Many reasons for failing online are completely valid.
For example, not having the time to work on your site, lack of enjoyment or choosing a topic you have no interest in would be three good examples.
On the other hand, I’ve heard some not-so-valid reasons for failure that I’ll address below.
1. No Experience
The truth is, most people who make money with their websites have no previous experience with website building, SEO, marketing, etc.
I sure didn’t.
I knew I loved to teach and being on the Internet, so that was all the fuel I needed for my fire.
When I got started, I learned almost everything by…
- Subscribing to newsletters and websites owned by people who were more successful than me
- Using the search engines to find how-to articles (Being resourceful will take you far!)
- Trial and lots of error!
- Scouring forums for answers to questions and problems I had
Forums were incredibly instrumental in helping me learn a lot in the early days.
It’s the very reason I created Website Babble in 2007. I wanted to provide the same resource to my audience so they could ask questions and learn in a community environment.
Most successful people today aren’t designers or have extensive marketing experience. They are just people who…
- Are prepared to spend more time learning than earning in the early days
- Subscribe and follow other successful people
- Continuously track what works and what doesn’t
- Choose avenues that cater to their likes and strengths so the process is enjoyable
- Don’t let failure or setbacks rattle or discourage them
The above points are much more important than having any kind of background or previous experience.
2. All The Good Topics are Saturated
Any topic worth going after today has some degree of saturation. It’s nearly impossible to find a completely untapped niche. And if you think you’ve found one, I would question and seriously examine the demand.
Even though most “good” topics seem saturated, I remember reading that over 90% of websites are abandoned after three months. So even though there are billions of websites out here, most of them become orphans after 90 days.
Now, I’m not suggesting that you forgo keyword research and jump haphazardly into any niche. That would not be a smart move today.
I just think people let the keyword research numbers intimidate and paralyze them so they never make a decision for fear of choosing the wrong niche.
If you’ve formulated a unique approach to your topic and developed a solid plan, get out there and believe in your ability to compete!
3. I Started Too Late
Some people chalk up their failure to poor timing and are convinced they waited too late to get started.
Open your eyes. There are oodles of people who have found great success online in the last couple of years.
Look at people like Srinivas Rao (podcasting) Ana Hoffman (traffic building), Derek Halpern (sales and conversions), Tara Gentile (creativity, lifestyle) Brankica Underwood (coach/blogging), Kiesha Easley (blogging) Kristi Hines (freelancing), Corbett Barr (marketing/lifestyle entrepreneur), and Ileane Smith (podcasting/blogging).
I could go on and on and on. And no doubt I’ve probably just ticked off a few of my readers because I neglected to mention them. There are just too many to name.
These people haven’t been around for ten years. Most haven’t even been around for five. Nevertheless, they’ve used tools like social media, podcasting, joint ventures, and of course providing unparalleled advice to the people they reach on a consistent basis.
Zero in on the word consistent.
I don’t care what niche you’re in, developing quality content on a consistent basis still rules. And everything these people put out oozes with quality. That’s why they have the success to prove it.
Is that all you have to do today?
Heck no! By now you’ve probably realized that just publishing quality content is not enough anymore.
If you aren’t networking, building a mailing list, guest posting, publishing videos, etc. in addition to writing content then you are no doubt limiting your results.
So yes, there’s still room if you’re just getting started today. Of course, you’re going to have to work 10 times harder than you would have years ago.
The game has changed, but that’s not a good excuse for quitting unless you don’t want to do the work.
4. There are Not Enough Monetization Options in My Niche
Here’s the bottom line.
If you can generate traffic from people who are interested in your content, there will always be ways to monetize.
You can consult, coach, sell advertising, freelance, write a book, sell a video or podcast series, you name it!
There’s more to making money online than just mastering AdSense and affiliate marketing.
Don’t limit yourself.
Just because the people you follow or admire are making money one way, doesn’t mean it’s the only way or the best way for your site.
Too many people are completely obsessed with AdSense. While it’s great money, it’s also a very unpredictable model that no website should rely on.
5. I’m a Terrible Writer
Sounds to me like you’ve just stumbled upon an opportunity to learn!
With amazing resources on the Net like Copyblogger, Make Your Content PRESell, and countless other free resources on copywriting, there’s really no reason to use this as an excuse.
Now, if you hate writing and you’re trying to be a content marketer, then you’ll obviously need to re-evaluate your goals. However, just because you’re not good at something is not necessarily a reason to give up.
The Take Home
I didn’t write this post to make you feel bad about failing.
If anything, I want to show you that no matter your background, experience, how many times you’ve stumbled or how frustrated you may be right now, there is still hope for your success.
Yes, even in 2012.
As long as you find a way to make this an enjoyable process, stay committed to learn and you realize this is more than money, you will be fine.
So hang in there!
Thank You so much Lisa for this inspring article.
Very useful Tips for Newbies.
For me I think my writing skill are just ok, bur there is a room for improvement.I believe moniterization is the easy part as long as you have large traffic.So that is where I want to focus on,bring as many visitors as I can to my site and make money after 2 months or so.
Please allow me to state my opinion on this 5 statements for future audience of yours.
1. No Experience
Experience build in time. Not hours not days, but rather 10+months and even years. Ever played an online game? You might, and is the perfect example, you leveled-up with time, you build skills and got better every time you “practice”.
2. All The Good Topics are Saturated
How many bakeries are in your town? I bet not just one, and everyone makes the bread differently, and has it’s own buyers. There is always a consumer.
3. I Started Too Late
Better late than never if you like what you are doing. Don’t regret that you never tried something new and different.
4. There are Not Enough Monetization Options in My Niche
Marketing is everywhere nowadays and it can be mixed between different niches. If you have a traveling blog, maybe you can monetize it from a car sale advertise, hey, you need a car to travel not only a place to visit, right? And maybe also a watch, underwater watch for scuba diving on the x location. Use your imagination and think outside the box.
5. I’m a Terrible Writer
In fourth grade you were terrible at math, but with practice you became better. Practice and don’t get intimidated.
I hope this answer some questions and push someone to make the steps in the right direction.
Lisa. i love the way you have written the article. It is really inspirational thing for me… you know once i stopped blogging because i felt that i can not write anything Good…
But believe me i agree to these things of your… really awesome
Hey Lisa,
All it takes is a shift in mindset. Instead of looking at all the reasons you can’t succeed at this, people need to focus on the reasons they can.
A niche seems saturated? So what? You’re a unique individual. You can bring something creative to the table. There’s always room for one more regardless of the niche you’re in.
You only fail if you let yourself fail.
Love that thinking, Derek!
Really a interesting read especially for somebody just starting to get into blogging and seo.
For those of you that think it is too late I honestly think that is just a lazy mans excuse. It is nevr too late so dig in and start working at it!
Hey there,
Pretty nice blog … was actually impressed by the 2nd point you mentioned about the saturation of the keywords from big sites .. so what is now the solution for this …. only making good back links or even trying to write a good stuff on the blog
Great post Lisa! I feel encouraged already:)
Hi, Lisa think your work is amaizing Im just starting my online marketing business.
These 5 reasons encompass most of the reasons why people fail when setting up a website. Regarding the experience point, my belief is that in order to learn something, you have to start somewhere, and one cannot expect to get experience without trying out something first. Unless the stake is too high and the person can afford to lose his investment, then it is worth giving it a try. Even if he loses the investment, at least s/he would learn something new. Finding a niche and focusing on it is important, as much as writing quality content and promoting it appropriately. Personally I have made some income through Adsense but not very much. Writing proper worded English is essential to make it in the blogging and website business. Great article
Hey Lisa,
Great post. Excuses can become like a pet.
We nurture it and hold on to it tightly.(Reminds me of “Mice and Men”) But what I discovered for myself, once I took a hard look in the mirror and got honest, was I justified why I wasn’t successful. My excuses distracted me from what the real cause was.
You have success or excuses, you choose
best wishes,
Jeff Faldalen
this is an eye opener. I am going to take learning IM seriously. I didnt take seriously so far because I am a code machine. but loves to write.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks so much for this useful article. I got to know about your site in 2011 through Google search and I love the way you write.
Your site content helped me a lot when I needed to put up my 1st website.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for this article. I focus on being consistent with my blog and providing valuable information. From there I know the rest will come.
Thank you very much for this article. It kind of felt like a kick in the arse. I’m sick of using those excuses and not exploring my online options. 2012 is the year for me! Thanks!
When I started my Internet business I knew nothing about the Internet. But I have learn a lot and am making money. The money goes u and down with my traffic. So I am always looking fo ways to increase my traffic. Consistency is the key the harder I work the more I make.
Hi Lisa…
Nice post. You presented all the excuses well… Best of luck for your next post!
– Mr. Cochrane Carpet Cleaning
I love #2, I started 3 months ago with a really saturated market of gardening and 90 days in I’m getting 200 visitors each day. Every month it grows. It might take a year or two to make my money back but in the long run it’s going to be a solid site. I went against some big sites and are right with them with SE Rankings. I need a blog and some video.
For me, there is no such failure if you didn’t allow it to happen. There are so many ways in avoiding the latter and will go in the other way. Just be dedicated and passionate in everything you do.
Hi Lisa,
Some good points here. I’m often concerned when blogging that I am covering the same old ground and that the topics that I want to cover have been covered a million time before.
My view is that everyone has different take on a topic and that should come across in the blog.
Writers need to be feel confident and this will comeb across.
Hi Lisa,
I have seen your videos on Youtube and really appreciate what you do on different platforms. I would like to ask what is the average daily or monthly visitor number to be able to expect some monetization?
There is no average. It depends on how well your content reaches and connects with your readers.
Brilliant post Lisa! We all have excuses that we need to overcome. If there is a will, there is a way.
it’s all true…i know some people that use those excuses
Failing online is mainly just because your fate doesn’t fit with it. Try to educate first yourself and then try to look closely to what you are really opt to or I mean what’s really your talent before deciding to commit work online.
First time commentor here and I agree with your whole article and the ending most. I was brought up to believe that as long as you enjoy what you are doing (blogging in my case), the money will come on its own in one form or another.
thanks lisa…… i want receive $ from adsense… but until now, i dont succes…

what wrong?
If I’m honest with myself I do use two excuses, the fact that I’m a terrible writer and lack of motivation.
I know what I can do about the former but I’m not sure if anything can be done about the latter.
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It’s working for me. I go to this site all the time.
Thanks for update, It now working and i am happy to read this article which introduced me this new site. Thanks again
Some seriously hard hitting reasons why don’t lazy amateurs don’t survive but an eye opener for the veterans too. Once again a superb post Lisa!