I have been earning with Spreadshirt since the summer of 2014. My earnings keep increasing as I continually add more products to my shop. What a fun way to earn from a website or social media following!
Update: Here’s a payment from June, 2015…
This entire amount was earned with no advertising. It came from passive traffic to my hair website.
Since my first post on Spreadshirt generated more feedback than I ever expected, I made finishing the course a top priority. There was a soft launch a few weeks ago as some of you already know, but I’m officially launching to everyone today!
Join today and grab your discount!
A special thanks to my five beta testers who gave me awesome content suggestions!
Why You Should Consider Enrolling
I’m so excited to offer this course to you for several reasons…
- Of all my courses, it’s the most unique. I don’t have much content out here on this type of monetization, nor does anyone else (not in great detail, anyway)
- Spreadshirt has amazing affiliate support. One of their employees noticed my solid earnings from my store and called to offer strategies, suggestions, and a free header refresh with a menu to match my blog layout more. I created a BONUS video for the course that shares what I learned on the phone call.
- It’s relevant to anyone who has a website or social media following and is looking for another income stream
- It’s an incredibly fun way to make money, and it makes you get creative (get ready to be addicted to coming up with ideas)
- You don’t have to physically create or ship the products. Just upload an image, choose the product you want to add it to, set your commission and earn! You can even use other people’s images they’ve submitted to the marketplace if you don’t want to create them
- No Photoshop needed! I taught myself Paint just for this course because it’s free and I know a lot of people don’t have or will never buy Photoshop. So there are tutorials for both programs. Also check the free, preview videos because you may be able to use an old version of Photoshop for FREE… and it’s 100% legal.
- No website needed since you can earn by uploading images for others to use (although it’s best to have some kind of niche following)
Turn Photos Into Art!
In one video, I even show you how to create sketch drawings from a photo like the image below.
It was created from a friend’s color photo (JPG file) and I transformed it into a sketch with Photoshop. You’ll be amazed at how simple it really is, and that is coming from someone who is a self-proclaimed NON-designer/artist!
You’ll also learn how to do this with Paint! Once again, Paint is FREE!
Belong to a Group? Create the Shirts and Profit!
Are you hosting an event or do you belong to any local groups or clubs?
You can create the T-shirts for the group, upload them to Spreadshirt and have the members buy from your store! You’ll earn a commission on every sale made!
Perfect for church groups, family reunions, charities and other events where people would wear matching shirts.
I was responsible for creating the shirt design for my family reunion last year. I’m kicking myself for not thinking of going through Spreadshirt instead of a local printer. That would have been a nice little money-maker! [slaps forehead]
I won’t make that mistake again. I’ve already been tasked to design shirts for another event next year. Guess what I’ll be using? 🙂
You don’t have to just sell shirts. You can sell your designs on mugs, hats, phone cases, totes, jogging pants, tank tops, and more!
Sign Up Today
This course is jam-packed with tips and tricks you won’t find anywhere else online.
Click here to learn more about the course.
NOTE: Please make sure you watch the FREE preview videos before you sign up. I want to make sure the right expectations are set before you spend your hard-earned dough!
Hi Lisa, Is it a good idea to embed my Spreadshirt store script to my own domain?
Hi Lisa. I am now getting into affiliate marketing. However I don’t have a website, i don’t have a facebook following and the like. Is this necessary? If i start designing now do i need to draw traffic to my design?
The good thing about Spreadshirt is your designs can get found by simply uploading to their marketplace. So if someone goes to Spreadshirt.com and searches for something, your shirts can be found without any promotion. Now, you’ll make much more if you have a site, social following, etc. But there are people (especially good designers) who earn by simply uploading designs.
Thanks for the advise. I know it will take some time to build an authority website. I’m thinking of ways to do different things in the meantime.
I’ve just got started with spreadshirt and my biggest concern is the price. I like that you can add revenue stream to practically any niche site you have by offering your peeps custom tshirts reflecting their interests.
Yeah and they just increased the prices recently BUT I was just telling my students in my Spreadshirt course that I have been experimenting and surprised to find how many people are buying the V Neck shirts at $24. I thought that would be too high. But goes to show if they like the design, they’ll pay. But yes I like how you can monetize almost any niche.
Hi Lisa, I love your posts, because you’re like me you’re honest, and you don’t seem comfortable with coming across to salesy. With all the businesses I’ve been involved in I’ve always felt both those to qualities have been the cause of my failure.. which is sad really. Anyway I’m completely new to online marketing. Been dreaming about it for many years but haven’t taken action until very recently. I’ve just got started with spreadshirt and my biggest concern is the price. Most people who aren’t on a great deal of money shop in stores where shirts cost like £5 or less. Mugs are a like £2. I’ve shown my store to a few people and their first reaction was wow!! the price and some of these are bigger spenders than I am. So my question is which are the best products to promote and how can we keep the price reasonable?
http://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/adamkaan/ my niche is very unique
That’s why I don’t bother with many of their products outside of the basic T-shirt. I agree they are two expensive. I have only sold one mug.
But I was pleasantly surprised to find that people actually buy the sweatshirts. I price mine at $39 US and they do buy. But I stay away from anything but the basic T-shirt (base price is $6) and the sweatshirts.
Gracias por toda la información útil. Sin duda se verá en Spreadshirt para añadir ingresos a nuestro sitio.
Thanks for all the useful information. Will definitely look into Spreadshirt to add revenue to our site.
Sorry to hear that you weren’t feeling well. Pray everything is good with you now. Thank you for all you do for the newcomer. Thanks Lisa.
Lisa, I tried to register for Spreadshirt, but it is not available for my country (South Africa), is there any other way to get Spreadshirt account?
Did you try any of the other sites like Zazzle or CafePress?
I never tried them, I will try them today.
What about getting traffic to these types of offers?
Hi Derrick,
I talk all about how I drive traffic to mine in my podcast I did in November. https://blog.2createawebsite.com/2014/11/15/spreadshirt-earnings/
Essentially my site traffic drives the majority of traffic to my store and it’s why I state in the free course preview that it’s best to have an existing site with traffic.
You could also use Facebook ads but that could get expensive. I’ve actually dabbled in this and finally had a bit of success last week but I had to spend money to make money.
Hi Lisa,
I’m so glad I was able to catch up on my email today and remembered I wanted to take a look at this post, but had no idea it lead to another one of your awesome courses and the cherry on top is being able to get the course at a discounted price and today is the last day. Boy the universe is loving on me this week!!
I’m looking forward to your course. I hope you’re feeling better and your health is improving 100%. Take care of you!
Hey Cynthia!
Glad you got in on the discount too!! Thank you so much for your support as always. 🙂
Hey Lisa,
Spreadshirt huh? Well, it seems fun and exciting for me. I love to do some art stuff using paint and photoshop so I guess its in my advantage to use this love and enthusiasm of mine to create my own line of spreadshirt. Thanks for sharing this up. Cheers!
If youll didnt know there is a similar con cept with teespring t shirts. But yes i need to upgrade skills to create t shirt.. this should help…
Oh yes, I’ve tried Teespring but the difference is you have to sell a minimum. I tried Teespring and ran some FB ads. Never made a single sale. I do much better with Spreadshirt because there is no time limit or minimum order requirement. Teespring is best if you can get a large quantity of sales fast.
Hey Lisa,
You’ve got me very interested in SpreadShirt as I have an extremely visual niche. In fact, my main monetization channel is centered on selling images! I just have two questions for you before I snap up your bargain course offering 🙂
1. I want to sell more than just t-shirts. I want to offer mugs, towels, water-bottles, and all that usual jazz. Does SpreadShirt also do those things?
2. Years ago when I first looked into this topic, CafePress was all the rage. Is that out of the picture now?
Thanks again for drawing me back into this potential monetizer!
What’s up Derek!
You ABSOLUTELY can. In fact, I in my call with my Spreadshirt rep, she recommended me trying hats, water bottles, phone cases, pillows, mugs, etc. There are literally hundreds of products and they add them all the time. The reason I focus mostly on shirts is the price is good. Some of the other products are pricey. So by the time you add your commission I feel the product total price is way too high. But that’s my opinion. You are certainly free to do sell other things. I may experiment with some tote bags, etc.
CafePress was one of the first so that’s why you heard so much about them. I tried them and didn’t like their interface. Very clunky. Their product selection was limited too. Maybe they’ve improved with the competition. But the good news is, you can still apply these same lessons to ANY POD… Zazzle, CafePress, Spreadshirt, etc. The concepts area all the same.
Ok, thanks for that Lisa, count me in. Just signed up! This will give me a chance to check out how Udemy works too, which I’ve been meaning to do for a while.
Just one more question if you have a minute. If you click my website link, you’ll see at the top of my sales page the ‘flashcard’ images I sell. Do you think they would look good on a t-shirt, or are they too detailed?
Thanks again for the offer and the advice!
You mean the ones with the birds, etc.? I think if you use the maximum file size (4,000×4000 pixels) and a high quality EPS or PNG format then it can work. Thanks for signing up!
Thanks Lisa – checking out your course now!
The course sounds like fun and I am always on the hunt for Photoshop tips (I suck at it.) See you inside!
Thanks for signing up Mitch! Saw your order come thru last night. Hope you enjoy the course. 🙂
Ah. This came right on time. A month ago I started venturing into Spreadshirt–and got some material up for now. But I’m still learning how to profit off it, knowing that it’s possible with the right advice. This looks like exactly what I need!
Cool! If you sign up, there’s a discussion area inside the course so I’m more than happy to offer help if you need it.
I had advertised my Spreadshirt shop to my 1,500 person mailing list, and not a single t-shirt was purchased. Not sure why. 🙁
Debra, if you want to email me with your store (or add it publicly here if you want… it’s up to you) I’d be happy to offer advice or suggestions. It could be a number of things from price, design, message, niche, etc.
I have actually never done any direct promo like that to my list. I get all sales passively from banners and images on the site and I do have an ad at the bottom of my welcome email when people join the list.
Here’s the link to my spreadshirt shop:
Thanks for any feedback or suggestions!
(Hope you feel better soon!)
I think your shirts look nice. You’ve got some clever sayings. I love the “40 and I still play in the dirt!” LOL!
I think the lack of sales has less to do with your designs and more to do with the buying mood (or the lack thereof) with your visitors. I know that the natural hair space is a VERY passionate space. Having said that, I would think that eating healthy, etc. would also have a similar type of audience.
I would really push the GMO shirts more and put those at the front of your store. People are so incredibly passionate about the quality of food now and I would make sure those are presented before some of the others. The GMO thing is huge now and if create various designs around that concept you may even get some marketplace sales too.
And since you aren’t able to sell anything at your price point, try lowering your prices to see if that makes a difference. I know it may seem like you would earn less but selling 10 shirts at $16 is better than 0 at $19.
Also sprinkle relevant shirt images on your pages. So if you have an article about homegrown veggies, show a pic of the shirt. I have pics sprinkled all through the site. I never even thought of just sending an email out promoting the shirts because I figured people would get annoyed with the selling. I think you can really do a lot more page promotion (assuming you haven’t.)
Thanks, Lisa! Great suggestions. And, no, I haven’t done a lot of page promotions. Good idea for the GMO and targeting specific article topics with specific t-shirt images. And, yea, zero sales at higher prices doesn’t make any profit!
Just to give you an update, I made most of your suggested changes 2 weeks ago, and I unfortunately still haven’t sold a single t-shirt. Sigh… I guess my audience just isn’t into it. Bummer! Thanks for your tips, though. BUT I did sell $2,500 worth of an online gardening course in May. (NOT through Udemy) So at least that went pretty well.
Yeah and some audiences are just like that. It certainly can’t be the shirts because you’ve got some good ones.
And CONGRATS on your course!!!
Do you have an affiliate program for your course… visited your site.. loved it and would like to promote your work…
As one of the lucky “5” … I must add my two cents!
Here’s why I’m SO, SO excited about Spreadshirt:
You can add revenue stream to practically any niche site you have by offering your peeps custom tshirts reflecting their interests.
Here’s why I’m SO, SO excited about Lisa’s course:
* You get no-nonsense, no-hype, quality training we’ve come to expect from Lisa
* Rather than waste hours trying to find answers to your questions on how to get setup & what to do, it’s all in one spot in her course.
* Since the online world is constantly changing, it’s invaluable that you have access to fresh material if she feels it’s necessary to update.
Case in point about updates:
After Lisa personally spoke with a Spreadshirt rep, she created a video to share what she learned.
Now let me tell you something about this latest video… Quite frankly, Video #38 is worth her intro price, alone. She shared top selling shirts types, top selling addon products, a secret about getting a custom Header made, AND a new (rumored) feature that will automatically increase sales.
Oh wait. Wait. There was one other point made in Video #38 that meant a LOT to me as I love to design. She shared what the rep told her about how some peeps make money in Spreadshirt without a website or their own audience.
So anyhoo.. hope this sheds some light on what you get with this course!
darlene 🙂
p.s. Hey Lisa, I like what you said about Spreadshirt needing social shares on our personal shop pages. Did you happen to mention that to the rep?
I should have said:
a new (rumored “UPCOMING”) feature that will automatically increase sales.
because this is not a feature currently in place.
Darlene, wow! Someone is going to think I paid you to say all that! Ha ha ha. I love it and you rock. Thank you so much for that testimonial. 🙂
I did not mention that I’m headed to my email now to let her know. It’s so nice to have a personal contact over there now! The only reason I didn’t is I didn’t notice the buttons until after our call and right before I made that video.
Off to send her an email…
you know Lisa, I’m not quiet when I’m disappointed in a service or product.
at the same time, I like to speak up and give credit when credit is due.
here’s another thing…
Many, many peeps in the online world sell valuable information. But, typically it’s at a super duper high price!
You’re offering specific, valuable info at a reasonable price… and I respect that.
Awwwww thank you so much! Means a lot. 🙂
I purchased the course and, so far, it is awesome. You really give step-by-step directions on how to use Paint and Photoshop to create design . I am still going through the course, but have already learned a lot! Can’t wait to design my first shirt!
Thank you so much Barbara! Appreciate your support and testimonial. 🙂
Looks like another stream to add to my DJ business;-) Perhaps people could even outsource the design work to Fiverr!
Thanks Lisa
You actually could. I’m mixed on Fiverr. I’ve seen some GRRREAT stuff and some not-so-great stuff but I’d love to hear from someone who has used them for something like Spreadshirt. If you happen to use them PLEASE report back on how it went.