1. Make room for the 728×90 banner — if you can
Obviously you don’t want to crowd your site or make it look awkward, but if your experience with this unit size is anything like mine, you may want to consider opening up a spot.
I am now using this banner size on three of my sites: WebsiteBabble.com, Flat-Stomach-Exercises.com and finally this blog.
In all three cases it performs great and the eCPM (earnings per thousand) is higher than the other sizes. This is the only AdSense unit that has ever performed well on this blog.
Due to the Google terms I am not allowed to disclose my eCPM, but it is significantly higher than my other units. Understand that a high eCPM doesn’t necessarily mean I’m getting a lot of clicks, but I’m earning more per click compared to other units.
2. Set your channels to “Targetable”
Doing this allows premium advertisers to advertise solely on your site if they wish. They can outbid all other contextual advertisers and lock down a spot on your site for an indefinite amount of time. Premium advertisers pay more for this kind of ad, so it means you can earn more per click.
For more details on how to set this all up, watch the video I created last September…
3. Display ads alongside videos
I do this quite often on 2CreateAWebSite.com, and those units usually perform better than any other (even the leaderboard ads). And if you’re wondering if this is against the terms, wonder no more.
I actually got this idea from Google. Their optimization team ran an analysis on my site years ago and suggested I add the ads alongside my videos.
From a technical standpoint, there are a few ways to accomplish this. It’s probably best to use CSS, but you can also use a simple table. Yes, tables are so 1990-ish, but they still work and come in handy for accomplishing this.
So the idea is to create a table with two equal columns. Put the video in the left column and the ad code in the right (or vice versa.) Here’s the code for a simple table you can use. Adjust the widths of your table, video and AdSense ads accordingly….
<table width=”600″ align=”center”><tr>
<td width=”300″>
<td width=”300″>
4. Create Channels
It’s amazing how many people do not setup new channels when they create new AdSense code. How will you ever know which unit performs the best if they are all lumped together?
5. Refresh!
Every now and then I’ll do a refresh and change the look of my units… slightly.
I usually keep the background color the same because I like for it to match my site, but I may change the color of the title or URL text. I seem to notice a slight boost when I do this. Of course there is never any proof this is the reason, but what can it hurt to try?
6. Pay attention to your Analytics reports
If you use Google Analytics, you can sync your AdSense and Analytics accounts together so you can see how much each page is earning.
Keep track of and analyze your highest earning pages. Are they your highest because of traffic or is there some other reason? (Different ad placement or size.)
7. Delete under-performing units
I have not been able to confirm exactly what AdWords advertisers can see with regards to the Publisher’s stats (click through rates, etc.) But since they can opt to advertise on our sites exclusively, I try to keep my overall CTR as high as possible by getting rid of units that perform below my own average.
Obviously “under-performing units” will be defined by your individual average and it will be different for everyone.
Are there any other AdSense tips you’d like to share?
Wow Lisa. You are great and i have implemented some of your tips and my earnings get higher dramatically. thanks for sharing superb tips.
Hey Lisa Thank you so much for this Great and useful tip
Great post as usual
I totally agree with you Google Analytics can share vital data regarding your adsense earning and your website presense in google.What helps most is traffic. More traffic means more income
Great tips! Some of tips I implement in my sites, U also use adsense secrets from Joel Comm, my earnings get higher every month Thanks
100% right!!!
Thank You, Thank you Lisa. I get high-minded; then I visit your site for a real dose of cod liver oil. That advice to use 728×90 ad size on the my site is paying off handsomely (or gender-attractively as the case may be. U R Wonderful! ~AVM, aka eResumes4Vips
Didn’t knew that I can sync Adsense with Analytics. I will try to do that. Great tips!
Thanks so much Lisa for all your advice. I came here to honestly say I have been following your advice from reading this site and watching your videos and I have noticed a GREAT increase of money from my adsense account for my blog. Today (Iraq time) I cleared my day with $7.83 and that is ALOT better than I was getting which was around $1.23 a day if I was lucky. So hopefully I can keep this up. When I started my blog it was for the love of blogging…never thought I would make money from it. So I just wanted to express my thanks. 🙂 Also check out my blog if you like and office any advice. 🙂 You may find some interesting info on their dealing with hair care and growth. 🙂 My future goals are to create a website that will match my income so I wont have to be alllllll the way in Iraq working, lol.
Amazing Ideas!!!!!!!!! Its a great video and helpful. thanks
London translation
Hey Lisa, What about Section targeting in Google Adsense Ads. Would like to know your views about the same. Please throw some light on it. 🙂
Nice ideas… Display ads alongside videos is completely new for me… let me try this.
Great tips !! thanks you ! I love to try your tips to improve my Adsence…
Thanks lisa, for the great informative post ,
why the no. of visitors i got on my Analytics report is far less than the reallity ?
In followinv your advice i recently started putting adsense ads next to my videos and although I am still a fan of tables, for this 1 I simply use a ‘p style=float right’ tag and it shows just fine
Very Good Advice! I am definitely going to make room on my site for the banner. And going too add some channels.
Thanks for the tips!
i concentrate more on analytics reports
Hi Lisa congratulations on your achievements you really are an inspiration to us newbies who are still learning the world of IM I wish I knew about this a long time ago .
As I really never liked working away from home as I have been raising My beautiful daughter who is autistic but nevertheless I started IM with affiliate marketing last year and up until this day I have note made a $1 with my new website I have worked on it so much! but believe me
I enjoy every minute of being in control of my own business knowing that I will succeed as well Do you have any idea why I have not made any sale so far ? I want to add adsense but Im scared as I have not done it before Thank you for your love and enthusiasm to be a gift for other people who need your help God Bless Cheers!
Hello Lisa,
Great Tactic for increasing adsense revenue. all your tips are really amazing and effective. you can also make a room for all this tips
1- Ad Placements
2-A/B testing
4-Competitive filters etc …
Lisa, I know you can’t use that size banner on the standard SBI blockbuilder templates, but do you know if you can use it on the SBI CSS templates that you edit with html?
Great tips lisa, I will add the 728×90 banner and remove the low performing on my sites, channels I am already using and its really helpful in monitoring,
Any suggestions on Domains, I have many spare domains which I have added in adsense, any tip on setting up keywords or theme, i have set all domains to Google auto setup but there are themes available to choose or set it as text based.
Thanks for your tips again. 🙂
Hi Liza, you have a great post. I love to try your tips to improve my Adsence…
I just now setup a custom channel.. thanks for the tips 🙂
Great article Lisa!
I would suggest that ads be placed close to pictures as well. That has worked for me at http://www.my-island-jamaica.com.
Did anyone experience a lowering of google earnings recently? I get the same number of clicks but the earnings per click has plummented. Any thoughts?
Great share Lisa … Your post inspired me to make room for 728*90 banner that I switched to wide skyscrapper !! Will try comparing both the banners and the best one stays 🙂
Hi Lisa
That is some great advice for a newbie like me. I have just made a 728*90 banner and implemented it on my blog. I is actually looking okay I think. I will monitor it for the new couple of weeks and see if it works out for me too.
I just made room for a 728×90 banner! i hope it will bring better profit.
Thanks you.
My website Adsense CTR is 1.does it OK?
or can i improve ?
I am struggling to make my blog sucessful and thanks a lot for so detailed blog.Even to learn from comments is fun here!
spe. thanks for letting me know we can sync adsense and analytics!
I’m definitely going to give the 728×90 adsense unit a try, I’ve also been wondering how you put the 300×250 unit next to your YouTube videos (I’m not as techie as you yet) so I’m really glad you shared the code, in fact it will come in handy for other stuff as well.
Its funny, every time I hit a technical road block I find myself either running over to 2createawebsite or this blog for solutions, and I always find what I’m looking. Thanks for the great help Lisa, its nice to be able to find all the information in one place.
Excellent post, Lisa. Thanks very much. I didn’t realize you could combine Adsense with Analytics, and can’t say I have a clue as to how to do that, but I’ll go over to my Adsense account and see if there are any pointers. Unless you could point me in the right direction?
Hi Ray,
Here’s help http://www.techiemania.com/how-to-integrate-your-google-adsense-and-analytics-account.html
I seen lot of posts you giving much important to adsense program.. it is very helpful for my kind of new bloggers.. thanks for sharing .. nice post 😀
great tips !! i think afer reading your tips i could start making adsense sites and get dollar from these. many thanks ! 🙂
useful useful information.. thank you very much, i have been planning on starting some adsense sites.. but been putting it off for many months now..
That’s truly a nice thing to know.I am changing the banner size for the adds. Thanks for these tips ,until now i have no videos on my blog but now i am going add some for increasing my earnings.
will keep reading for the posts like this.
Hey Lisa, nice article.
Is it true that using less adsense banners will also increase your CPC or is just a myth?
I have lowered the adsense banners from 3 to 2 on my website but I still get $0.03 clicks from time to time.
What is your opinion about this?
Thanks for the info! I am new to affiliate marketing.
Lisa, very nice post. Now a days its a pain in the ass to make a good living from adsense. Due your post i made some bucks already. Thanks alot!
Great resources about Google Adsense. Thanks for sharing.
This is a great post lisa.Honestly i don’t know how you do it but i am struggling to make an earning from adsense.Anyways i will keep reading your posts.
3rd one is amazing..
I will for sure keep in touch with your blog. Thanks
Hi Lisa,
1st of all, this is a great tips to gain earning in adsense. Thank you so much. I have a question. Did the code for the video adsense allowed by Google? If yes, then I guess I can add it to my blog safely from getting banned.
I’m not that brave yet! I still have a lot to do with this site at the moment, so I will investigate for future reference. Thanks for your advice, helpful as always.
So if I do the do it yourself part of the look and feel selector (sorry, don’t want to to turn this into an SBI discussion) I can use the adsense banner? Thankyou. I can do that for my next site!
You sure can. When you upload your own HTML you have full control over your layout.
Let me clarify. I don’t think the do it yourself part will increase the width. I’m talking about “Uploading Your Own HTML” and using your own custom template. See my site http://www.flat-stomach-exercises.com
This is confusing me, Lisa (I am easily confused). I understood the action guide in Site Build It to say that you could not use the 728×90 banner with a sitesell template. Did I get that wrong?
That’s probably true because their framework is only 600 pixels wide. They should fix that!! I use it on my SBI! site but that’s because I have created my own custom template.
Google Adsense is now become the main resources that most bloggers focus and make money. To increase your earning, you need to optimize your page and advertising code, advertising spot … etc ! Many things !
I have never used adsense before but i am going to give it a try and see what happens
Nice..but i dont thing im gonna make it fo adsense as im always get banned by them..i dont know why.mybe because somebody sabotage me
Thanks lisa, for such a helpful post.. I just wanted to know if i can get a new adsense account for a same site which had been disabled before for invalid click activity.. I dont know how it happened… Please help if you can
wow great artical………………….. i learn more then from this…… thanks for share…Doing this allows premium advertisers to advertise solely on your site if they wish. They can outbid all other contextual advertisers and lock down a spot on your site for an indefinite amount of time. Premium advertisers pay more for this kind of ad….
how to know about the under performing advertisements?