I thought long and hard about this topic for today. After just telling you to stop relying so much on Google, here I am publishing another article about SEO. Well my timing may be a little off, but after realizing how lazy I've been with keyword research, I felt compelled to … [Read more...]
The Ugly Truth Google Panda Exposed About Your Business
The latest Google Panda (algorithm) updates shook the online world like an earthquake. I've heard horror stories from massive layoffs to long-time Webmasters/Bloggers having to look for 9 to 5 jobs again. If you think about it, it's very scary how one algorithm change can … [Read more...]
Are You Forgetting to Deep Link Your Pages?
With so much noise about backlinks, PageRank and all the other common SEO terms and strategies thrown around these days, sometimes it's easy to forget about the basics. I was checking my Google Analytics stats last week and viewing various traffic trends, popular pages, … [Read more...]
Were You Attacked by “The Google Panda?”
Google's most recent algorithm update (A.K.A. Panda) is causing quite the stir in the land of SEO. The main purpose of the update was to remove shallow sites, content farms, and sites overloaded with ads. According to a recent Wired.com article, it affected roughly 12% of all … [Read more...]
Nofollow Blogs That Use CommentLuv – Your Thoughts?
UPDATE: This post was written in January 2011 PRE Google Panda/Penguin when dofollow was a much more important factor in SEO and blog comments. Today, I'm not sure it even matters as much. The fact that my blog comments are nofollow has been a real bone of contention with some … [Read more...]