Geez, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that in the last 5 years... This post was inspired by comments I've received over the years about not having a real job, and a few e-mails from "Netpreneur" hopefuls who receive earfuls of doubt from family and friends … [Read more...]
3 Stages Every Website Owner Must Go Through
This is a guest post by Roman of Stage One – The Excited The inspiration comes out of the blue. One day you're browsing the Internet, and suddenly you come upon a website that catches your eye. It describes how you can build your own … [Read more...]
Check Your Attitude, People!
Some people just start out with the right attitude. When it comes to making money online, they don't complain about how difficult the journey is. They just go for it. They are resourceful people who take the information you give them and run with it. They have this … [Read more...]
Want to Be My Case Study?
Blog posts and videos about my failures and successes tend to go over very well on this blog. They make great lessons and inspire. But enough about me and my stories for the moment. I'd like to feature someone else for a change. I want to give you the opportunity to … [Read more...]
"How Long Before I Succeed?"
It's THE age-old question heard around the Net... "How long does it take before I start making money with my website?" It's a question that's very difficult to answer and one I'm usually very careful about addressing. The Internet is flooded with products and websites … [Read more...]