to see the success you are working for. Keep your own counsel and be patient.
All I am going to say to evertyone’s comments is true dat, and true DAT! =)
I sure wish I had come across your site a lot sooner Lisa. It has been my dream to start a fake job and make some extra income. I have been scammed so many times it’s not even funny. I complete surveys and focus studies whenever I can. I just purchased Niche Blitzkrieg. I have to admit I am having a bit of hard time getting everything up and running your site builder seems to be more simpler. I just wish I can discovered yours first. I am really enjoying your site so full of good information. It’s my ultimate dream to do what your do for a living. I look forward to learning all I can from you and making my dream a reality some day. I am ready for the hard work because I have been working hard already and not getting very far.
Ya know Lisa, I couldn’t even keep a real job, for all sorts of reasons. It was like I kinda felt forced gently to be an online entrepreneur. And, with that said, I’m glad I started to like this, because though it takes a long time for it to work, it all works out for the good in the longrun =)
If working on the net pays your bills and you are not asking those people that are turning up there noises for anything.Why should they be concerned. They are just envious. They need to get them some business.
I loved this post! I tend to agree that most people do not see working online as a real option because they do to know too many people who are successful at it.
I get the same comments from my friends and family, and it gets discouraging sometimes. I have gotten to the point where I discuss what I do with very few people.
As far as the typing injury goes, have you ever tried “Dragon Naturally Speaking”?
Hi Jordan
I sure have. In fact, it became mandatory for me to use it last year with that injury. Thank goodness for Dragon’s software because it allowed me to work while I was recovering. The speech recognition needs some work, but it was better than nothing.
Lisa, does that Dragon speaking program really work good for speaking articles and blogs? I been wondering about it…
I was glad to have it when I needed it but I had to do a LOT of corrections. They claim to be 90% accurate, but for me it was more like 60-70%. Again, I needed it badly with the pain I was in so I had no choice but it’s not as accurate as they claim.
Hey Lisa! I’m having a great morning reading your posts.
I’ve only just started my “fake job” so I’m keeping my real job until I see some “fake cash flow” (ha ha).
Last month I earned a total of 75 cents from Google Adwords and at first I was depressed because I bought a Snicker’s bar from the cnady machine (at my real job) and realized I had just spent my entire month’s earnings on a candy bar!
But later I thought about it and I changed my attitude. It’s just the first step towards a real (oops I mean fake) income that I will have created from nothing more than my own hard work. I will own it!
I could also tell you stories of how I and other employees I’ve known have been outsourced and how the companies we worked for treated us like trash. Or as I say they treat employees like furniture, “Today we want red furniture instead of blue furniture, so throw the blue furniture in the trash and buy red furniture”. No respect for the years of effort you’ve put into building their business or the loyalty you’ve shown by working overtime etc…
Can’t wait for my “fake job” to replace my “real job”!
Thanks again for all your help.
Another great article from you Lisa, and yes, I have heard that too, several times, but I am stubborn and I really don’t care what other people think about working on the Internet. I will never go back in a 9-5 job ever again.
Be yourself and be happy, never stop dreaming!
Happy Natural Life,
I am surprised people would still say that this day in age, especially if you are making money.
Feel free to pour the hater-ade because I must admit I’m jealous. : D
Hi Lisa,
I thought of a great site on Sunday afternoon and have been searching the web to find out how to integrate it into my life and already busy schedule. Tuesday night I found your site and I have been pouring over your site and Blogs. Wonderful. Helpful. Inspirational. I love this blog and you are right, I don’t know anyone making money online. Hopefully soon, my friends will. Thankyou for your guidance as I will be uploading soon.
Wonderful article Lisa!
I so had this experience and it hasn’t been from ‘haters’. For many years my parents were really wanting me to go get a real job and they went so far as to tell me I was living in a dream world by believing that I could actually make money online.
They just couldn’t believe it because as you said they’ve not heard of anyone doing it. My dad doesn’t even know how to get to YouTube, lol!
I’ve also hear the ‘but you need the security of a real job’ or ‘you need to think about your retirement’.
It’s hard to fight against family who believe you really have no clue what you’re doing but like you I absolutely love what I do and can’t imagine ever being ’employed’ another day in my life.
You have so inspired me and I agree! I have been working so hard the past few months to get out of my “day” job!
I remember 30 years ago I was exposed to a Network Marketing idea. It had never crossed my mind to not have a real job. The opportunity looked so self-evident that I could not believe it when people that I shared the program with did not get involved.
After several months it dawned on me that society/schools brainwash young people to such an extent that it is literally impossible for some to ever see opportunity and like sheep follow the work at a job life until they die
Beings that I’m in college still, I haven’t heard the “get a real job,” but I have been surprised by a lack of support in my site which is very surprising to me. My site is about fantasy sports-something MANY of my friends and family are interested in and play regularly. However, I could count on one hand the number of times someone has mentioned my site in the 6+ months that it’s been online.
Granted, I’m not concerned by it because I enjoy working on my site and other complete strangers do support it overwhelmingly, but the lack of support from the people I would most expect it from is disheartening.
Not going to lie though, it does serve for excellent motivation, haha. There’s no doubt in my mind that my site will be more successful than I ever could hope for and, honestly, nothing is going to stop me!
Thanks again, Lisa, for another great post!
Well, if they can’t make it, that means that nobody can, and therefore any individual who may claim anything else must be a scamer..
what a poor argument!
just keep on the good work sister and discard that nonsense, your inspiring thousands of people every day, and for that you deserve more than a thank you…
Hi Lisa ,
I’m just starting out and don’t have a site yet. I was actually researching niches when I found your site. I have two questions for you. you mentioned sitesell and domain reselling. Do you still use site sell? and is website palace your domain reselling site?
Hi Lisa,
I’ve done several things from home over the years. I’ve always been interested in finding a way to work from home. Working a traditional job is not the only way. We have to be creative and think outside the box. When we work a traditional job, we limit ourselves and our creativity. At the same time, we make our employers’ life easier and wealthier. Why not do something for ourselves? Something that we can call our own. I’m not saying that everything I did worked for me. I just never gave up in trying to reach my goal. That of working from home (online). It’s so true that many people just do not understand this concept. I now work from home online. I’m blogging and loving it! Yes, I generate income…
I know getting there was a struggle with many other options to choose from. You can see what multiple years of dedicated work can accomplish.
I believe in internet marketing. Just ignore the haters. Let us visualize our top priorities now. 2011 is a good year for online business.
Eiii Lisa great post here. I see my self in a similar situation one year back. But with a determined and motivated mind, I pursue working on a “fake job” and look now… I am more happy and satisfied that those working on a “real job” 🙂
I pretty loved to read this post…… i have been facing the same situation in my family and with my friends. They don’t believe what i am doing is going to fetch me money in future so they keep asking to go n find a real job. Now i have kept my ears numb from all this comments from them and concentrating on my work…..
we can use social networks to get jobs.. i experimented using social netowrks
Hey Lisa, go girl! that’s just it, you said it all “online business is real business”.
Thanks so much for this post, I just found your website today, and am so geeked about all the great advice. I’ll be poking around looking for more great tips, keep em’ coming!
Lisa, I think people who don’t have time or energy to put towards this venture are the ones who have their doubts and suspicions.
Building my online business has asked for BOTH time and energy from me on numerous occasions.
I think if people gave it a shot, they will see how demanding this is compared to a real job. (but more than likely people wont give it the time of day!)
That is right Lisa, educate the misinformed! For some people, J.O.B stands for Just Over Broke because they are just a few paychecks away from being broke. I wish more people understood the importance of creating residual income. I am definitely working on mine!
It’s true – I work from home and frequently have to re-explain to my friends and family what it actually is that I do for a living – and that it is just as much work as a “real” job.
This was a really interesting article. I have often wondered how people could say that internet marketing is not a real job. In my opinion, if you are making enough money to sustain your lifestyle than you are making a living. As you said, as long as it’s legal, who cares about the method?
At the end of your post you mentioned disadvantages of running an online business. I think the advantages and disadvantages would make an interesting blog article.
Don’t pour the HaterAde yet. LOL
Although you’re talking about internet marketing, the same lack of understanding and dearth of support can be applied to any type of entrepreneurial endeavor. From high-tech ventures to low-tech landscaping, “why you wanna go and do that?” and “why don’t you get a real job?” are a constant.
To make it pay, entrepreneurs, info-preneurs, and ‘netpreneurs have to gain some thick skin, dance to their own drum beat, and ignore naysayers.
Thanks. Lisa, for sharing your insights with us!